Portuguese thread anyone? How has our country become so degenerate? What can we do to fix this mess and is there even any hope?
Get in here, Albertos
Portuguese thread anyone? How has our country become so degenerate? What can we do to fix this mess and is there even any hope?
Get in here, Albertos
Other urls found in this thread:
First step is to admit that Costa is an idiot, and bring Passos back, and pray for him to be more radical in his new term
>First step is to admit that Costa is an idiot
How has it taken you this long to do that?
Your only hope is to be part of spain
Get out of EU then recover our sovereignty.
Have a memetic war to destroy the propaganda and brainwashing we suffered post 25th of April.
Close the borders, expel the gypos, nig-nogs and other assorted brownies.
Rehabilitate our own culture and self-image, so we stop being negative nancies and take some actual pride in ourselves.
He is shit too though... Although yeah he is better than ugly chamuça Costa.
pic related is the superior leader
Shut the fuck up! You're as bad as the commies!
>the superior leader
The greatest leader
Costa didn't win the elections, he made a post election pact with SJW party and old commie party to snatch power. He lost the elections but became a minister by being a sneaky little poo in loo. Even his a sizable portion of his own party is furious at all the concessions they are making to the radicals they have to call colleagues now. Basically the SJW and commies are using this coalition to pass the retarded shit that would have never passed before.
>be salazar
>be great at keeping money in the treasury
>be awful in allowing private investement (the one thing that allows a country to grow) to be sucessful
>rely on a paternal corporate welfare state
>don't allow basic freedoms
>ending rule by fighting in a war we could not win, instead of helping the good niggers like UNITA to get the power so that they would not end in the ends of Soviet Union
Sure, superior leader!
Kys faggot, the failure of the Freemason backed democracy is plain not see.
Our industry was dismantled in favour of EU gibsdat, the cost of living increased significantly, our GDP plummeted, our debt increased.
We literally became a honeypot for parasites and political careerist and nepotists to live off from.
What happens in Portugal? I legit know nothing about your country except you guys were the first ones to visit any place during the Age of Discovery
A shitton of forest fires.
>Our economy was stronger during the colonial wars, then it was during peace time EU funded gibsmedat lies.
>We were debt free.
>We had actual healthy industry.
Private market memes are shit senpai, you have been hanging around with the lolbertarians autists a bit too much.
We were always a honeypot for parasites and political carrerists and nepotists. We will probably always be. We were never great, not even during the Age of Discovery. We now live on begging to the EU and the IMF, because before we livved on leaching the colonies.
Since we are leaches, at least lets create riches in our country to have a little bit of dignity. And he only way to do so is by having neoliberal reforms
>not allowing basic freedoms
you mean the freedom for stupid commies and dirty slut feminists to express their shitty opinions? Fuck their freedoms. If you're anti degeneracy you must let go of the idea of "freedom"
We used to be great, wealthy and respectable during the dictatorship but since 25 de Abril our country has become dominated by corrupt socialist cunts.
we make a LOT of cork
>Self-hating wannabe liberal moortuguese detected.
Emigrate please, be a good little beta cuck and emigrate somewhere else and go talk shit about your own kind like all good traitorous liberals do.
You disgust me, you never have something good to say about your own kin you are worse then the niggers, at least they have some sense of pride and identity.
You are Carlos the Cuck. GET OUT!
I'm in taiwan now but from what the reports are saying....things are slowly getting better.
>Debt is now 125% of our gdp
>Was 134% two years ago
>Unemployment is down
>wages are going up.
I mean I stopped being a lefty four years ago...but maybe it'll work out for now.
Though I am in favour of rebuilding our industry and not just make it was the European Union wants ; argi and textiles
Inside the EU framework there is no hope for a industrial revolution to happen.
Syndicates are too strong and red, and we need EU's permission to fart and sneeze.
Both together literally have us by the balls.
What do you fuckers think of PNR? Personally I wish I could make myself like them but I think it's a fucking embarrassing party... Nationalists are almost non existent in Portugal and the ones that actually exist are usually white trash and look like a bunch of cunts. I consider myself a nationalist so I find it pretty sad to see that it's not considered acceptable to be a nationalist anymore because of Salazar and most people who are educated are socialists cause it's what they are taught. The nationalists here are stupid fucks who probably didn't even go to school and just hate niggers which would be ok if they at least could back it up with facts, were well read and respectable. I'm tired of seeing meme pages on facebook make fun of nationalists because of this party but I can't even blame them because of shit like pic related... Until being a nationalist becomes "cool" again we are fucked imo cause young people's opinions are very important nowadays
Daddy, am i allowed?
This is in retrospect. People too often have a black and white view of Salazar: either he was a horrendous monster or he was a saviour. He was neither, really. I respect him for his position towards the Church, but he is one of the main reasons Portugal continues to struggle with socialism, like some disease from which she cannot recover.
Few here would disagree that the deterioration of social and moral standards has had disastrous consequences, and that Salazar certainly stemmed the tide of such liberal influences. But the problem isn't that there was no social freedom, it was that there was little economic freedom, particularly in the south. Salazar's protection of wealthy landowners engendered such horrendous abuses and exploitation of the working class that their circumstances must necessarily be called servitude, a state of quasi-feudalism. The only alternative for such people was to flee to the industrial belt around Lisbon, where working conditions and economic prospects were scarcely better.
Seemingly, the Soviets offered some alternative in the form of the PCP. Thus began Portugal's long flirtation with socialism - something that Salazar failed to adequately address and something that lingers in your nation today.
Were their worse options than Salazar? Absolutely, most in fact. But his administration had some shortcomings that continue to have serious repercussions for the Portuguese.
Costa just strikes me as a typical Euroshill. A career politician.
pls annex
>Just left my laptop
>On mobile
>Still don't have that flag
You fucker.
(Can someone post it with it's name?)
I got you senpai
cape verde
He is. But then again point me one that isn't in Portugal. I fucking hate him, but nobody is more laughable then Rebelo he is a bigger opportunist cuck then even Costa is.
I boil with rage when i see any of the clown shows on the national assembly.
>kingdom of england
eternal anglo strikes again
I can agree with some of your points but I still prefer Salazar. No leader is perfect but the crooks we have today are the worst thing ever to the point where it gets seriously depressing for me to think about this country...
Thanks mates
I also certainly prefer him to the socialist trash that swept in after '74.
The media have made a big effort to paint PNR in the most negative light possible.
I can't take you seriously has a nationalist if you:
>Take liberal media at face value.
>Be concerned with being hip and cool for the younger retarded generation.
Politics are about ideals and theories not fucking looks and i guarantee you if you look hard enough you will find plenty of rednecks and idiots on other the parties too.
Because you gave up Clerical Fascism for Liberal Democracy.
Only child who didn't turn out to be a trany hooker
Hard to say no when US and the whole of western Europe were egging us to.
We were isolated and ultimately back-stabbed by our own allies (UK and USA).
CIA was in cahoots with the politicians that would form the 3rd republic (current one) and also funding/arming blacks against us in Africa.
PNR is actually pretty decent see in what they stand for and you see that they're actually a decent nationalist party.
There is a video of some of their supporters carefully chosen by the media, acting like shit or like they don't even know what they're doing there, but its not false when they say that most of child rapists are homossexuals.
t. Alberto
>CIA was in cahoots with the politicians
That's an understatement, I'd say. The '74 issue of TIME boasted that the Revolution was a CIA operation and prominent figures like Soares have been outed as being on the agency's payroll. Nothing's changed, I guess.
If anyone is interested this blog has a lot of interesting stuff about Portugal
>inb4 telling me to kms for posting a tumblr link
it's a pretty cool archive of various things you faggots.
Also no it's not mine I just like it and wanna share it
If you aren't concerned with being cool and hip or having some kind of superficial appeal you are never going to win an election. Also as a nationalist I feel embarrassed by those rednecks but my point wasn't so much about me it was about how you win an election. My granddad was a nationalist and a fascist and he was one of the most intelligent people I have ever met in my life. If it wasn't for him I wouldn't have become a nationalist too and if we don't have intelligent and credible people to give us a good image, we are fucked no matter how many times you vote for PNR.
This. I personally find PNR a little too centrist for me, their policies seem too socialist (like actual national socialism, and i don't mean the kike invented "nazi" meme that everyone talks about when referring they are actually referring to Hitlerism). But having read their manifesto and given they are the only ones with the moral courage to literally go out to the shit part of Lisbon and protest i give them my support.
You are being superficial and sheepish. I understand your point, but you are taking the bait set up by the media, i doesn't matter how pretty and smart of a person you get on Portuguese TV to talk of nationalism, they will always try their best to either censor/distort his opinion or show him/her in a bad light. Our media is very much biased, but thankfully not to the levels of British media.
Nice find. I've been looking for images of Portuguese military uniforms throughout the centuries for ages now.
Venho so aqui deixar um comprimido vermelho. Em bom português, o pessoal de fora que arda.
Isto não tem remédio. Ponto. Não é por um motivo ou por outro, é por todos. E não é opinião, infelizmente. É histórico. Senão vejamos.
Economicamente, é o que sabemos. Temos ordenados baixos para o nosso nível, que supostamente é o europeu; mas não baixos o suficiente para sermos competitivos em indústria. Mas não é de agora: perdemos o comboio nos anos 80, primeiro com a vinda do FMI, depois com a queda da União Soviética. Existimos numa area cinzenta, que é viável para países com tecido económico - que nós nao temos. Nós somos o país de sector terciário, onde fecham quase 3 empresas por dia.
Desde a troika, entre cortes e impostos, poupamos à volta de 15 mil milhões de euros. Em igual período, gastamos mais de 19 a salvar bancos. O ano passado, a Polónia sozinha recebeu 13 da UE. O senhor supervisor, da altura do BPN, neste momento é o vice presidente do BCE.
Politicamente, temos o bom velho azul vs vermelho, na forma do PS e do PSD, iguais. Temos um ameaço de democracia cristã que não sabe bem o que quer para além do tacho, os idiotas úteis do PCP, e os putos ganzados e os activistas profissionais do Bloco. Fora isso nem conta, e pelo meio todas as figuras relevantes sao maçons.
Socialmente, no geraleste não é de forma alguma um mau país para se viver. Não há pretos fora de Lisboa, 0,6% de muçulmanos (a maioria das antigas colonias), e nas terras mais pequenas um "gay" ainda é um paneleiro. Mas a influência da igreja católica, outrora um baluarte, está a desmoronar-se. Taxa de divórcio de 70% devia dizer algo.
Não temos recursos naturais. Não temos empresas, e as melhores pagam impostos fora. Não temos classe política, e cada vez temos menos votantes. Temos a 2a taxa de natalidade nais baixa do mundo. No meio disto tudo, as pessoas fazem a vida delas, alheias a isto tudo. Só ficamos do lado errado da História.
we unite Iberia and all problems are fixed in nationalistic frenzy as the Iberian race is completely unified AT LAST!
Are you that same autist that's been spamming this crap for like a week now?
you are my BLOOD!
We need to use symbolism and propaganda in a very smart way and I guarantee you that more young people will start wanting to learn about nationalism. Nazi germany is an excellent model for this. They used good looking guys like Hans Joachim Marseille as poster boys and had beautiful uniforms, symbols (not only the swastika) and all sorts of stuff. Salazar also used this to some degree but of course the Germans did it way better. I'm not saying this is all that matters but it's a good way to get started and getting some attention. In a democratic regime you have to look at your party as a product and think about how you're going to sell it to the masses
Este comprimido vermelho foi forte mas não acho que temos a 2ª taxa de natalidade mais baixa do mundo mas talvez da União Europeia.
pqp para de me deprimir
>tfw no salazar in portugal and jose antonio both working for Iberia
First you need to break the body then you can break the mind. Only after severe economic depression will people be willing to listen to alternatives.
Nobody wants to rock the boat, Passos Coelho and the whole PS/PSD dicotomy represents that. The unwillingness of our country (and europe) but make meaningful changes because the threat of
growth pains is too scary for most.
We need to plant the seeds of ideas, the left. Trying to make ourselves i nthe image of past fascist/nationalist movements would not only not work but it would lead us to a premature defeat. The baby-booemr generation (25 April generation) still lives and they were the faggots backed the coup (young and ignorant as they were) and they would never jump on board with fashy looking goys because their hatred of the estado novo is like a badge of honour to them (it's the Portuguese version of the US "i'm not a racist" virtue signaling BS).
Fight the mind of the war first and foremost, the rest will fall into place naturally.
*Fight the war of the ideals first
Shit i need to sleep.
Xau malta
Falei de cor, mas segundo um dos índices estamos em 209 entre 210... Agora pensa que desde que passaram a lei do aborto foram feitos mais de 100.000...
Não é caso pa isso amigo, vives num bom sítio. Boa comida, bom tempo, gente simpática, coisas baratas... Só não esperes relevância. Isso não é necessariamente mau, vê só os refugiados que querem vir para cá :^)
A sério, podes ter uma vida espectacular, se puseres de lado tudo o que tiver a ver com política
What would the Iberian kingdoms have to give in order for Portugal to unite with the rest of the Iberian kingdoms?
yeah i got a question for you portuguese here. why the hell do you guys have such a huge fire problem, is it arson?
60000000 tons of duct tape to shut the mouths of all the loud spaniards
Not only arson but we have lots of Eucalyptus trees and that's easy to create huge fires every summer.
Yep, the fucker who burnt Madeira was caught doing it for the fourth time and somehow he kept getting released by the judges after a while, I don't understand. Then you join that with intensive monocultures of pine and eucalyptus, planted to sell to paper factories. This year was absurdly bad, though. THE FIRE RISES
One of my friends just came back from the North of Portugal, town called Chaves? Anyways he was showing me on his phone these massive fires.
Why the hell do people do that? hahaha
O verdadeiro comprimido vermelho:
Portugal tentou controlar o mundo. Perdemos e tal como a Alemanha, depois da primeira grande guerra, estamos a ser humilhados.
De todas as colónias Africanas que ficaram sob ataque europeu, nós apenas defendemos Angola e Moçambique. Pessoal Brasil, Angola e Moçambique fazem uma linha imaginária que consegueria separar Inglaterra de todo o seu império. Já para não falar que existe um triângulo militar entre Portugal, Brasil e Angola que nós dá o controlo do oceano Atlântico.
Do nada os Ingleses apoiam os movimento independentistas Brasileiros e começam desesperadamente a movimentar-se para as terras Norte Americanas e depois vem o ultimato ao mapa cor-de-rosa... check mate.
Se com relevância queres dizer reconhecimento de outros países, estou me bem a foder para isso. O que eu queria era dignidade, união e um governo sério e que fosse motivo de orgulho, mas isto nunca acontece numa democracia.
Well, almost no one does that. Where I live, there was a huge fire in 2003. The bitch who started it was just mad cause her husband left her, so she lit a fire in 4 separate places, and the fires grew quick af. Whenever the firefighters left, she just started it again. 2 people died. She had to be taken by the firefighters themselves because I'm 100% sure the fellows who lost their houses were gonna lynch her if they could touch her
Can't say I blame them honestly. My other question is how do you guys feel about Portuguese Americans?
Where I live there's a TON of them and they all wear Portugal shirts and fly Portuguese flags and speak Portuguese but it just doesn't seem all that genuine too me.
The Irish will call phoney "Irish-Americans" plastic paddies i dont know if you guys have anything similar.
Concordo parcialmente. Sempre fomos demasiado poucos para controlar o mundo, mas esse triângulo era de facto uma grande vantagem.
Neste momento acho que ja nao passa por ai, tamos so a ser jewed dos nossos últimos cêntimos antes da próxima bolha rebentar
Diz-me um governo onde tenhamos tido isso desde a guerra civil do séc. XIX... Sao sempre eles, este site mostrou-me isso. Vá lá não perguntes quem
I only know one Portuguese-American, and it's a guy who was my mate in language school and then their parents went to Texas and he went to med school there. But you wanna know something funny? The city in the world with the most Portuguese people is Lisbon. The second one is Paris. In the summer, we're flooded by this horde of plebeians listening to french plebcore, wearing PSG shirts and 3rd world haircuts. We call them avecs, as they speak french among themselves. We kind of like the ones in our family, but most emmigrants are poor plebs, and plebs are plebs no matter where they live or how much more they earn compared to me. So I think I get what you're talking about.
claro. por que achas que eles apoiaram-nos contra castela e a monarquia católica? é como diz o hino nacional deles: "And make them fall: confound their politics"
>how do you guys feel about Portuguese Americans?
The people that come here every summer with a degenerate mind like anyother diaspora, but I feel like most of them wouldn't even mention that they are from here, only when they want to get approval of someone or when the country is mentioned in some important thing.
As a Canadian who is porruguese both sides of the family for the better part of 400 years.
I never feel more at home when I'm in Portugal.
Strangers make even the nicest Canadians seem like asshats. My little sister who is 13 years younger than I am, was upset and so we went off to get her icecream. We get to the local shop and the lady behind the counter just gives us the thing because "she's so cute and looked so sad" it's small things but it's somthing you wouldn't see here.
My cousin and both left money on the counter and ran but she followed us home and demanded we keep it.
Granted I can speak portuguese and I like to talk football and such. I'm able to point out where my family is from and all that good stuff.
Santo Antonio Represent!
Long story short where I'm from they have a name for portuguese Canadians
moscas da cidade, they say it jokingly and laugh.
I'm gonna hit the sack fellow anons. This was a comfy thread, we should do it more often. Stay well friends
Fuck. It's only 10am here
Ayy where my libertarian/an cap friends at?
I started this thread thinking no one was gonna comment on it. You fuckers should start some threads too at least this one went well. See ya buddy
is this a I hate my country vent thread?
if not i go somewere else
Portugal é um bom país...
Para passar férias.
Isolado do resto da população tipo resort
hey guys, maybe you already know them but have a look on this portuguese blogs very interesting.
>parents born in Africa
>blacks kicked the portuguese, my family included, out and immediately had a 26 year civil war
fucking blacks man, the stupidest race in the world
Africa was only ever decent under european rule