Since killing them all isn't an option, what do we do about the Jews?
Since killing them all isn't an option, what do we do about the Jews?
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force them all into israel cut them off from the west and let shit sort itself out
Mutilate our penises and worship the eternal Jew.
Send them to Poland.
....sorry I have no other suggestions outside of gassing.
>killing them all isn't an option
Now that's a woman. So beautiful.
How many jews post on Sup Forums?
Th-thank you.
Put them in labor camps
An honest days work is a worse punishment than death for a Jew
The standard procedure is to use a liquid spray for lice and crabs during the process.
No, thank you! Don't worry; we'll blame it on the Russians and the Germans.
jew reporting in
Convert them to christianity.
That's full retard, (((them))) behave like serpents, like in pissrael against the Palestinians, and everywhere.
Marry the beautiful ones, ignore the rest.
>killing them all isn't an option
Says who?
Converting them and breeding them out of existence is probably the best option.
>Killing them all isn't an option
Why not?
Fuck off we're full
Deport them all to israel, just like back in the good old days
Adopt their superior cultural values of intelligence, cooperation, academic achievement, and financial savvy.
We turn their plans against them, and breed them out.
who is this semen demon
Expose them and their deeds; inform others who are unaware.
Allow them no place to hide.
When the fuck did killing them all come off the table?
We might need another Hitler deutschfriend but no killing poles this time plox
When americans proved to be a bunch of cucks
expose them
Take over Central America.
Send all niggles and Jews there for containment.
Make it illegal for jews to mate within their race.
Tell the ings they can use any unmarried jewels as community property when they turn 16
Problem solved in 1 generation
>Since killing them all isn't an option
Come on, it's only been tried once. I say we give it another go and if it doesn't work out we can try other alternatives.
>it's only been tried once
When was this?
Sup Forums is jewish flypaper
>killing them all isn't an option
Not an argument!
Is your sister hot user?
Don't do it. If you pork her, your children will be Jews.
Never fall for the Jewess. That is their evil curse.
You're missing out.
Continue letting them run Holowood into the ground by championing niggers and feminists
Then we can use concentration camps, yes ?
No, Poland. Death camps. Death camps and mass graves in Russian forests.
Not like cuckmoney with the labor camps.
Kill their masters - anglo.
Name and shame them in western society
Ban them from any positions within banking, politics, or media
Deport them to Israel
I do generally feel like diaspora jews are an absolute cancer, but once you get them into their own nation they turn significantly more nationalist and less globalist.
We tried that in 1392... it lasted 10 years then Russia invaded
And yet we still have no proofs of how many or what happened. Fancy that.
>Since killing them all isn't an option
Why isn't that an option again?
>Since killing them all isn't an option, what do we do about the Jews?
Why isn't an option? There are only 17 million of them on the planet. .1% of the global population and notice the decimal in front of that. Nearly half live in Israel and the other half in the US.
If one in 50 second amendment people defended themselves against a single jew, all the jews in the US would be dead. If we then nuked Israel almost all of the world's jews would be dead. The remainder would be easily cleaned up. It's not that hard, people.
Let them colonize a planet, on the condition all of them leave
maybe actually do it this time also
Since they like the desert so much, we should let them colonize the sun. Their ass blast should be enough to achieve gravitational escape and achieve their sun god.
Good goy.
I want to cum on her face
i am a jew
ask me anything
Why do you think you have such a grave need for being accepted, and is it because your parents ruthlessly practiced ritual blood sex sacrifice to mutilate your genitals in the name of g-d?
do you masturbate with gold coins?
Do you ever think the Jewish people would be better off abandoning their jewish identity and blending in with the rest of the population both socially and genetically?
She isnt a j-jew right a-user?
Everything in that picture says "she" to me. What's raising red flags for you?
Kill them all.
containment country
>what is isreal
We could kill every Jew with our fists.
We're all Jews user
Reporting in.
Truly my greatest ally.
And every Jew supporter.
1. send them all to Israel
2. stop sending military aid to Israel
3. piss off Middle-Eastern Muslims (easy to do)
problem solved
This plus embracing them as examples to follow, constantly pointing out their achievements such as their great influence in the wonderful media, etc
accusing jews of being jews is wrong but praising their achievements is ok, it is such a shame so many of them are not properly recognized or known
you're on /pol of Sup Forums
but it is an option..
Separate them by tribe. The Ashkenazi are trying to fuck the rest of the Israelis. Latest leaks show Soros trying to fuck redpilled portions of Israel and empower the Jew Marxists there.
make them our friend.
Imagine: if jews were the white man's friend, how much could be accomplished...
this is true
there's a group who is pro israel and wants the world to be safer, for their own benefit
and there's another group that actually seems to want the world to burn, who have no need for any country because they're rich and live pretty much anywhere they want
>isn't an option
Tell that to Ben "make it 10 million" Garrison.
Why not do what Hitler wanted to do. Ship all the Jews to Madagascar. A place far far away from Europe and the only people near by are the dindu.
just spread the word about the globalist bankers, the less people are ignorant the less can be taken advantage of
Honestly what's bad about jews. I converted from Protestantism and its not all that bad. I hate Muslism, Love Trump, hate gays, and hate minorities. A lot of other jews believe in this. Some jews are more based than ever thought.
Its called "The Final Solution", because there were no other option
They would just make it their new HQ and turn it into a super power, using native slave labor.
>be me
>spend weekend in Washington DC
>visit holocaust museum
>6 gorillian dead
>one big preachy shaming bs exhibit after another
>picture of Germans with arrows pointing to them with "they stood by and did nothing"
>main exhibit by reservation only and "fully booked" even though building is empty
I think the holocaust shaming comes from more western powers than it does the jews. When I attend synagogue no one talks about the holocaust, it is rarely mentioned. We don't go out and actively shame people, we just nod our heads and agree it was bad. This may not be true for some jews but, all the ones that I know don't throw a big fuss.
Same here.
...also cheecked
>Implying there are Goyim on Sup Forums
Jew here
submission is the role of the goy
Send them to Israel. :-)
>We might need another Hitler deutschfriend but no killing poles this time plox
>killing them
>not an option
beat them at their own game
subvert their religion and culture slowly
or a genetics based bioweapon
I mean.. "Shalom"
Fuck and impregnate, duh.
This. Including pulling all troops, police force, doctors, engineers, teachers and all the other things we waste money on, trying to help sandniggers in their own region. New Iron Curtain! This time surrounding the entire middle east. Let them choke on their oil. Burgers gotta learn to suck up to Albertans instead of Arabs for cheap gas.
Jew here
>Then we can use concentration camps, yes ?
It'll be your country and your jews. So I suppose so. But the whole Arbeit Macht Frei seems stupid if you just want to euthanize them
Throw pennies into the deepest part of the ocean.