Get your redpills here!!
Get your redpills here!!
Why isn't she in jail? Inciting a riot is a crime.
is this real? can't be real. is it? don't tell me it's real. is it real? how fucked up is cnn nowadays and are other major stations calling them out on it yet?
what can actually be done about this other than sharing it with everyone you know?
Is there a media watchdog in america we can complain to?
Yes: Correct The Record, Media Matters, the Southern Poverty Law Center, and the American Defamation League.
I think AIPAC would also help set things right.
Send this to trump?
Not surprised in the slightest. Also, she's basically inciting a riot and violence which is illegal and could have her arrested. But, she's a minority living in a Democrat town, in a Democrat state and run by a Democrat governor. So, ya know, it's okay... kek help us :(
>Is there a media watchdog in america we can complain to?
America is kill.
yes it is true, they re-upload the video saying that the "earlier version of this story mischaracterized what the victim's sister was trying to convey" as some sick way of telling you sorry.
Send this to him, Clinton, everyone and everywhere you can.
>inciting a riot
forward this shit to the police
they'll turn a blind eye until it gets a fuckload of spotlight
it would be fucking delicious to see this nigger get wrangled in
oy vey
this just doesn't surprise anymore
That's not inciting a riot. It's protected free speech.
SCOTUS says that you generally have to target a specific place or person for it to become illegal.
and you guys are hiding the fact that she also wants those niggers to burn down the food stamp and welfare offices. don't cuck out on me now.
All media watch dog groups are ultra liberal. Pretty sure an ADL leader got kicked out for asking someone to murder Trump.
Quick and painless video. People will eat it up.
You could get people to contact the FCC and get CNN's license pulled for knowingly spreading false information.
Black privileged.
>ADL leader
The targeted location is the suburbs and the targeted group is presumably those that love there
Or were you being sarcastic and I am just autistic?
>"sister calling for peace"
CNN is using the Islamic definition of peace everywhere, I see.
Stupid goy, don't you realize that reality has a liberal bias XD
this is fucked
if they needed a message like that why not interview the other sister who actually was advocating non violence? this is the same bitch on the riot periscopes yelling about WE GOT TA GO DOWN INTO DA CITEE as everyone just ignores her
this is bait right
There are no other major stations. All the news cucks serve the same masters. Fox is a little against the grain, but not by much.
So yelling "FIRE!" in a crowded movie theater is okay now?
Free speech does have its limits, and it's pretty clear that telling people to burn shit down isn't covered by it - regardless of what the idiot jews in the SCOTUS say.
What does she say after that? Where is the full video? I can't find it.
So yelling fire is the latest talking point?
this shit as been out there for days... Is Sup Forums a shill board?
have they given up on rioting by the way or will there be a potential happening later?
There's a fairly high bar for what constitutes illegal speech.
Just yelling about burning down the suburbs isn't usually enough, because most people aren't niggers that will go burn down the suburbs because some negress yelled about it after a black cop shot another nigger.
Wait, I don't get it. She's clearly saying in the unedited footage that she doesn't like everyone burning shit down and she's preaching against it.
Why is everyone saying she's inciting a riot? That's the opposite of what she's doing. That's what CNN is telling you.
she is telling them not to burn down their ghetto, but to go to the suburbs where the "guilty" live.
how did you miss that?
Also, you must be new here.
Good thing everybody is cancelling cable then.
>It's protected free speech.
No it isn't. She's inciting violence by telling the niggers to burn the suburbs down.
love it when people dont know what trackers are
Manufactured reality has a liberal bias
Oh ok I didn't catch that last bit with the "go to the suburbs".
I almost think that maybe these people are the best that CNN can find to hire.
top quality
Are you a fucking idiot?
She literally is saying to not burn down the stores they use and to instead go to where the white people live and burn that down. She called them the "burbs".
They also misrepresented what the mayor of New York said about terrorism.
The mayor said that there was no terrorism during Bush after the patriot act was passed and it was all good until Obama.
CNN then said
>lmao he said there were no terror attacks under Bush at all. This guy is a trumpet fag who manipulates the truth
Not even trying even more. And yet the cunts of kikebook ate it up.
>Just yelling about burning down the suburbs isn't usually enough
>to a mob
>marching in the streets
>committing violence already
>isn't usually enough
it's 100% because they're protected niggers
And they've been doing this since the Zimmerman trial. Because the average person is gullible.
I really wish they would.
I'd love to see the horror on black peoples faces when they get absolutely slaughtered for chimping out in an area people actually care about.
Bob the roofer isn't going to stand by while his neighborhood is turned into Compton. He's going to grab his hunting rifle and 360noscope some dindus, along with literally hundreds of other white gun owners.
Blacks marching on white america is a wet dream to a lot of people. That means it's open season.
Wrong, wrong, wrong.
You're all fucking fired with your strawmans and bullshit.
The point is that she didn't say what suburbs. There was no plan laid out on camera of where to go and exactly what to do.
She didn't incite a riot because she did not point at a suburb or a person to go attack. No cop is going to take her in.
If anything, she probably knew how far she could bend free speech laws before she broke them.
Its been deleted :/
lol there are constant riots in fatty nation but the fatties tell me what my country is in trouble because we rescue the lives of people in need.
Sorry but "don't burn the shit we need" might be specific enough of an argument for the crowd to infer meaning as to what should be burned.
>CNN is manipulating the news
In other news, scientists make shocking discovery that water is wet.
>we rescue the lives of people in need.
Who then rape your fellow citizens and you pretend nothing happened.
sry m8, but Kek is telling me that there is no truth to be found in your post
Okay, what shit was she referring to?
>infer meaning as to what should be burned.
Remember, no hearsay.
>1. Unverified information heard or received from another; rumor.
>2. Law Evidence that is not within the personal knowledge of a witness, ....
If only for the great song:
I really can't get over the state of the media in the west. It is literally the biggest threat we have.