this was once a boy
>science is building better girls than God ever could
Tick-tock roasties your time is coming
Thanks science!
Other urls found in this thread:
>oy vey goy why haven't you gotten sterilized and disfigured yet?
it looks like mayli
Are you roasties? Are you scared?
Your time is over.
Just please find an alternative to real women. They're insanely overvalued and ruining civilization.
stop shilling your favorite twitch streamer, autist.
Yeah, that's still a boy.
>that voice
It's shit.
Genetically Engineered Female Replacements
We need to create Gurley Pets, for the good of mankind.
>was once
Good luck changing your chromosomes, gyno-nigger
does it have a vagina? if so, what is the status of said vagina? functional or decorative? it seems like they transformed it early enough. they do the same to babies who get castrated during circumcision.
call me old fashioned, I just dont understand where this desire to be a different gender comes from. I understand acting feminine, dressing feminine etc. I like girly things, I dont hide this either. But pumping yourself full of hormones and (in some cases) mutilating your genitals? Why do people desire this?
Genetically it's a male.
And trannies don't have much to aspire to, once they're going past their 30s. Virtually no guy is going to want to stick with you, you can't have babies, at best you'll have a makeshift vagina, but no womb. So after you hit 30s you're going to be alone with your dildos.
Which is why so many end up doing drugs, prostitution or suiciding.
Not to mention you'll need some mountains of cash to get all those operations. I don't think insurance will cover facelifts, ass implants, chondrolaryngoplasty, voice surgery, facebone surgery and ao on. And you might still ens up having big hands and feet.
All this for what? No guy is going to want to stick with you. That's why so many become prostitutes, because that's the only situation in which some guys might accept to pound your orifices.
>has generic robot trans voice
into the trash
In a ancap society they would already been pretier thanks to middle eastern investement
Because they're brainwashed retards with no sense of identity and no self respect who are desperate for attention.
uahahahaha that voice
>Why do people desire this?
Two illnesses usually in tandem:
>gender dysphoria
These are comorbid with a lot of schizophrenic or schizotypal disorders, so they respond well to anti-psychotics. Taking Pimozide 2mg daily, for example, results in full loss of desire to change gender. The minute you stop taking your dose, boom -- right back to wanting to chop your dick and balls off.
Id like to know the average iq of trannies
Looks like a boy with long hair desu.
Really makes you think...
it can be done before puberty with good success assuming adoption later in life. i worked in a tranny paradise and all the people who changed in their 20s and 30s had old lady problems like osteoporosis
suicide incoming from him soon once he realizes it was just a phase.
kids dont give a fuck about genders until later stages of life
Creepy alien spacing on them eyes.
Looks like Suzy
i want to stick it in HER butthole!
Liberals destroyed what science was meant to do...
That's still not a girl. That's just a mentally ill chemically mutilated man.
>implying a tgirl with male brain and female apperence is not supperior to a braindead rostie in every way (except breeding, yet)
>mental illness
>Expensive ass medication makes being a tranny a luxury only attainable for the wealthy
How long, Sup Forums? How long until there is a massive push to make it """"""free""""""
>>science is building better girls than God ever could
human modification does nothing but corrupt
God's design of humans are flawless until they degenerate themselves
I'm still waiting for science to make it so traps don't shit out their boipussy before I board that ship
>being attracted to mentally ill men
>trying this hard to justify your degenerate faggotry
>God's design of humans are flawless
Still a boy fucktard.
>does it have a vagina?
THIS. believe it or not some guys really like pussy. and i'm not talking about dried up inside out scrotum fake pussy.
>falling for the vaginal jew
>have her throw you away as soon as she finds someone wealther
>have her take half your stuff including kid if you marry ever
why do all you weirdos care so much about other people's genitals?
this image was written by someone who knows nothing about women or sex
>wanting to get rid of periods, the things that make women horny as shit out of seemingly nowhere
I want to cum on her face
cause we're gay idiot
mentally ill faggot
She still can't have a genetic offspring using the female 23 chromosomes though.
jesus look at that neck
he mesomorph as fuck. Dude could be a body builder
got a point kinda. especially now that the current level reproduction is a hindrance to human development rather than a necessity due to overpopulation. and if females loose their grip on being the gatekeepers of sex from traps or whatever they will be powerless. that's why they hate waifus and robots. this is an interesting yet disturbing phenomenon
How's that better? It cannot reproduce.
with the boipucci meme not long
Key to being a tranny on the internet. Puff out your cheeks to hide your jawline, roll your shoulders forward to disguise how wide they are, take a picture at the perfect angle and lighting so you look less disfigured. It's easy, you look almost like a girl!
Id fuck her in the ass if you know what I mean
"Traps" are just another jewish aka satan trick for you to commit homosexuality, for those who otherwise wouldn't consider it
Enjoy your mind controlled faggotry
called traps for a reason
give us the sauce
if jews want to make men lazy non reproductive invalids who dont have stable marriages, why dont they push for the legalization of prostitution?
I wanna fuck that >girl
Sup Forums btfo once again
Of course he looks like a girl, he hasn't even hit puberty yet
Suppressing puberty isn't a gender change.
I feel sorry for anyone in eye viewing distance the moment he runs out of medication and his body retakes its natural course and he looks like a melting monster from some kind of horror science fiction film.
With all the damage done to the ideal of beauty, I am not surprised this occurs. Look where female empowerment has got us.
Anyone can stand adversity. You want to truly test someone's character, give them power.
>trannies are better girls than normal girls
tranny here reporting in once again to tell you:
"do not ever fuck a tranny assuming that you're going to get a more stable, logical, faithful partner out of it"
we are, generally speaking, even crazier than cunts.