How come historical communists are so hot?

How come historical communists are so hot?

all the famous capitalist philosophisers and economists are just gross fat dudes

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because you're a faggot

get aids fag

I see that you haven't quite got to grips with how Sup Forums's ID system works yet

not to worry, newfriend, you'll pick it up after you spend your first few days here

degenerate fag


They're all ugly except for Stalin, who has been shopped.

>a fucking weed



I guess his levels of estrogen might be appealing to a faggot like you.

Also what the fuck is 'C'? Is it upside down? Or inside out?

they're all beta cunts

Your mom's a famous capitalist philosopher?

idk man i think Che Guevara was hotter than stalin

stalin had gross smallpox scars all over his face IRL, but i think all pictures of him where they showed up were eradicated

C is a picture of Karl Marx as a young man

I think it's just that people used to be more naturally attractive in the 19th and 20th century. Before fast foods and sedentary electronic lifestyles.

brilliant posts, fellow leaf

>all the famous capitalist philosophisers and economists are just gross fat dudes
and marx is just so sexy you fag

as a young man he was pretty handsome i think. He's picture "C".

very few people look hot past the age of 50, Keanu Reeves is a rare case

F looks like this kid from le (((Goldbergs)))

>stalin had gross smallpox scars all over his face IRL, but i think all pictures of him where they showed up were eradicated
Not true, look at videos and pictures of the Yalta conference, he has no smallpox scars.

Ahahaha, when I look at the old Marx, he really was upside down, but got better along the way.

Right wingers are autistic morons with daddy issues.

idk, this is just what ive read

All of them are fucking hideous, what the fuck are you on right now? MD? Crack? Heroin?

Sort yourself out lad.



post a picture of yourself right now bruh

They look like a bunch of neets, not even mcdonalds would hire. Criminals degenerates and people who sit on their ass thinking too much.

So you like commie dick, eh? Well you'll get plenty of it in the gulag, my fiend. Come with me.

>thinking too much.
Are you trying to make yourself look bad?

You have to look good and be charismatic as fuck to convince people that communism is a good idea

lol wtf is wrong with this bitch

they all look like faggots except for Che

shes a nazi iirc

Is that why intellectuals are way more likely to left wing?

Malcolm X was hot too

hes also Sup Forums's ultimate trigger - a black communist muslim revolutionary

Such a good jawline

Revolutionaries are generally turbo alphas.

stfu gross fat freak

Fucking LEAF OF WEED ! Stop trying so hard , you can t get 1st place from australia


literally disgusting m8

She wanted to be a shill and get paid by thirsty polfags but it didn't work out so well for her, Youtube banned her and she can't find a job because of her videos also her family disowned her.

>leaves nation of Islam

Malcom X stood for a lot of things Sup Forums stands for today, he was pro 2nd amendment + pro self defence, even though the niggers he inspired robbed banks etc Malcolm only wanted niggers constitutional rights upheld.

Not that simple buddy.

FPBP also
>(((Rosa Luxemburg)))
loving every laugh

What is going on here?

>mfw only 13% of ivy league professors are right wing
Here you go mate

not really

>even the "ugly" left wingers are average

maybe hes not conventionally attractive, but i think he has a rugged charm desu

Literally the only attractive one is babby Stalin.

Is there anything worse than "communists" who base their views on who they find attractive? Fucking christ. Twitter and tumblr are full of types, idiots that have never read Marx or Engels but drool over communist figures because they were apparently good looking ("daddy" shit etc).

Not to mention they're all Stalinist twats. Fuck off.

All I see is a bunch of low test males

Lol she might as well be a caricature for female kikes

Universities have been notoriously left wing since ~the 60s if not earlier.

There's no objective right or wrong with political ideology, it's all just logical steps in a certain direction based on an inital premise - ie liberalism began stating all people are equal, and what we have now is people seeing unequal representation of certain groups in society, and since 'everyone is equal', the only logical explanation for this is someone holding said group down, be it through racism or sexism etc.

The problem with this is that not all people are equal, and there shouldn't be any kind of expectation of equal outcomes as a result.

this is your average commie today

also, women choose their leaders based on attractiveness alone

>tfw hitler only had one ball a tiny deformed cock


Vladimir Lenin was notoriously ugly

>a man with one ball cucked mainland europe and it took the combined force of the developed world to stop him

Just imagine if he had a pair.

it took them 9 years to destroy hitler

it took the world over a century to try and stop Communism, and they still havent quite succeeded yet

Lenin > Hitler

>Tiny deformed cock
citation needed
>one ball
Pretty sure he had a medical condition where one didn't drop or something. Either way if his mustache is shaved he looks physically normal if not above average.

The communists posted all had their problems as well. Stalin had a scarred riddled face and from a sideview looked like shit. The only ones up there that are even remotely attractive is young Marx and Che. Marx was stinky dirty and only had one pair of fucking trousers, and there are actually many more things you can attack him for but I thought we were talking about looks. Oh yeah not to mention that Stalin was a complete manlet at like 5'4.

Communism has never created a nation which performs better than its capitalistic counterparts.
Hitler took a crippled nation and turned it into a global power in less than a decade.


so you admit "national socialism" was capitalism

At least Stalin could get it up, had a healthy sex-life and wasn't into golden-showers and scat.