American hair

>american hair


He's 71

He's an old man

>can't get a decent hair implant


Pic very much related

deleted, but what does his hair have to do with his competence as a President? What if he were bald, how would that affect things?

I know older men and they still have hair

>can't get a decent hair implant
You know you have to keep getting it. It's not a one time thing.

I don't think that balding it's the problem, it's more on the fact that he can't accept the idea and everyone has to pretend that he isn't in fact balding. It's pretty childish
Compare it to the English royal family, where the anglo curse is rendering bald every male member but they still don't care and bald gracefully, because they don't care what other people think of them

That's a wig

the powdered wig needs to make a comeback

seeing normal guys in business suits is boring

Actually it's a hair transplant. Back in the 80s hair transplants were generally fucking awful and they took the hair from the back of the head and put iy on the top since it's much easier to cover the back side if you have hair on top.

they still do that though?

They still take hair from the backside of the head. It's just a lot better done so it becomes much easier to cover the areas the hair was "harvested" from. You have to get the hair from the head since you can't have arse hair or some shit grow on your head.

>since you can't have arse hair or some shit grow on your head.
yeah you actually can google it. they can even take hair from your neck.
its pretty disgusting looking and rare though

I didn't imply it wasn't possibly. Just that it's not really a viable option.


>I know older men
haha, gayy

>and bald gracefully

Also knee socks for men

oof thats one hell of a combover, shoulda been wearing a maga hat