EU RISK Thread

EU RISK Thread


Shit In The Streets

Fixing name

>Estonian People's Republic

Can you play with version of map that has more subdivided regions OP?

like dis one??

No, the one with the same exact map like in OP, but Russia, France, Germany are divided up

Oh, nope i dont have that one.

got ya covered


Can we get game going with 3 players?


ill play a while

Nope im not gunna add someone who just finished talking shit to me gtfo

New Italy

Talking shit? Brother you would know if i was talking shit. I was schooling you, but fine... if people want to play adult risk come here

Gunna fill in syria

Fill region
Spill into central India

Hahahaha schooling me? get real i have people on my thread as opposed to your shit game where nobody joined suck dick salty bitch

Finish Estonia then take rest of Baltic countries

Fill the glorious land with our peoples

all of 4 minus the 5th that you wouldnt add bc you got your panties in a wod...?
like i said, i am not interested in memes and shitposting, i am interested in adults playing a game of wits... that is all. I'm old school man, a game based entirely on random post digits is beneath me.


Please don't forget me OP

>Sup Forums
My god

roll for this round

Fill Eritrea, use spill on Ethiopia

>Eusakara Inperio
>North Spain

Gunna fill towel head region

Fill central India
Fill Southern India

Finish the Baltics, spill into Belarus

Missed My Roll

>Eusakal Imperioaren

Shit I am Canadian. Fuck me.

Fill Somalia, use spill into South Sudan

Add me pls

>'Holy Empire of Kek'
>Top right

Continue the spread of my niglets as you see fit wise god


Still filling sand monkey land

You did not check my trips, while poo in the loo did.

Fill central India
Fill Southern India

Fill South Sudan, use spill on North Sudan
Niggah please

OP, y u roll with mupdate? you should roll separate...

Expand in all directions.

Could you please count my second roll?
Continue filling Iberia


Fill this continent with my niggers

Conquer Belarus

Y you in my thread? you leave now!

How about we go a step further: a defensive pact.
If you get attacked, I'll go after whoever attacked you and vise-versa for me.

Let me join OP
Holy Kek Empire
Dark Olive color
Start right of Poland near moscow

A holy alliance in the name of Kek. I like it.


Let me join OP
Holy Kek Empire
Dark Olive color
Start right of Poland near moscow

Finish filling Southern India, then fill Central Idina. Go for Northern India if points leftover.

Continue to expand in all directions.

Mate, what? Fuck off.
OP, don't let this guy join unless he changes his name.


i'll just watch and wait

Theres already a Holy Empire of Kek

gtfo already a kek country

Fill Iberia


OP change name to Holy Kikesian Empire

Finish Belarus, spill into Novogorod (NW) in Russia

I didn't know, All I see is abbreviations of the country

wasted trips

I'm not liking this direction your expansion is going, bud.

Finish the central nigger republic already. then fill the other side

Forgot name.

Continue filling Sudan, spill goes to South Sudan

Kek knows I am the true heir,

Can I still join?


Kek is with him, only a fool sees that as waste.

east side of you?

>British Union of Fascists
>Any color

yes my lord

attack gigga?

>pictish republic
>any color

Oh you cheeky cunt. You fucking Mel Gibsmedatson people will not take over this island.

i'll gladly leave everything except scotland to you, my fascist friend

so, you have to wait like 10 turns to attack someone?

Filling Middle east

no thats a stupid rule ignoring that




fucking kek you just want to give OP a lot of work dont you?

All of Brazil belongs to Portugal

South Sudan, is the empty territory between us? Why should this purple heathen be allowed to choose to attack me after he rolled a 5.

anyone here?

You said you were expanding in that direction, so we must have met up

Yeah, not sure if OP is still around


you can kill this kike dude if need be ill pitch in to wipe his foul smelling jew feet from touching nigger land

Fuck you sand niggers

Hahaha nobody joining your shit thread?

Let us flay him without mercy.

continue expanding in scotland
spill to iceland

Niggers gotta watch other niggers backs

Continue to attack the niggers for the glory of the white man. Start with South Sudan, spill into the central Africa area

Finish filling Western and Central India
Start filling Northern India and Kashmir

Continue expanding in all directions. Do not touch borders with anyone.


funny funny