Why are people scared of nuking shitstain countries? If we nuke the middle east and Israel. Theres no more refugees and money supporting Kikes. After that we militia Soros and the Rothschilds with Christians and Muslim Brothers.
Why are people scared of nuking shitstain countries? If we nuke the middle east and Israel...
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>No more refugees
Drop a nuke on one fucking city in Arabia and western europe is officially dead
Because most Westerners are closet cucks who want to welcome the hung Arabs into their homes, so that their lineages may be destroyed by Middle Eastern seed.
Fuck off Western Europe is already failing why waste time. Worthless cunt
Bump for dubs maniac.
>Theres no more refugee's
Was a bullshit statement
>white people are poor and niggers are middle class
Fucking Horsey
Why are people so scared to fight for thy heritage? I have cities named after me, roses named after me and people are scared to fight for the future of thy Grandchildren. Im furious that my country became a liberal faggot nation. I wish i was A General or a Supreme leader because moral order is failing. Peace is a lost cause with a failed democracy. The pinnacle of interbreeding and Welfare is failing the West. My opinion dont pay fed taxes tell them all to fuck off. I dont work hard so these worthless piles of shit can live easy. Fuck off
> not considering the samson option
My hair feels like silk. Why do i work my ass off to give money to your Country? Blue collar Americans are tired of feeding shitheads. You dipshits should have taken over South Africa. Not the crapfest of heresy Babylon.
You drop a nuke anywhere and EVERYBODY gets nuked.
Mutually assured destruction. Look it up.
ok, kid
too bad, so sad
Ya its sad that i want the World to be productive not abuse the Working class. Whens the last time your back hurt from actually working Jewboy?
field working is not the only kind of work you can do
what's the point in letting a potential genious work in a field when you can let him think and improve the world? just automate that shit
genius* too many layers of irony for me
Fuck off fat ameritard. You think i love you? Take your welfare and your diabetes check and kill yourself.
Cmon Jew i own you anyday. I just dont care to take and earn nothing.
you don't own anything since you never leave your basement
you're never going to become an important person
Why do the poor have more than the middle class?
We will see im just warming up. My heart is made of Diamonds. Not shekels and Jew Gold. Even Spielberg mocked you Jews in war. Im already suicidal so you think i have fear? I just want these futile wars and immigration to stop. Otherwise palestine deserves 5 nukes.
Welfare and zero taxes. Cmon autist
how sad you'll never be able to influence anything, amirite
A strange game. The only winning move is not to play. How about a nice game of chess?
But Horsey is a liberal. He'd never say that.
this image would be better if the middle class was getting the bill
Id only be passionate about a Monarchy. I dont care for money just prosperity and influence for an intellectual society. You conglomerate Jews infertilize society only thinking of your well being. Whens the last time you kikes paid taxes to America? The best Country in History?
Ive seen 5 different interpretations its always the middle class paying the bills.
Ya go count your shekels. How many nukes does Israel have? I mean your kikestine country is the only run who wont release thy atomic welfare.
Haha cant deploy nukes if there all dead autist.