It's an unscripted webcomic with heavy anime influences

>It's an unscripted webcomic with heavy anime influences
>has story with adult content and themes but it's framed like a cliche battle shonen manga, or a fucking comedy newspaper comic
>literal infinite creative freedom online, but the story and art limits itself like it's a product aimed at children

How do we fix webcomics?

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Wait...did that turtle JUMP and attack at the camera guy?
Good god.

This is an impressive turtle. Make a webcomic about ravenous turtles that aren't teenagers, ninjas or mutants, but just pissed of turtles.

>Wait...did that turtle JUMP and attack at the camera guy?

It stuck out it's head real fast. But jump? No. That turtle probably moved an inch or two at best.

Sorry for going /an/ in here.

The turtle most likely extended it's longish neck and raised a little which caught the camera guy by surprise and he dropped it.

Certainly scared the fuck out of the guy.

The problem is people obsessing over manga and not consuming other media and having no idea how to tell a good story. Video games are another similar issue.

Who gives a shit about webcomics, the turtles are fucking taking revenge on the mockeries from our race

Ttyl from the moon

>It's a 2010 thread

Give attention and support to good webcomics? Really, there is only 2 or 1 with anime influence on the top 20 now. This complaint is dated as fuck. Fuckers pushing their egoistic ideologies is the problem now

Encourage me to work on my art.

It's amazing what CGI can do.

Its finally happened...the turtles are angry...

fuck you dude those are all my favorite things

What do you mean by "unscripted"? That it's silent or that the plot isn't planned out in advance?

Also, examples?

That's a tortoise. Turtles are aquatic and have flippers whereas tortoises live on land and have feet.

Yes, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are named incorrectly.

what do you mean, CGI? Have you ever seen a snapping turtle, user?

>Turtles are aquatic and have flippers
No, they aren't, and no, they don't. They're amphibious to varying degrees depending on specific species. And some do have flippers, but not all: "They," as in turtles --all turtles-- categorically do not. Sea turtles obviously are more aquatic than not, and they do in fact distinct fins rather than legs. Most freshwater species however spend more time on land and have webbed feet, but still clearly "feet" and not flippers. Tortoises are in fact exclusively terrestrial though.


Oh, I didn't know that. Thank you for the correction.

We make the change we want to see in the world? Either that, or we start to appreciate shonen/comedy webcomics. Not everything has to be high art.

that is a snapping turtle. They live in water. Its the common kind due to the "dragon" like tail. The aligator snapping turtle's tail is less "spiny"

Where are you seeing its tail?

what the hell webcomic are you talking about because that is in no way every webcomic nor is it most of the good ones.

>Implying OP has ever read a webcomic
>Implying OP isn't just shitposting

>unscripted webcomic
What did he mean by this?

What exactly are you referring to here

Nigga come on, aintchu seen Yurtle the Turtle, king of the pond?

In the full video that gif comes from

Don't make fun of Chaos in the Tropics, OP.

"Turtle," "tortoise" and "terrapin" are all interchangeable and have different meanings depending where you are in the world. Your autism is unfounded. Go back to school.

Stfu Scribble.

I want to bone every single one of this hideous characters

Already working on it senpai.

Take a note on end town and learn from your mistakes rather than defend them with your life

>How do we fix webcomics?

We don't need to fix them, 98% of them are hobbies and passion projects, the artist just doing what they want. You just need to get better at finding ones you want to read. There are tons of adult webcomics, you just gotta look around a bit.

Don't listen to all these fucks saying it just stuck out it's neck, these fucking monstrosities can jump and they can slide on grass like some sort of demon sleigh of shelled carnage.

More please.

Happy to oblige

i thought the presentation of ava's demon was pretty good until i caught up with the current content and got tired of the long developement