Why is LSD illegal?
Why is LSD illegal?
It puts citizens in danger next
Because society had standards once.
intoxicants and hallucinogens are degenerate
Hey you need to delete this
Because Hallucinogenics are redpilled
What happened to you, Sup Forums? Where did all of the "legalize everything and stop restricting the free market" libertarians go?
Because we need to employ the DEA employees with our tax dollars and cucks on Sup Forums need boots to lick
They can cause people to behave unpredictably in a dangerous fashion. They are not culturally valued, so there is no negative in banning them to stop from such behavior.
The positives do not outweigh the potential negatives.
It's intoxicating. Seeing drugged out bums that haven't been sober a day in the last 3 years isn't cool it's sad and pathetic. If you can handle your business, and consume it privately without disturbing other people police won't even bother you anyway.
because it breaks your conditioning
Because you can fry your brain on that shit
to jail away them dirty hippies cause they were protesting a bullshit war by rolling around in the mud and tying themselves to trees so it shouldn't be along with ecstasy and weed
Die statecuck.
When are we outlawing cars then?
The government doesn't want us to expand our thought process.
Even under highly controlled circumstances, I can't say it's anything I would recommend to the average person. Bad trips aren't a myth and can take years to recover from, if ever.
Mushrooms are better.
You cannot overdose on lsd.
It cures cancer.
It can be used to make paper and save the forests.
It makes people peace
A very high percentage of people suffer complete mental breaks and never recover. By high percentage I'm speaking of single digits, but that is substantial enough to make public availability economically/socially unviable
Its illegal cuz of dumbasses. It opens your mind you need to try it
At first I didn't understand the OP image until I googled it and now the phrase "don't take candy from strangers" takes on a whole new meaning.
>inb4 underage b&
I'm 21, white, and live in an 80% white town in the bible belt. It's pretty nice given that the internet is my only window to see how shitty the outside world really is.
The same reason pharmaceuticals are aren't.
When we devise a better form of transportation
well you are in high school
Bit of a temper there, buddy. Are you feeling a bit antsy from withdrawal?
IT is illegal because it makes you question authority and feel an emotional connection to all lifeforms around you. Also it reveals jesus.
Mushrooms are way more likely to cause bad trips. They are far more disorienting and unpredictable.
pic related. terrance answered this a long time ago
>Why is LSD illegal?
Because it breaks down cultural and religious conditioning to the point people start to question things.
Kikes do not want people to question.
Psychedelics are basically the closest thing you can come to an actual, physical redpill, which is why the circles using it were subverted and finally ostracised.
Of course, the intelligence community realized the potential and has been working on reverse engineering the effects for ages now.
Modern society is in part a direct result of this understanding.
This..... is retarded
Mushrooms are shit in my experience. I love LSD
terrance also thought fungi came from space
Because a bunch of fucking retarded "counter-culture" fucking hippies took a bunch and it scared the shit out of the rest of Americans. You had fuckheads like Timothy Leary who had the ability to obtain it legally for research, but instead gave it to a bunch of hippies and told them to "tune in, turn off and drop out"
LSD as a recreational substance should be outlawed. It should however remain available for use in psychiatric applications, since there is a bunch of value.
Good luck trying to convince anybody of that though. Hippies really fucked up any legitimate research that could have gone a long way in aiding numerous mental illnesses.
Those fucking retarded god damn fucking hippies fucked up the whole perception of this substance, and that's why people feel this way.
tl;dr it should be banned from recreational use, but allowed for research and if that proves well eventually in use for psychiatry.
my family is comprised of marines. I do not think they would take kindly to you using the military to threaten and intimidate someone especially over the internet. Not only that, but technically if Sup Forums or whomever wanted to they could call the police right now because what you just said constitutes a death threat. I don't know who you are and I don't care too. However you would be wise to watch your words. This is friendly advice from a stranger. Two wrongs don't make a right and threatening someones life is against the law. I've taken the liberty of reporting you. Have a nice day.
As an artist (not my career, but my passion), I have to deal with zombies who've fried their brain on too much acid very regularly. They are basically schizos. They also never get fucking any work done and just collect welfare until they die.
I just picked that image because I think gummy bears are delicious.
because it makes you see the real world so fucking degenerate and owned by demons
Mushrooms had the most intense 'peak' for me that was uncomfortable, but had a really nice afterglow.
Acid was neat but it starts to wear thin, hallucinations can get boring.
so does alcohol
so does guns
so does construction
so does fast foods
This is America fuck off kike Next
>terrance also thought fungi came from space
He actually never really settled on a given theory although the space thing was arguably the one he liked the most.
Reminds me a little of what Unqualified Reservations likes to say.
Wait, doesn't the guy do DMT?
Hm. Interesting.
That's why countries where it's legal to consume, like Mexico, are bastions of love and red-pills.
Because Big Daddy Government knows what's best for you.
I'd ceraintly like to try it one day.
Ironically I'm very adept with manipulating and traversing my own subconscious, which I can use to great effect, yet I don't have a reliable way to experience it.
I had the exact opposite experience, LSD was fun as hell, but extremely intense IMO; in comparison. The kind of trip that feels like it may never end lol.
Find a better connection.
>tl;dr it should be banned from recreational use, but allowed for research and if that proves well eventually in use for psychiatry.
Aren't they slowly re-legitimizing MDMA for that?
Mestizos are subhuman as fuck. Also, since when?
this. LSD i've felt more in control while shrooms anything can happen
>Find a better connection.
>>not growing your own
Because lots of people were taking it and not spending money on taxable stuff.
go kill yourself fag
oh you
All you need is DXM
because it's too fun
only in Canada not the US
white trash-tier
Oy vey! We're losing profits AND the goy are breaking out of their mental conditioning! Soon, they'll name the Jew
Legalizing narcotics are not a exclusively part of the Libertarian ideology.
Anyone with common sense can tell you prohibition always creates more social problems than the things they prohibit.
These are all things that are either needed in society or a cultural staple that are heavily regulated.
There is no point in legalizing a dangerous substance for recreational use, that is neither needed nor valued by the people, just to satisfy the curiosity of drug-seeking idiots to satisfy their intense desire to escape reality. The majority of those arguing for it in this very topic do so under the belief that the drug frees them from an oppressive Big Brother.
how's junior high going?
OY VEY Expand your mind goy. It will only cost you 5 shekels. No, don't spend your time and money securing your future. Come expand your mind and I'll show you the REAL future goy.
Now if you excuse me I have to go invest this five shekels in your future enslavement.
>tfw took shrooms and acid because of their so called long-term antidepressant capabilities
>still depressed
i guess try ketamine next?
This is the most valid answer
I also observe this. Can you give a bigger report, so that anons here will avoid getting high on stimulants like LSD? I feel like people here are encouraged to take it because they think it is a red pill.
do acid first you have more control over the situation try to get paper tabs not suger cube
We wuz gummi bears
muh gummi
Only choking games are more suburban shitgiggle in his third year of HS-tier.
Ah. For shame.
Memetastic, but yes.
> They open you up to the possibility that everything you know is wrong
So are psychedelics and LSD the red pill condensed in physical form?
ban assault drugs
>Aren't they slowly re-legitimizing MDMA for that?
I heard some stuff while I was at the VA for use in treating PTSD in Europe. This is another thing that once again, could serve a great purpose, but because of fucking idiots it's banned.
The huge drawback is that the only authorities on these substances are crazy psychonauts who have done a large amount of these substances, and while they are experts into how they work, barely anybody will want to listen to them since most of them are fucking nuts anyway.
So instead of there being a legitimate school of study revolving around psychedelics and their use in helping people, you have some stuff from the early days before they were banned, and a bunch of forum posts from crazy drug users.
It's really unfortunate that this has happened.
Everyones different, but its generally agreed that shrooms have a more narcotic, disorienting effect than lsd. Personally I get that mindfuck really bad on shrooms, but lsd tends to be much cleaner and more manageable. Even in public.
I do it about every year or so and its great for being introspective and kinda figuring where i am and should be in life its pretty neat but i have no respect for people who habitually do it besides most people around here buy that coppery tasting research chemical that makes your teeth numb
I live in central FL. The only "acid" you can get around here are the research chemicals like 25c. And everyone is too pussy to hop some cow fields.
>There is no point in legalizing a dangerous substance for recreational use
Even if that were true, that doesn't have anything to do with this subject.
>too much fun?
>what's that mean?
>that's like too much money
>or a car too fast
K and X was awesome, +1
The red pill is the only pills the Jews don't own. So if you're paying the drug Jew you're sure as fuck not red pilled.
Why the fuck would a chemical that leads you to realize that everything you have ever known is a lie be legal? I've dropped acid twice and I literally caused a fucking plane to crash the second time.
How is K?
Explain to me how having your freedoms restricted isn't being essentially being cucked by your government?
>OY VEY you cannot be trusted with your own body goy, only use these government approved substances
That's literally the reason though...
Blue pilled normies like a nanny state where they believe if they make everything bad for you illegal that no one will do it.
Because it can redpill intelligent people who abide the laws. Degenerates and normies who break laws only take woo nonsense away from acid. LSD makes things like jewvision and social (((narratives))) stand out like a sore thumb. Take psychedelics and try to take in normie media and thinking, it looks absurd and ghoulish.
Good in small doses its a nice disslocative but for the love of god dont do too much and k hole its literally hell incarnate
you cant control someone after they realize the creator is all in your head
alcohol isn't needed neither is tobacco and perscription drugs cause over 100,000 deaths yearly in the US that's more than every illegal drug combined. If you have ever read the "Buzzed" books you would know that in the segment on acid there has never been death or harm caused to a person from using acid and having it in their system
It has everything to do with this subject. It is answering why it is not legal. It is not legal because it can be very dangerous if not ingested properly, in specific situations. THAT is why. Not because of some elusive, enigmatic cabal of handlers afraid of the little man waking up, as cool as that would be.
This is true, but it doesn't mention that if everyone could make and use LSD legally, then society would break down into chaos, most people would go insane, you could buy doses so large that they would drive someone insane, and just go around splashing people with it and making people go nuts.
If you made it legal, there would be tons of it everywhere
Acid isnt addictive and doesnt make its users violent
psychedelics don't make you realize shit. i've done mushrooms three times and lsd once. you literally just think "whooaoh soo deep thoughts bro..." that are just actually just vague platitudes. the only people that learn anything from them are those that have never had a deep thought in their life and it's a HOLY SHIT moment when they have their first one. 99% of the people I interact with who do them regularly also don't give a solid shit about using them for psychotherapeudic purposes, they do them because music sounds cool and you see cool colors and get to be a total retard for about 8 hours.
can benzos snap you out of a k hole like they are able to do with hallucinogen trips?
ya its stupid even though it is proven to cure PTSD you know the US has its little drug "war" going on
Imo, you ain't doing it right unless you are k-holing
>Faithfully pays the Jew
>brings up cuckoldry
>"Muh freedoms"
>doesnt make its users violent
LSD's effects completely depend on the user's mental state. you can't say for certain what it does and doesn't do.
As long as cigarettes are perfectly legal you really don't have an argument there
Brother, once you go down the hole, only time can snap you out of it
I didn't say that tobacco and alcohol are needed. But they are core to our culture, and the people will not tolerate their removal. In other areas they are not, and they do not have this problem.
Salvia is legal in some states
Yeah just like with alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana.
Of course there's going to be regulations on it
ive heard stories of people taking acid and never coming back from the high.