What the fuck happened?

So, it seems like most of Sup Forums is against Trump now. What is going on here? I am not "shilling", it just seems like the Trump circlejerk is gone now. What made it change?

Other urls found in this thread:


The Clinton campaign sent shills here to dilute the Trump support

He's nothing, just a big mouth, still much better than Hillary


All the democratic shills who were pushing him during the primary are now destroying him.

People started to realise he's an establishment plant to discredit and destroy white identity politics, economic nationalism, populism, and the GOP and end their threat for good by building up a movement around himself and then intentionally tanking it. Also to ensure a Hillary win, but that's pretty obvious.

The time was ripe, and with the right leader things could have really happened. The elites picked up on that and ushered him in to exploit it and then destroy it. We all thought he was the great savior of White America. Turns out, he's the final nail in it's coffin.

It doesn't seem that way at all to me

In all honesty? I think he's deliberately tanking his campaign after securing the nomination. It's suspicious as fuck that as soon as the Republicans can no longer deny him the candidacy he decides to be outrageous on a level beyond what he was doing previously. In addition he seems to be pivoting right as opposed to the centre which is what any sane candidate does to win the election,

Not really! That's all Clinton shills. They'll leave after November regardless of who wins.

They unknowingly succumbed to the media & general populations meme of "he's fucked."

Even though it's August, that, and he keeps saying really stupid shit.

We grew up.

We've been getting raided since after the RNC.
The board culture did a 180.

Were you here during the Primaries?

He said even more outrageous things but only now does the media pick up on it and use it as a headline story for 2 weeks.

Millions paid for people to post pro Clinton anti Trump messages... and also slide threads with real Clinton dirt. This has all been revealed already user.

Correct The Record.

By the way you are a shill. This thread pops up at least ten times a day because you are trying to consensus build. We hate Hillary, we hate you, Trump will win. I suggest you get used to the idea.

Literally just shills and shitposters lad, same as always.
All that's changed is that we've gotten an influx of redditors who are easily angered so the shills and shitposters have been more aggressive lately.

>more outrageous

literally how?

I don't notice any difference.

It's because everyone has realized that trump is a dumbass who doesn't respect the rights of women, blacks, mexicans, chinese people, lgbtqa+, etc etc

op you need to be more specific

Im puerto rican and from nyc and trump has my vote no matter what anybody says desu

I lapsed in watching the rallies and hence stopped trumpposting.

I might resume in September as I will be busy for the rest of August.

>We've been getting raided since after the RNC.
>The board culture did a 180.


The amount of shilling has gone through the roof. Nothing but CTR fags everywhere.

trust no one and nothing

Nobody actually liked him. We were just in it for the memes.

>By the way you are a shill. This thread pops up at least ten times a day because you are trying to consensus build

What a bunch of paranoia. I can already see the consensus. I'm just wondering what had lead to this point.

>we hate you

This is Sup Forums, join the club.

6 million dollar expense budget for Correct The Record happened.

6 million dollars worth of shilling tends to drown it out.

Correct the Record literally sextupled their spending. opensecrets.org/pacs/lookup2.php?strID=C00578997

Notice it's 6 million. Used to be only a million. This is the real reason and every other answer is false. We just have to deal with the shills.

Jewish people have been discriminated for millenniums. Please stop this nonsense.

That cartoon would be more accurate if it showed Hillary next to him on a jet ski.

>So, it seems like most of Sup Forums is against Trump now. What is going on here? I am not "shilling", it just seems like the Trump circlejerk is gone now. What made it change?

It's simple, really.

CTR won.

Sup Forums lost.

Fucking this

Ever since the RNC it's been total war. Fuck off CTR faggots and die along with your shit posting

Not to mention now mods ban you for reporting threads that violate the board rules and low effort shitposts...

>Free College Tuition!!

Hillary is going to win on that campaign. Everyone will vote for her just to get out of student debt.

"Redpills" figured out that he's the Manchurian Candidate and as funny as it was to joke about, they're not quite ready to jump down that rabbit hole

How stupid are people not to recognize shilling and trolling threads
Including this one.

>So, it seems like most of Sup Forums is against Trump now.

lol, this pasta



hello plebbit

wtf i hate trump now


yes silly tinfoil goys, we all hate drumpf now

the reason they are spending so much money shilling is because they know that the moment they leave it goes back to 102% trump support with a 2% margin of error

Hillary is going to win regardless.

Trump is fun as a meme, but as a candidate he's fucking retarded. It's obvious he doesn't know shit about shit, but just says amusing things you agree with. I have zero faith in his actual ability to lead.

That said, there are few people in this world that I despise more than Hillary Clinton. She epitomizes everything that is wrong with the establishment, and why they all need to be strung up.

As we get closer to the election, it is time to get more serious and realistic about our situation. Trump probably won't win, which is a good thing because he would have been terrible. Unfortunately this means that Hillary might win, and she will also be fucking terrible.

We must now resign ourselves to 4 more years of retarded fucking bullshit, and a complete void of competent leadership in our government. The only thing to look forward to is the possibility of a race war. I think both Trump and Clinton have the same likelihood in starting one as president.

Clinton is far superior. The future is female.

40% shills.

20% people who dont care either way, they just enjoy fucking with Sup Forums because besides /k/ we are hands down the easiest board to troll

15% actual clinton supporters

15% tumblr/reddit fucking with us

5% ted cruz retaliatory shitposting

5% repitilain internet defense force

CTR got paid a million bucks to shill that aged corporate whore on Sup Forums.

Nobody here honestly supports her.

>It's obvious he doesn't know shit about shit

Eloquent words from a blithering idiot.

Trump is losing bad like real bad.

Hillary is a terrible candidate, if she was up against any average politician, she wouldn't win.

Ctr Shiling has gone way down actually,guess they ran out of money

Just a few stargglers like this shitty thread left

>Nobody here honestly supports her.
i do

Nice argument.

Yeah I was, I don't recall him being this autistic. He pretty much ruined the progress made with his foreign policy speech, made a mockery of military medals when he's meant to be good for vets and for some inconceivable reason decided that a) Obama is the literal founder of ISIS or b) he's going to be extremely shit at sarcasm to the point that even Pence said he was serious

I'm not against him look what he can do


Thank you for correcting the record
>$0.05 has been deposited into your account

OP there is constantly trump general threads and anti hillary threads, sure there are more CTR threads but i still see more pro trump


I'm actually not that worried about Hillary. She's farther right than Obama. Maybe Congress can work something out with her.

Thanks for correcting the record, Horowitz!

>Clinton and Trump in Statistical Tie; Trump Has Closed the Gap Among Older Millennials
>Published on Tuesday, August 16 2016 14:32

Hillary is the best candidate in 100 years.

Who, me or the guy who's argument is "lol Trump is dumb?"

Thank you for Correcting The Record.
Two shekels have been deposited to your account.
Have a great day and remember don't stop shilling.

>savior of white America
>orange dude

I'm not sure what you were expecting.

I think what he meant was
>nobody on this board who isn't paid to be here by hillary clinton likes her.
Which is true

I've been following Trump from the start. I've read all his policies on his website, but I'm not sure if he has. I voted Trump in my state's primary. I was hoping he would flesh out his platform, but he hasn't, and it seems directionless and fake.

It's just shills and normies diluting the board culture for money or because they honestly think they are "saving" america from being "on the wrong side of history".
Same way the majority of these polls are being manipulated and forced down our throats, they think if they say something is X long enough and loud enough it won't matter if its actually Y, everyone will end up just thinking its X anyway.
The reality is it won't. They might tank trumps chances but all the things that made him a legit candidate will still be here. You can't just drown out opposition of opinion forever, there self-righteous idiocy will end up setting the fucking world on fire and they get to do it all while feeling morally superior to all the "idiots" that don't agree with them.

Holy shit. KYS you lightweight beta male virtue-signaling coward. Please.

You know a post like that is worth 10 Trump votes.

Failed bot right there

It's the leftist strategy. As my history teacher in High school said: "if you say it with confidence, others will believe it". That is why they are pushing the "trump is doing so bad and is finished" meme. If they get the fence riders to believe it, they will either vote for Clinton or not vote at all. Although he isn't doing great currently, most of his "poor performance" has been fabricated or greatly exaggerated to make the general populace believe he cant win, hence his suspicious dips in the polls every time he passes Hillary. He has done a few things to fuck with his numbers but nothing reflective of the massive dip. I mean for fucks sake, Hillary should litterally be in jail but they gave the impression to the public that it was no big deal.
So basically, most of the polls are not fixed through direct means (many have poor sampling though), but they are fixed in the sense of giving the public a false sense of doubt.

>tl;dr Fuck the media and Hillary.

>Trump will win.

kek, it's 2012 all over again.

I typed it up myself, it's not pasta.




The real answer user is that because he is faltering in polls, regardless of whether they're rigged or not, people are not expressing excitement so that they don't appear like the retarded Berniefags on le reddit. If he wins, great, but we're used to feeling like a minority anyways.

Everyone here is still voting for him, but they aren't counting their eggs before they hatch.

Because he's an idiot, running perhaps the worst campaign in modern electoral history.

He was a reality tv star before he foolishly got into politics, and he's been nothing but a reality tv star during the campaign.

Fun fodder for late night tv shows and the morning news, but no way do I want him in charge of the military, or actual policy.

You are being paid to be here. You are literally propaganda.

The meme got old.

what do you mean

wtf i hate trump now

Thank you for Correcting The Record™.

>I liked Trump six months ago but I hate him now

Whatever shill.

This guy gets it. They figured out Trumps early strategy he rode through the early part of the primaries on.

"I'm number one in every poll, number one in every state!"

Now the entirety of the media is conspiring to do the same thing in reverse, hoping to kill enthusiasm.

"He's behind in every poll! He's behind in every state! Trump can't possibly win, may as well give up!"

Here's hoping it only feeds into the belief that the media is full of shit and backfires.

We were just kidding

As long as you realize that calling anyone that is even remotely hesitant of Trump's frankly poor campaigning as of late a shill is only alienating his potential voters here :^)

Fucking this.

>leaf CTR shill

6 gorillion?? My goodness

And kek confirms.

>reddit-tier humor
This is the entirety of Sup Forums nowadays

How many shekels have you earned this week?

>everyone who disagrees with me is paid to do so


it was just a prank, man

ok? why the hell do we give a fuck about what a canadian wants?

I'm here. Still pro-Trump.

Sorry I'm not paid to shill and actually have a job that will still be there after November.

Oh who am I kidding. I Hillary gets it I'll probably be laid off just like half the country.

>CTR denying they're CTR
Whatever you say, CTR.

Trump shills running the general threads are trying really hard.

you almost made me feel sad for someone who wanted to vote that piece of shit

He's not out of the race, but he lost a lot of momentum. He didn't raise in the polls despite all the shit that has been happening, and i think people are getting cold feet

Also, us who hate him, now feel a bit more free to say it openly without the hordes of memers >imblying shit about us

It's a shame that this came to happen just as I would start supporting him just to keep the Hillary from power. Man, I feel like an idiot not realising before what corrupt pieces of shit she and her husband are.

Still, Trump remains a terrible choice. Ironically, I support migrant contral, etc, I just hate his economic policies, which are actually way more important than keeping a few muslims out or in

I fucking hate everyone,all your opinions are shit, bye

Like I said, whatever shill.

sage :^)

Shills shilling shills shilling shills.

Top kek
Much has been revealed here