What is the best Trilogy?

What is the best Trilogy?

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new Planet of the Apes


>Into Darkness is the best Star Trek movie
>The first one is the worst

>LOTR not being maxed out all three


Literally comfy as fuck trilogy

star wars prequels

My man.

>he thinks they're talking about the new Star Treks
>Mad Max 1 being worse than 3
>Spider Man 3 being comparable to X-Men 3
>Return of the King not being slightly lower than the other two

Why is the original Jurassic Park so low?
It's better than any of the X-Men movies

Daily reminder that everyone who thinks that Matrix is a shit trilogy is a disgusting pleb.

star wars and indiana jones are both worse than LOTR in their entirety. jurassic park is also better than any individual star wars or indiana jones movie. the first matrix isn't THAT good

actually this list is just shitty

Is this implying that the first JP and first Raimi-Man are only so-so films or something?

Lord of the Rings is easily the best. Every single movie is better than a single Star Wars movie.

LOTR is in another league to the rest, Star Wars comes second

Flavor of the week meme response

Brave Little Toaster

where's the godfather?

should be 10/10 for 1 & 2 and 3/10 for 3.

lotr is reddit


What about Die Hard? I treat it as a trilogy.

there is no wayne's world 3

except the third one was shitter than the first two

never mind i just realized most of those movies aren't trilogies

>lotr is reddit
is reddit


Kouristami's the proletariat trilogy

But the Last Crusade was the best part

came here to post this
no matter what contrarians say (that TTT and ROTK was bad - it wasn't) it's the most consistent trilogy that has been and ever will be

Where is triple X ?


mad star wars fangirl made this

>lord of the rings is good
wtf, is this reddit?

Antonioni's malaise trilogy is the greatest in the history of film.

>Indiana Jones 2 anywhere near as high as 3
>BTFF 3 as good as 2
>Fellowship of the ring not maxed out


literally this, apekino
LOTR should be maxed out, literally the perfect trilogy


>Return of the Jedi higher than Jurassic Park and on par with LOTR

Star Wars is probably the worst trilogy on that list. LOTR, JP, Matrix and Indiana Jones should all be the top.

Also pretty Retarded that this image included Superman which has more than 3 movies, but not The Godfather.

This or the Apu trilogy

I agree, this trilogy is fucking solid

shit was good.
1)Star Wars
3)of the Apes

Jaws shouldn't even be on there. Every movie after the first is god fucking awful

>Beyond Thunderdome
>Better than Mad Max

>Spider-Man 3 that low
>Mad Max 2 better than 1 and 3
>BTTF 2 and 3 not on the same level as the first
This is objectively a shit list.

matrix 3 was better than 2

reddit: the list

Where's motherfucking Rambo?

wow this list is shit

is this the only trilogy that gets better with each installment?

godfather by a wide margin, first two movies are full and the last one is to 3rd star wars movie tier

Return of the Jedi should be significantly lower, Spiderman 1 should be higher though not higher than 2, The Fellowship of the Ring is far superior to The Two Towers and The Return of the King, Mad Max 1 should be higher than 2 and 3.

The godfather. the third one is shit tho.

Go back and rewatch 3. It's definitely not in the same league as the first 2, both those are top 20 modern American movies. It's a solid 6 or 7.


3 is much better than most of the movies in OP's image

it just pales in comparison to the first 2


You guys need to rewatch star wars
They are utterly shit

Actually it's the best of all movies on there except maybe Fellowship.

Batman Begins - 7/10
Dark Knight - 10/10
TDKR - 5/10


LotR, and Dollars

>Gremlins 3 higher than 2
>Bill n Ted 3 better than 1
Bill and Ted 3 did have that cool time travel incest scene with Bill's step mom but the rest of the gags and jokes didnt hold up.

Gremlins 3 had that cool Nazi gremlin though.I wish Sam Rami could have had full creative control sucks that the studio shat all over his ideas.

not saying it's the best trilogy by any means, just my rating opinion

we wuz kangz

Parts 2 and 3 are weak af my man

>Fellowship and Two Towers not being maxed with ROTK being only slightly lower

fuck off there is no gremlins 3 and sam rami never had any involvment in any of those movies.

Back to the Future by far, that chart is inaccurate.
2nd Back to the Future is almost better than the first.
BTTF3 gets too much shit for being like the first movie, but the second movie repeated a lot too, if not more.

>new Planet of the Apes
Good blockbusters but have little to no artistic value.

Only good responses, you people are gross

Not the best, but i enjoy the Cornetto trilogy

Sup Forums LOVE

>Before Trilogy
This. All three are perfect, and also very different from one another, despite following the same themes and characters.

I'm just gonna mention Sup Forums to see what happens


The Godfather

Does anyone else here think For a Few Dollars More was the best of the trilogy?

Road Warrior is better than Thunderdome or the first one though.

first one sucks

Indiana Jones. Raiders is the best film of all time

I"m going to disagree about Jurassic Park. That original film should be maxed out. The sequels...meh.

Fellowship: 10
Two Towers: 9.5
Return of the King: 9

2 was decent since it still had shit from the 1st book to pull from, like the trex pushing the camper off the cliff scene. Fuck Vincent Vaughn. 3 was hit or miss in every scene with more misses then hits. It had its moments though, like the aviary scene. And pacing was good since the run time was an hour and a half. Shit cgi really hurt that movie. It was Sci fi original programming bad. JP1 was high Dino kino.

>return of the king
>not half as good as the first two

Autismo who probably liked the hobbit trilogy confirmed.

>Ghostbusters reboot better than Toy Story

You put indiana jones the wrong way round

How is Attack of the Clones the best Star Wars movie? Sith was way better

>Ghostbusters 3

I love Grease 3

>Bill and Ted 3
Didn't they just confirm they're actually making it?

JP1 should be overflowing the container.

>he thinks the old Star Trek films are a "trilogy"
>he doesn't know what trilogy means

>Mad Max 3 better than 1
Fuck off.