Why can't niggers into smart

Why are blacks so brain washed? Why does the media want racial division? Why are niggers dumb in general? I saw this on my kikebook feed ( I went to a highschool full of nogs)

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"Free" government education.

Oooo so deep.

Wise words from a McNiglet.

I highly doubt the military man said "u" instead of "you".

It's a desperate negroid attempt to intertwine ebonics and a moving (but probably false) exchange involving a McNiglet.

>Why are niggers dumb in general?

Genetics. Literally. They are objectively dumber than other races; provable both by anecdotal and empirical evidence. If I didn't hate them so much, I would actually feel sorry for them. Society has rocketed past their abilities and even if they struggle, they can't keep pace.

Any attempt to condition them to advanced civilization is ultimately met with frustration and failure. It's like trying to teach a gorilla to write cursive. Eventually he's just going to get angry and stab you with the pen.

You're fighting against millions of years of evolution. This fight can't be won outside of genetic engineering.

wtf, I hate army now

It makes me so sad to think that we now have to skirt around an issue that everyone until the 1950s understood as it was and is obvious - Races are NOT equal.

It's like being the only one that can see color in a world where everybody else sees in black and white.

People will treat you as insane at best, a dangerous psychopath at worst. All for stating a PROVEN, OBJECTIVE, SCIENTIFIC TRUTH

fucking yam a ka

>they wouldn't be killing you if you weren't attacking them, me on the other hand I don't have to do anything for haji to shoot at me, so I should be the one going around saying army lives matter kid

It isn't a racial genetic thing, it's the fact that the motivation through personal responsibility trait was never socialized into their culture.

At this point they are simply contrarian to authority, no matter what the cause.

Media is purposely spreading their stories to get maximum outrage from both sides. You cover a shooting that's grey as fuck to get both sides fired up, then alternate sharing a shooting victim and acriminal getting shot to ensure both sides never reach any common ground. Bonus points if you can set off a local gang into rioting when one of their boys is the one who got shot.

the basement tier encounters the sub-basement tier, oh boyo

>Media is purposely spreading their stories to get maximum outrage from both sides.

Thank god someone else sees this. I try to explain this to both sides every time this shit happens. A few listen. Most can't understand because they are too emotionally attached to their personal side of the issue that they can't admit they are being played.

>Can u read that

Niggers, ladies and gents.

Fixed :^)

what the fuck?!?! this is a joke right ?

Because the smart ancestors were culled when they were slaves.

Only dumb slow niggers were slaves.

15% less grey matter ain't a joke

Wtf i hate the military now

Shop counter not encased in 6 inches of lexan?pic related niggers are definitely out of bounds.

It's hard not to get caught up in the fighting. This is a very recent realization for me, specifically because of the latest riots. It's only the ones who were clearly criminals that get the riots; it's not a long jump to conclude that the riots are more gang members hijacking the BLM banner.


Sup Forums takes the worst examples of a culture and uses them as generalized examples.

enjoy your stay, newfriend.

please learn about satire, as well, or you will become very angry.

>worst example

worldstar hiphop is the most popular site in the black community and has thousands of new videos, daily, of little kids smoking weed, theft, assault, and other nonsense that the majority of "everyday" blacks partake in

race is real, either accept that or leave

>its not genetic
>average US black IQ is in the mid 80s
>african IQ is even lower
>no proven link between culture and IQ
>only the most extreme socioeconomic conditions can have a significant effect on IQ

Stop ignoring reality

That's a fantastic comparison. fukken saved
Brain size aside this also illustrates how hideous niggers are compared to a beautiful white woman.

Look, anyone who has talked to an average black person knows they aren't very smart.

Matter of fact, they are pretty stupid.

Even the way they talk shows how stupid they really are.

But man, do their women have huge asses.

They are only good for unloading in their vags.

The women *MAY* serve a purpose, but the males.....kill em.

Not all of them, some are based and are on our team. Those we would spare because they still have hope.

The rest of the male Dindu's, kill em.

I'm pretty sure WSHH is responsible for creating more Nationalists than we are.

Yeah it would be a fucking soldier wearing his cammies in public looking like a bag of ass because he's a fucking superhero.
Fucking garbage ass army get some uniform regs

>Oy vey niggers sure are trash but we need to race mix with them!
t. Shlomo

Black women go around purposefully infecting others with aids. Fuck that shit nigga


>this is a joke right ?

Why on Earth would you think this was a joke?

Literally any non-human animal species with as many differences as there are between Caucasians, Asians and Negroids would easily qualify as different species. It wouldn't even be a close call. No gray area.

There are lizards that are identical except for one bone in their foot that is shaped slightly differently. They are a different species.

Examples like this are rife throughout the animal kingdom, but when we get to humans, even though it was accepted for thousands of years that races were different, suddenly extremely obvious differences (skin color, hair type, noses, eyes, etc) don't count?

And you honestly believe evolution stopped at appearance, even though there is at least a 40,000 year evolutionary gap between races? You think Mother Nature just twiddled her thumbs for 40,000 years even though the different species of humans were being exposed to radically different environments?

You don't think those evolutionary changes made it into their brains?

Isn't it just a bit too convenient to think this way?

Were it two types of canids separated geographically for 40,000 years that evolved differently to suit their environments, it would not shock you. In fact, it would shock you ahd they remained exactly the same.

But they wouldn't have. No species ever does when exposed to different environmental pressures.

You thinking races are the same is emotion, not thought.

People are too fucking stupid to accept that niggers are not the same as whites and asians.

I guarantee if you gathered 100 whites, 100 asians, and 100 blacks for an assessment of their cognitive capabilities, the blacks results would be astronomically lower than both the whites and asians. Even at the highest percentile of the black group.

By the above, I don't mean 'uneducated blacks from the ghetto'. I mean black people who have had the same exact education as the whites and asians.

Studies have proven over and over and over throughout history that this is the case,
yet so many fail to accept it.

People are so hardheaded that they honestly believe empirical proof is not 'proof enough'.

Pic very related

>It's satire when I disagree
>It's satire when I cant prove them wrong

Stay mad

WSHH is a degenerate cesspool. I would guess that 90% of the videos on the site are of dindus chimping out. The target audience is of the same demographic. If you think otherwise, you're just lying to yourself.

oh bullshit that kid just asked him for an egg roll

What's even worse is that we admit there are racial differences only when it benefits blacks.
>blacks are better at sports
>blacks can dance better
>blacks jump higher
>blacks run faster
>black have bigger dicks

>whites have larger brains

I mean that it creates race realists and nationalists because you can go there and see monkeyshines in their purest form straight from the source. Not the cleaned up magical negroes on t.v.

good work mate

>Black people

Pick one.

nigs gonna nog

> having a kikebook in le current year..

Honestly I use it to keep up with my French exchange partners from highschool and with based family out in the Midwest. I used to be really awkward back in the day so like when Facebook pulls up old posts I die a little inside

It's easier to be a victim and demand special treatment.


>cops are killing us

I looked at the stats provided by the FBI. That claim is objectively false. Black criminals are shot at a LOWER rate than white criminals, and that is without even controlling for types of crime (you don't tend to get a gun pointed at you for tax evasion, and blacks are disproportionately responsible for rapes, assaults, robberies and murders).

This meme needs to fucking die if the US wants to have any kind of social peace.

eh... work on it

doesnt work, within the internal logic of the dialogue cops get to kill plenty of brown folks too.

Wearing your uniform while on lunch break or while on your way home from work and picking up food because you just had a 12+ hour day is fine. It's the faggots who go about the mall shopping in uniform who you should be concerned about.

*what the fuck did you just fucking say to me you little bitch?

Niggers aren't dumb, they wuz kangs n shiet


Factual information is considered undesirable by a lot of people in America on both sides of the political spectrum. It seems to be far worse than anything you see in Europe.

US soldiers are the real terrorists, not isil, not blm.

I'm I know what I said was correct, but I've been unable to find any proof of
why some blacks are not niggers.

What I mean is, how are a select few blacks actually intelligent?
>Stay away from crime
>Common sense
>Speak like a human
>Understand reasoning
>Right from wrong

With the vast majority of them being dindu's, what explanation do we have for the few,
and I mean very few, white blacks so to speak.

t. slobavon vonovonvich

Racial tension seperates the population into smaller more manageable groups

The phrase "There are exceptions to the rule" is one you should learn. As to why they are exceptions might just be due to social conditioning through their families for many generations.


>it's not a racial genetic thing
>it's just a racial genetic thing

The fuck? Adaptation to environment--->society--->Adaptation of environment to fit soceity--->Adaptation to socially adapted environment--->repeat

What this means is that Humans create their own environmentsp through a society based on natural environmental conditions. Once that society functions, it then adapts the environment itself, to further fit with society. We direct our own culture and evolution. Everyone except niggers.

>Why are niggers dumb in general?
They have different, largely inferior genetics. It's time people accept the obvious.

It's not their culture. It's genetic.

97% of Sup Forums falls for the media jew tricks despite the "red pill".

The average joe blow who gets all their news from any mainstream media outlets is pretty much fucked.

Meanwhile in Chicago alone 400+ have been killed and 2,100+ shot, majority black.

I just look at the mom and shake my head while giving her the most disgusting look I could muster up. Then walk out maybe accidentally vomit on the kid, who knows

It's called an outlier.

come on give us some credit. whites are good at:
>having frat parties
>following orders
>getting with qt lolis
>being corrupt cops
>making unseasoned food
>killin our peoples in our community

As someone said earlier, they really should be classified as a different species.

I mean, sure, they walk on two legs just like the rest of us, but
that logic would infer that dogs are the same species as cats.

Can I get a sauce so I can prove this to retards that I know personally?

That freak actually believes that happened tool.

He can't read

I think I found the problem

Most of this isn't satire but thinly veiled rantings that virgins wouldn't spew in public.

>killin our peoples
Nigger detected.

>unseasoned food
Never heard of a master chef making fried chicken, grits, and hot cheetos. French and Italian >>>>> nigger food.

>getting with qt lolis
You're thinking of Arabs.

>talking to a (what looks like) colonel like that
Holy fuck man. When I walk past colonels I get fucking nervous and feel almost honored when they return the salute.

Kid: Ayo hol up *smacks lips*
Soldier: Hi little boy, how are you?
Kid: SHiiieeet nigga I don be talkins to you nigga
Kid: FUCK you cracka gimme yo shit *smacks lips*
Soldier: W-what?
Kid: Gimme yo shit or I bust yo ass *pulls out gun* *shoots soldier*
Kid: Shiieeeet

Well at least I know who made this.

You fags are fucking blind to altruism.


Guess how CNN covered it?
>Smith's sister condemns violence.

It seems to be a bigger difference in Europe than America
In America we literally bought the biggest, strongest, and most stupid slaves we could find, hence their descendants are literal brute retards
Good example is look at Etheopians compared to American Blacks

I thought Italians weren't white. It seems that you choose what is white and what isn't so you can prove your stupid little points. Why don't you get off your ass and get a job?

How does he get to kill a soldier? Wouldn't he like react or something?

this vid was 2 redpilled 4 me


are you some kind of racist?

Whites arnt so much as following orders as having congestive ability to perceive the consequences of not following them

uhhhh ok... fag

Say that to this neurosurgeon

>I tell people my job is to fucking kill them the second the government tells me to
>all I do is make sure 24 guys do their job on time

Genocide of niggers when?

That's basically what "race" designations were meant to do. It's a polite way of saying they're a different breed than us. Their genetics are largely unevolved and stagnant, so seeing a black person in Africa is really like looking 150,000 years into the past. Probably more than that, if recent anthropology studies are true. "Out of Africa" might have not even happened, and the three main branches of humanity evolved separate.

At the end of the day, the differences are obvious.

Yes, a black guy can put a ball in a hoop in a sport invented by white people, whereas white people could design a weapon that sends an explosive through orbit to land in a black guy's hut. Artificial codes of morality being absent, blacks would be extinct by now.

Best and chekkkt

No of course not uncle Schlomo how could i even say something so racist... stupid goyim stupid goyim stupid goyim

>and the world

boiled my rakia

No our problems are we destroyed the Family unit for blacks by keeping them on welfare for generation after generation this has allowed them to breed uncontrollably. We also insentive that breeding by giving these Coons more money for every niglet they pump out.

Want to end niggerdom. Cut them off welfare. plan and simple. Actually force these leeches to get a job and don't give me dat excuse that some of them can't because muh condishuns. Fuck that If they can't become a productive member to society then we should stop feeding these lazy boons.

>Scientific discoveries
>Technological discoveries
>Insert just about anything else here




+1 for mcniglet

Pretty sure it would be more accurate to say that blacks are genetically biased towards being unintelligent rather than saying they're genetically incapable of being intelligent.

Coming from broken homes with shitty parents and god awful shitty ghettos probably doesn't help much either; I guarantee if a generation of black children were raised in better conditions by smarter and better people we wouldn't be having the level of niggery we have today.