Is anyone here part of the no-jerking-off club?
Does it improve your life? Is it a means of energizing yourself? How do you manage the constant distraction?
Is anyone here part of the no-jerking-off club?
Does it improve your life? Is it a means of energizing yourself? How do you manage the constant distraction?
I'm in the Bald lives matter club.
Shit sucks man.
Yes it does improve your life.
No it doesn't energize me
By doing productive stuff and ignoring it
I only fap when I see really nasty dreams (believe me when I say nasty) so I don't pose a threat to society
kek bald fuck
Best to not fap 2 days before fuck
Massive load
I never masturbated in my life
By replacing it with healthy habits.
I have not jerked off a few times; a 6-month break, 4-month, and 3-month.
Every time I quit I feel great, and every time I start again it sneaks up on me, like I'll just forget that I quit.
Also take zinc supplement. You will blow even more massiver load on wife/gf face.
I have not jacked off in 3 weeks. I go thru withdraws sometimes, but Im starting to break the addiction. My balls are bigger now, I have more energy, my libido has increased etc. feels great user.
The key is jerking in moderation.
Never fapping ever, period, is just unhealthy.
>Go no-fap for a month
>Gender dysphoria starts kicking in
>Start crossdressing with my sister's clothes
>Realize that I have to cum or I'll turn into a degenerate
>After fapping sanity comes back
Wew lad, that was close. Don't fall for jewish tricks
>hungry? Eat food. Hunger goes away, you feel better.
>thirsty? Drink water. Thirst goes away, you feel better.
>tired? Take a nap. Exhaustion goes away, and you feel better.
>need to poop? Poop. Poop goes away, and you feel better.
>really nasty dreams
Soon legal in Roachville, no?
This. Jacking off clears your mind. The no fap meme is dumb.
Only if we go into a civil war
for prostate health you should tug it a couple times a month. It helps mentally and it kind of resets your dick. I dont need to search for weirder and more king shit to jerk it anymore.
The longest I have stopped was about a couple weeks when I bruised my own dick from fapping so bad. I don't remember feeling great; just wanted to fap a lot but not wanting to deal with the pain.
Mostly what I might look for is a self respect component by stopping. I think chicks can smell it on you that you're a habitual fapper.
>>hungry? Eat food. Hunger goes away, you feel better.
>>thirsty? Drink water. Thirst goes away, you feel better.
>>tired? Take a nap. Exhaustion goes away, and you feel better.
>>need to poop? Poop. Poop goes away, and you feel better.
>>Horny? Have sexual intercourse with someone of the opposite sex.
just do it like once a week or every two weeks, unless you have a steady fuck then I wouldn't do it at all.
hearty kek
>be no fap for over a week
>wake up with my pants all in cum
>dreamt i fucked some celebrity
>damn that was a good dream
A good compromise is cumming but holding it back with your PC muscle, so that no cum shoots out (fuck my 12-year old kid description, you know what I mean), that way you can keep cumming a lot (not quite as good as actually shooting, but pretty close), and you also get the endorphins.
You already had your civil war and lost, didn't you, though? Erdoroach is the emperor now, in everything but name.
i don't believe that shit. I think it's a jew "medical science" lie. Just like "oy vey circumcision is healthy, goyim" jewish science" lie.
I think the massive loss of nutrients, which then causes your body to go into emergency mode and pull those nutrients from your cells is far more damaging to you. I think it fucks up your mind and It probably GIVES you prostate cancer.
Masturbation is draining, especially orgasms.
Like any vice, once in a while is fine, but doing it daily means you're in a constant drained state.
Why have two people perform a one man job? You do everything else in that list by yourself. Well, you might need help feeding yourself and wiping after using the toilet, but normal people don't.
wait... does fapping cause baldness? Holy fuck no.
>I think chicks can smell it on you that you're a habitual fapper.
For me It's that I care less; there's less of a drive to fuck. I get a little lethargic and lazy. I'm going to try user's method, just a reset every couple of weeks or so
Doubles confirms. it literally takes a Herculean effort for me to wake up for wageslavery sometimes.
What is it with reddit and their pseudo-science nofap?
I literally saw a thread of people circlejerking over their voice getting """deeper""" after nofap, only to realize the first recording was taken literal minutes after fapping (body is excited, voice is higher pitched) and 1 month after that
Pack it up, boys. Thread is over. Kek has spoken. Go jack off right now.
Why would I need to jerk off? That would be like walking when you have a car.
Commie's right, to be honest family
Start drinking coffee.
Some behind the scenes video of Annasophia Robb posing for Teen Vogue. I think it's on youtube.
Annasophia Robb. Check out her ass, you won't believe it's not photoshopped.
+1 orgasm is a very taxing operation to build up in the body and like any drugs youll have side effects and withdrawal
its not just free energy from nowhere it actually uses up resources in your brain dopamine serotonine oxytocine etc
chemical man made shampoo causes baldness
and its rampant and its right in front of you what people are putting on their heads every day
The only nutrients you lose in any impactful amount are zinc, selenium, and copper.
that outfit is idiotic yet sexy
Well at least I don't wash my hair in shampoo every day anymore. I just rinse in coldish water.
Nope swedebro, the ride just began
Actually these are the good days considering the days to come. I will probably start fapping again by then
>one man job
kek. saddest thing i've read in a while. Reminder that MGTOW trash like this whole post is kike propaganda to destroy the white race.
i shampoo every day but i use one with natural essential oils and the bottle costs like 14$ at whole foods and you can actually notice your hair getting healthier and better every time with nothing that can go wrong
normies dont believe in natural things so they will laugh and scoff at that idea
whats the difference from having sex and fapping? where does this meme come from
If your concern is physical/physiological, there is no reason not to fap. It's no worse for you than fucking, and probably safer. If you're worried about compulsive behaviors, or other psychological issues, then it's obviously good to have self control whether it's fapping or drinking or anything else.
That's what I'm wondering. People says fapping causes low testosterone. So having sex causes the same?
There's some science behind not fapping but IIRC after a week or so there's no improvement. Orgasm causes a temporary spike in testosterone but drops off shortly afterwards and you need time to build it back up to nominal levels. If you're fapping several times a day every day you might feel some effect from reducing your fapping a little.
The subversive kike meme tells us to masturbate more. How surprising.
using natural ingredients won't stop you from going bald dumbass
Hey bro
Ive not fapped or watched porn for a month
really its what you do with your time that really matters, I workout a lot more efficiently and my mind isn't as clouded
Talk to people a lot better too, was not shy but the attitude i have has changed for the better
It's a meme made up by Chads. An orgasm is an orgasm. You do something with your dick until semen comes out of it. How it happens is irrelevant.
should i fap now to hayden winters?
dubs get
That pic is the truth. Whenever I feel lonely or start thinking about my past failures with women, I jerk off and feel much better and energized, then go and cut the grass or something productive.
In short, jerk off until you can get yourself a non-western woman.
Yeah. This.
FYI, going on a date or to a club/bar after not fapping for a week is like going to the expensive Thai restaurant in town after not eating for a week. Sure, you might choose something delicious. But you'll also spend too much, eat too much, and regret it in about 6 hours.
>secret jew post
yeah making love to a woman, bonding with her chemically via pheromones and touch based emotional imprinting, forming a caring relationship, etc.
its exactly the same as watching some whore push whipped cream out of her ass for 5 minutes, blowing your load and going to sleep with no one to hold onto
exactly the fuckin same
yes it will its the chemical solvents that youre scrubbing into your skin that drys out and kills your hair follicles
when you switch to a natural shampoo without chemicals you add beneficial nutrients in there and it restores it and makes it nice and beautiful
what do you think people did for thousands of years ?? the soaps they used were all natural one ingredient soaps
coconut oil soap, goat milk soap, olive oil soap, whatever it is
it just doesnt have all those sodium laureth sulfate and polysorbate 80 and whatever the mother fucking ingredients are in your average americans regime
To add to that, I fapped 5-7 times a day and needed japanese scat and vomit porn just to bust a nut.. couldn't get my penis erect long enough during sex unless i pictured some vile shit
Now its much better and with girls I can appreciate them far greater than before
>the no-jerking-off club
Not true, actually. Over time your body builds up a resistance to your hand pressure (unless you use lube or a pocket rocket) so eventually you have to apply more and more pressure to climax. If you try to get it on while your dick is desensitized you'll go limp inside her.
>[citation missing]
Nope actually avoiding masterbation increases distraction because I think about sex more.
After doing it, cleans out those thoughts for awhile since I lose interest. And it makes me feel refreshed.
So masterbation good... abstaining bad.
That's pretty much what I'm looking for. Like quitting smoking, I'm guessing there a withdrawal 3-day to week hump to get over.
It's just going to be so difficult.
is this reversible
I'm in the wait-a-few-days-because-it-will-feel-better club
t. Chad
anyone tried the edging and never ejaculating... what happened?
I've quit smoking and drinking since starting, the smell of smoke alone makes me nauseous and I only drink the occasional beer or two at family gatherings
Tell you what else mate, im going to sound like some feel good story that you see on facebook but man just getting out of the house and smelling the fresh air does me good too and I fucking love it
Tried one month of fapping while running stairs, felt like shit most of it but this month of not fapping and porn, I get home and run again an hour later
don't do this OP it creates mustard gas
You think only Chads get to experience that? I'm a complete friendless loser and even I've done that with 3 different women.
It works, but if you do it for a few days you'll eventually fuck up and just cum anyway. I mean, there's ejaculation, and then there's cumming. You can cum without ejaculating, it's just not quite as good. Just go up to that edge, and a tiny bit further, then stop and hold your PC muscle(s) as hard as you can until it stops.
It'll still give you the same kind of mental feeling (endorphins or whatever, reward) and you'll actually feel as if you came even after a while. I only do it a couple of times if I'm too lazy to clean up a mess, but it does work.
Works best with camwhores or something where there's no big "Oh she's getting blasted with cum any second now"-moment, but rather a steadier stream of enjoyment.
>ywn jam your black benis down asr's throat
Yes. Just stop jerking it for about two weeks straight and your body will bring your dick sensitivity back to what it used to be.
Not only Chads experience, but only Chads brag about it or think it makes a difference.
>yeah I spent my whole Friday night wasting money on alcohol so I could spend like 30 minutes banging since average looking slut and wake up Saturday with a hangover when I could've relaxed at home with some freshly steeped tea and a fun movie, jacked off in 5 minutes, and then had a great night's sleep, b-but it's different cause of, yknow, girl pheromones and shit.
No fap got me a gf. But I think porn is worse, its getting cucked over the internet.
Porn is like doing drugs, eating shitty food or drinking excessive amounts of alcohol. It's not good for you and fapping is tricking your brain to reward its self without any effort. Having sex with a woman (who you love) is a different experience. I know some guys who are legitimate porn addicts, it makes them lazy and unwilling to meet anyone.
Good on you mate, glad to hear it
its the same thing chemically you can get burnt out on regular sex
if a normy has sex the next day he will feel "off" and not as motivated and irritable
its the same thing
the main thing is normies usually go 4 days without orgasming often.
neets fap 2x a day sometimes
its a lot different metabolically
Recently started no fap. It makes me feel much less depressed even when I think of things that would normally "haunt" me. More energy. More confidence. Social situations are not an ounce bit stressful or anxiety-inducing, and I'm not even an anxietyfag. More confidence. I feel more "myself". These aren't onset results, but things you will notice after a few days I bet.
I find it easier to assert myself.
I only masturbate about once a week purely as an exercise in self control. Nothing feels better than being strong willed.
Porn is the Jewish trick you fucking stupid degenerate.
ya its just more energy you arent bogged down trying to metabolise the orgasm molecules in your head (brain fog)
you get that clarity
once you are a no fapper try intermittent fasting in the morning
you will get your happiness and peace back100%
lots of food also causes distortions
the more self control and discipline in your life it makes it work better a lot of normies do this stuff on autopilot
I'm 29 & my prostate hurts. not all of the time but on two occasions it's been enough to make me drop to the floor better than an unexpected kick to the nuts.
& yet I still masturbate. not as much but more than I should given that a part of my insides feels like there's some kind of evil going on inside it that will eventually end me.
You should go get that examined, it might be cancer.
Personally I only masturbate maybe once a week, and it feels more like a chore than anything, I only do it to keep the prostate cancer away
One week in on a no fap, between that, my solid diet and the physical nature of my work I am a fucking bull now.
>I only do it to keep the prostate cancer away
thats a myth by jews silly
keep masturbaying goy! or else cancer!
we have the highest rates of prostate cancer thats ever existed in history and we also have the highest internet porn usage and masturbation in history
think about that
I'm currently not wanking because I wank a lot and always tense up hard which means I've LOW ENERGY and my neck often hurts too.
I've done no fap before but it I never had any grand revelation.
fapping everyday most likely gives you higher test for a while but your body cant keep up with that test production, probs makes you bald and depressed first at the very end of fapping too much
I have the opposite reaction.
Whenever I jerk off, I feel lonely and sad afterwards.
I usually cry.
>Exhaustion goes away, and you feel better.
No it doesn't.
It's been there for years.