Is it true Sup Forums?
Clinton 38, Trump 36
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Seems a lot more legit than Clinton ahead by 7+ points.
wow a billionaire asking for money, there's something you see every day
somebody told me in trumpgen that the survey he's referencing (Zogby) has historically been inaccurate
Well he needs a way to compete with her bank and corporation friends
None of this shit matters... the polls are trash.
The debates haven't even happened and the media is shilling at 99.9%.
LMAO trump is just as delusional as his voters
>Not giving the god emperor your money
Fucking nigger
Source for this poll?
Here's the poll he's referencing.
Personally I'm a little skeptical since it puts Johnson at 8 and Stein at 5 which seems high.
More that he has the best pollsters money can buy on his side giving him more honest projections.
I am sorry guys but i remember Zogby from earlier elections. They are absolute trash. They show Hillary leading in Kansas 2 months ago if i'm not mistaking.
Zogby doesn't have a bias, they are just inaccurate. I know that you guys hate Washington post but this is detailed poll from today(its from Virginia).
Watch polls like Quinnipiac or LA Times.
If you factor in shy Trump, this election will likely end up like Reagan-Carter, where Reagan barely broke 50%, but won by a landslide due to 3rd party candidates.
It is very detailed poll. But if you don't like them just follow other 2 polls that i said.
I gave 10$, everyone pitch in for his campaign costs to help maga; if he doesn't win we will all be worse off if not fucked.
Everyone do your part, sign up to be a voting monitor as well if you can face the public well without going autist so we can stop voter fraud
Also this. In WaPo poll 3rd party candidates are dragging support from Hillary more than Trump. Even some niggers would vote 3rd party over Shillary (pic related).
When niggers have to chose between her and Trump she gets 93% of the vote. 3rd parties could decide the election.
Blacks are safe for Clinton. I've heard that blacks won't come out because Clinton's just some white bitch. I didn't put much stock into it, but seeing the lengths that niggers go to on a dime now, it seems more realistic.
Hispanics, however, not so much. 40% in New York and Florida are going for Trump, apparently. With that, some shy Trump, and the illegal/legal conflict, there could be a minority upset that could be very useful in states like Florida, Arizona, New Mexico, and maybe even New York if some weird shit happens.
Trump is getting schlonged and it's on him. He needs to git gud.
Like Newt said, Trump uses 2 words when he should use 10. If he keeps talking like an idiot he's going to lose. Trump probably realizes this but tends to lose focus. His path to victory is to cut off media access, be more calculated in his approach, and do nothing but attack Hillary in a sensible way.
If anyone believes what's on the Trump website is anything other than a cherry-picked obscure poll, you're beyond delusional. It doesn't even cite a source-- it could have been conducted by the campaign themselves with a sample of 50 people for all we know.
The polls are not rigged. Stop being babies. It's fucking August.
If we want Trump to win, then we need to pressure the campaign to become more calculated and serious in tone. He can win if he stops dicking around.
he isn't. he just knows his supporters are dumb enough to believe his lies.
He self-funded most of his campaign. There is no shame in asking for a little help
>If we want Trump to win, then we need to pressure the campaign to become more calculated and serious in tone. He can win if he stops dicking around.
we need him to stay on message
basically what i meant
he needs to shut the fuck up with the frivolous shit, and just attack hillary
it isn't too late, but it will be if he doesn't change by the end of the month
>single poll
>that single poll is Zogby
Zogby is shit m8
Not really. A lot of Bernie salt went to Stein and a lot of Cruz salt went libertarian
Every other four way poll has Gary around 6 and Jill around 2. I could believe 8 for the Libertarians but 5 for the Greens is too much. Since other people in the thread are saying Zogby isn't a reliable pollster when it comes to accuracy I have to think my suspicions were correct.
>is something Trump said true
Mr. Goyim, you should feel blessed that Mr.Trump cares for Israel.
USC Dornsife has Clinton leading +3 at 45 to 42.
are currently waiting and watching Donald
Trumps rally on Youtube.........
ya..........he's not going to win.....and its a Tuesday night..........lololol
Dont call it a comeback