When was the last time you actually observed your surroundings...

When was the last time you actually observed your surroundings? As in when you go outside do you see more foreigners than natives in your white country? I live in the SF bay area. EVERY time i go out im literally the only white person i see.

I really dont know what the hell is going on here, but the bureau stats are lies.


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Has the brown horde gotten to Sup Forums too?

Yes its particularly annoying when you see this going on in the city you grew up in. Then suddenly its like a switch was pulled and everyone is a shitskin.

Bureau statistics are a fucking lie. In 1940 San francisco was 95% white. Now in 2016 its only "SUPPOSEDLY" 40. But I think thats a fucking lie. How did it come to this?

I never knew what it was like to grow up in a white city

>You're welcome!!

Even when I turn the news on the anchors aren't even white anymore. Not that the news is a good source of information. But still, what in the actual fuck.

Better not come to Texas. Its worse. Full of illegal mexicans(lots), indians, money grubbn Koreans, Vietnamese. Every kinda nigger, nigerian, somalian.
Fuck, I was a kid in the 80s, and rarely seen a mexican. Now they are the dominant number of people. We as whites are being driven out.
I hear Colorados nice

It's not even just shitskins. Chinks are flooding this area in a level unparalleled. Do none of you care? This is having a direct effect on your right to pursue your destiny. Im sick and fucking tired of losing an opportunity im more suited for than some fucking spic or chink just because some cock sucking employer HR can get a tax write off for hiring a shitskin or butter-top.


Boomers fucked shit up with their hippie ideals. These people got into government and are for no borders. thanks boomers

If you live in California or New York I hope you drop dead

YOU are part of the problem

who gives a fuck?

Holy shit, yes dude

I went to the mall last Saturday and in a room of literally hundreds of people, o was the only white person. No fucking exaggeration. The entire mall was like that. This was in Florida, not even in the major city but a suburb.

I've been saying this for a while, I think the stats are a huge lie. Even in my suburb where I go to get groceries that is whiter than most other places I go, it is still only maybe 50% white. It's very surreal to take a step back and really analyze your surroundings. It's like one day you wake up and white people don't even fucking exist.

They fucked everything up. Baby boomers didnt need a college degree to get a corporate job. How about buying a home with a blue collar job. Gr8 in the 70s.
They fuckt this entire country up in a single generation.
>muh love fest for illegals
>mow muh yard mexicans
>10 kids raping the healthcare system & food assistant programs like chip

You have it all wrong asshole. We need to make it so that this kind of behavior isn't even just quarantined off. We need to destroy it entirely. Those are great regions with tons of beauty and history. But we need to change the demographics.

Its time like this when theres so many fucking foreigners in white countries that I honestly cant even tell if thats a REAL Australian or some fucking slant eyed, soulless chink.

Get the fuck out you chink swine.

Go fuck yourself. If you don't want to live around white people go move to Africa or China. Good riddance you self hating faggot.

White men give a fuck. Thats who

Look at me.

maybe one thousand years from now it will be mainly white people, who knows how it will change. Or maybe Satan will make himself known and the world will be a mess or warfare and disasters on an epic scale.

Ayy fellow white guy in an endless sea of brownish brown.

The statistics are way off. They are using old numbers and adding on.
There's a massive decline in white births. You cant stop mexicans from reproducing. As soon as their 18 they are fucking like rabbits and pooping out beaners

I'm pretty sure I'm the only pureblood white in all of Houston.

I don't know about you guys, but every fucking time I go outside I hear either some island nigger filipino or some illegal fucking wetback speak in tongues. I had to go to the social security office to get a replacement card and there was literally NOTHING but foreigners. Im so sick of this. And the worst thing is that its fucking inescapable. I can't help myself but laugh when i see some chinamen or shitskin speak with a british or australian accent.


Let me do a headcount of who walks past me.

white male
white female
2x white female
white male
fukkin ancient white male
white male
white female
3x white female
white male
2x white female
allahu akbar female
maori male
midget female
3x white male
white female
asian female
indian female
white female
white male
1/2 white 1/2 maori female, or possibly 3/4 white

And now mostly PoC are passing through too fast to keep track of.
Strange pattern.

>Go outside
>Cushy medieval town centre
>This is where Christmas Market used to be held and such
>As in one of those postcard ones Germany is famous for
>Last Christmas Market is a "breast cancer wagon" next to a speed-dating stand next to a beer box
>The whole audience is gypsies pretending to be refugees so noone questions their begging and akbars pretending to be gypsies so noone questions their drinking
>Three Germans there
>One me, one some old guy eating roast almonds, one some teenage guy who just looks pissed off
>Garbage everywhere
>Christmas Market is obviously long over
>I know the gipsy flats by the stolen deco still hanging from windows
>Our old cinema is a refugee home now
>Turks in Mercedes cars raid the homeless shelter for free food each morning
>Only guy in town who hasn't had police visit for complaining is an African who's been here like forever
>He has been observed smuggling unedited "Mein Kampf"s into the merchandise of our local bookstore
I don't know. It always felt like a place that used to be a white country once. But sure, what the hell. I guess the modern day is worse.

That's pathetic. The bar has dropped so low that literally now anyone can claim they are "white" whatever the fuck that means.

Are the police not sympathetic to the state of the country?
Or do they only send out politically correct police for offences of not being PC?

They ruined it by being "colorblind".

Shit even just having one of them is one too many. There should be laws the don't let foreigners live here and if they have to visit for tourism or official business then they need to be identified as foreigners who are given a countdown watch to when they have to leave the fucking country

Individual policemen? Sympathetic, mostly. Police as an organisation? Nominally in line with government. Supposedly morale and discipline are down the shitter though. Nobody in this country seems to really know where they stand anymore, save for the people standing for all of the twisted shit.

I know that feel

>Lived in Ansbach
>Go to America for College
>come back after a year
>refugees everywhere
>can't go outside without seeing women in hijabs
>Refugee blows himself up

Glad I'm back in Burgerland to be honest.

Another thing you should take into consideration is that each year we let in a million new immigrants and I think most of them are brown. In addition to the ones that have already been here for like 8-10 years. In addition to the ones that have overstayed their visa.

Dude it's absurd. Living in the city is the ultimate redpill.

I met an Austrian girl and found out later she had a kid. She literally fucked a Mexican and he got her pregnant then bailed. She was super butthurt when I wouldn't play daddy for her brown kid like a good little white cuckold.

She was bitching about how the refugees get more money than the mothers and that people don't come there to work. Now I know why, she needs white men to pay for her spic kid.

To the German poster, watch out for Mexicans dude. I've been seeing more and more of them talk about going to Europe. Don't let their "Christian values" bullshit fool you.

Spics are the worst. Literally 5 foot nothing, rotund, greasy, ugly as fuck. I hate them all. Who let these people come here? They clog up the system for the rest of us when they shouldnt even be here in the first place.

We need to purge these fucking people.

I wish I could leave. My pride would never let me, though.

I'll keep it in mind. Mexicans too. I know a guy who argues that Mexicans invading the Southern US mirrors the Poland-Germany conflict in WW2 with them as the Germany, but I don't buy it. It's all a mess.

This isn't a case of poor people from shit countries coming to New Zealand because we're wealthy.
This is rich people from shit countries because we're not a shit country.

The government fucking loves it, because they a decent chunk of short-term monetary gain.
And the students they bring in obviously have very high grades, even if they're robots.

Obviously though, bringing in huge numbers of wealthy high-flying immigrants really fucks with the locals because they get shunted down to the bottom of the food chain.

Used to be that whites and Maori had a fairly equal standing outside of big business.

Now, whites are significantly displaced by asians, and we have plenty of whites and Maori on the streets because housing prices are sky high with all the foreign buyers.

>go to local mall
>huge crowds of hispanics and blacks
>only a handful of white people
>it's either white families that went to pick something specific up and theyre rushing to get out or it's racemixers acting like niggers and ghetto punks for brownie points with the non-whites

My white brother had his black friend ask his boss for a job at a store in the mall and the Jewish owner said that he doesn't hire whites because white people want to be paid too much and do less quality work.

That's literally the reason why he gave and nobody gives a shit because the victim is white.

Monterey Bay here. Nothing but tourists

The wetbacks LOST at the battle of the Alamo and then they turned around and SOLD us the fucking land. We didn't just seize it. The fucking ugly wetbacks saying its their land is fucking WRONG. Don't trust ANY brown person. EVER

>go to the mall for some mcdonalds
>arabic everywhere
>tatar / uygur everywhere
>fucking moldavians
>literally no balkan rape babby turks that i used to see in my childhood
i want off this ride pls

Oh, I'm an American, I was just over there because military. I hope it gets better over there man, Germany needs people who are redpilled, but you need more independent media, have you thought about starting your own youtube, or talk radio?

He'd probably get arrested for "hate speech"

I know famalam, Americans don't appreciate the diversity of media over here. Sup Forums might meme about kikebart and nationalreview being cucked, but at least we have opposition media. Germany doesn't have as much real conservative media representation like we do over here with Rush, Fox News and everything down to local radio people.

There aren't people like pic related over there.

That's total bullshit. Call OSHA or file a discrimination complaint.

Scandinavian origins, blonde hair, green eyes. I'm probably whiter than you.

We don't even have opposition media. We have controlled opposition media. Two completely different things.

it is for the most part, if you stay out of denver

Give me a fucking break, there is enough media out there for any type of person. Obviously the major news stations have their agendas, but folks like Limbaugh aren't controlled opposition, and same goes for Drudgereport. He's one of the reasons for Trumps popularity.

You don't understand what it's like in Germany, the media literally calls ISIS, the "so called Islamic State" because they don't believe it's the real Islam.

Mexicans and Hispanics (Mestizos) ruined America.

That's how they will make their way into your country, same as they did mine. They'll go there and pop out anchor babies so your government will feel sympathy for them. Now we have 11 million illegals, official number though it's likely far higher, and they will likely get amnesty. Now we are stuck with them and all their children.

Pic related is what they did to California

Yes. I live in Las Vegas, a city supposedly 2/3rds White, but I'd estimate it's more like 30%. Not to mention I see a significant number of coal burners, oil drillers, and yellow fever couples. Within a generation it'll be about 10% White.

You would love north texas. They are flying mexican flags up and down the streets. Half dont care to speak english. They way this states going. They wont have too
I will try to take pics tomorrow. You wont believe how many mexican flags are flown

>11 Million
>official number though it's likely far higher

I hate to break it, but that number is like 10 years old. Have you read Adios America?

Ann Coulter puts the low estimate at 30 Million. We definitely need Trump and the Wall.


Remittances to Latin America were 68 BILLION last year. Even if the average sent was $150 every single month, that still comes out to 37 million individuals. That's why Ann Coulter uses remittances data to estimate the number of illegals is easily double what's claimed.


you all complain too much

It's that bad in Texas? I was in San Antonio visiting family this summer and I didn't see many Mexican flags there, but my uncle told me stories about the illegals coming over.

Kek, I need to get her other books, she's pretty good.

They won the battle, but were routed in a surprise attack sometime later

Went in Las Vegas in July

Never seen so much white guy/asian girl couples in all my life

go back to your chink country and then we wont complain

same, very few whites when I go out, and a lot are speaking foreign languages, mostly spanish but a lot of middle eastern and chink languages too

What's weird is the city isn't really that Asian, save for the Filipinos. I guess Asian girls these days really don't give any sort of special consideration to Asian guys. Black and White seem a bit more racially loyal, I guess.

Btw, what did you think of Vegas? I live here, so don't spend much time in the tourist areas, but to me it seems rather unimpressive for all the far flung places people come from to visit here.

Yeah I always figured the 11 million number was a huge lie. It never quite added up, people report seeing them all over the US, in huge numbers too.

They are everywhere now. I went to Denver last Fall and Denver used to be a fairly white city, I was surprised when I saw half the people there were fucking Mexican.

Even down here in Florida, maybe 8 years ago I never saw Mexicans. Mostly just Puerto Ricans or Dominicans. Now I see Mexicans all the time. I was in South Florida not too long ago and the street signs and advertisements were all in Spanish in this one neighborhood, I couldn't believe they had the gall to not even try and make it English.

I was browsing Sup Forums and I've been seeing so many Mexicans on there talking about going to Germany and Austria. I think they realize they're ruining America and now they'll go rinse and repeat for Europe. Just look at what Trudeau did for them in Canada. The Mexicans keep spreading this propaganda that they're bro tier and hard workers, the Euros don't know any better so they totally buy it.

I grew up in southern Idaho; it was and still is like 90% white trash with the rest being mexicans (who happen to assimilate rather well there). It's only been in like the last decade or so that I've started seeing african-americans in my hometown, but they're few and far between and seem pretty chill.

Nowadays I live in Texas and it's like fucking bizzaro world. Almost every blue-collar worker is an illegal immigrant from south of the border, most of which blatantly refuse to learn English or embrace murrican culture in any way.

quite exaggerating. do you live in san fran or oaktown? you must live in the ghetto. where i'm at in the bay is mostly white with chinese and beaners. don't see blacks around much in my neighborhood ever

Haha, but soon mon frere - there will be no difference! Canada has duped America and in fact signed a secret Chinese treaty where the Chinese Army will invade the United States from the North !

Soon, it will be the CCP enforcing all Americans to be sensitive to historically racially discriminated minorities !

>Mostly just Puerto Ricans or Dominicans.

Man Puerto Ricans are basically white compared to some of the Mestizos I see. I know a couple of qts from Puerto Rico, would rather have them to be honest.

>street signs and advertisements were all in Spanish

This boils my blood more than anything, we need to make English the national language, even if it's just a gesture.

I live in Illinois so there aren't that many Mexicans, but when I go to my community college I see Mexicans with leaf blowers, and it blows my mind where they can all come from.

Shut up chink.

Funny that it seems only a few ethnic groups, like the Japanese and Germans are specifically know for their cleanliness. In that pic you posted, no surprise there was massive trash around. Chinese and even White Slavs are also known to be messy. And of course blacks we know...

Maybe litering will be what finally triggers a German disgust with immigrants.

>calling other people Chinks.

Top kek

>Great regions with tons of beauty and history
Spoken like a true city cuck. I bet you're scared of the woods from all of the high production Hollywood movies you watch.

>I really dont know what the hell is going on here, but the bureau stats are lies.

They've been known to count non-Europeans as white so as to artificially "equalize" the crime rates, so I wouldn't be too surprised if your latest demographic informations may be "withheld" for a little longer so as to not bring such uncomfortable information to the dwindling white population.

What the fuck are you even talking about? What I'm trying to say is that it's irrational to hate those areas. Your hate should be directed at the shitty fucking fags that inhabit those areas. I never said the rest of the country is bad. You fucking stupid fag

>implying California doesn't have some beautiful areas


In Ottawa it is bad. Really bad. On campus you hardly hear english anymore, let alone during the summer semester.

It would have all been fine if they wated to join us and include us, but they don't. A lot of them fucking hate us and want to live in Canada to use our democracy, laws, education, resources, job opportunities. You name it. Many of them, at least 75%, fucking hate us. None more than the Arab and black community from what I've heard from moderates/ redpillers.

Fuck that stand your ground.



Just look at our olympic teams. Literally no one on the mens USA basketball team is white. Our country has literally been fucked

i live in central Texas in a relatively small town literally half of my high school was Mexicans and they walk though the halls blasting beaner music and speaking Spanish. Blacks are annoying as fuck i would take the blacks over beaners any day. Texas has a fucking plague and its called mexicans

What really freaks me out is most white people and white women are tumblr shut ins who are becoming obese as fuck, unhealthy, mentally ill, and all around pathetic cucks too SJW propeganda. My area is 80% Arab now.Used to be a quiet suburb area. They stole the beach. All the Arabs are out having fun and most of the University kids do not work. They work out and frolick all day int he area and smoke weed, and they always socialize and throw picknicks, BBQ's. They actually use phones to call one another and meet up. What does our pathetic race do? Netflicks and chill. Never go outside. Get obese. Become mentally ill and retarded by staying on facebook. tumblr. Never socializes and is socially retarded. The men are femiiized and weak, so the women go to te Arab men who still keep their masculinity and dominance; something libtard women pretend to hate. Fucking Arabs get their visas and laugh at the white male cucks. Most of the whites going to parks, out on bike paths, working out outside are 30+ and middle class or higher. All of that is fading now, each year. We've become soft, weak, useless, burdened with debt and brainwashed. Canada is gone if we don't get more redpillers in soon.

Exactly how are right-leaning people on Sup Forums who happen to live in a shitty state part of the problem? If there were more of us there would be no problem.

I live in San Diego and it's fine here. People are largely segregated and that's how it should be. The city is very conservative too.

Went to the mall recently.
Absolutely FILLED with muzzies and niggers. Maybe 50%. This isn't even a shitty part of town. They come here because their mall sucks.

Chris Rock got it right. There are two malls in every city. The white mall and the mall whites used to go to.

My grandparents live in Mississauga. Tell me about it...

>Exactly how are right-leaning people on Sup Forums who happen to live in a shitty state part of the problem? If there were more of us there would be no problem.


tfw Warcraft was right. Humans vs Orcs is real.

That is to this day one of the most disgusting images I've ever seen. The creator deserves the death sentence.

World War N.

To think this cartoon was from 1990ish. What a visionary.

I drove through El Paso and I could have just as easily been in Mexico. It doesn't even look like America.

I think he's back now, someone with the same writing style as him posted new images on another chan a few weeks ago.

Bonus points for the watch exploding like in a Japanese mystery-thriller

>all these white faces

>At least we're not speaking German.

Dumb fuck hippies should all be gassed.

And to think it took just a few decades... The Jews really ruined the US, just like so many other nations throughout history.

>The National Origins Formula was an American system of immigration quotas, between 1921 and 1965, which restricted immigration on the basis of existing proportions of the population. The goal was to maintain the existing ethnic composition of the United States.

>The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 abolished the National Origins Formula that had been in place in the United States since the Emergency Quota Act. It was proposed by United States Representative Emanuel Celler of New York

>All of his grandparents emigrated from Germany; his paternal grandparents and maternal grandmother were Jewish.

>Jewish politicians Behind The Open Immigration Law of 1965 included Senator Jacob Javits (NY); Congressman Emanuel Celler (NY); Leo Pfeffer (Former President of American Jewish Congress (AJC); Norman Podhoretz (Writer and Member of The Council on Foreign Relations – former leftist, now a Jewish neo-con); Senator Charles Schumer; and Representative Elizabeth Holtzman.

Shoosh goy, race mixing is super!

>be me, live in south east MO
>be in small town of 4k people (there for my job, a live in a bigger town thats like 20-30 minutes south)
>be at gas station right by highway
>go in and see if they have any Pay Day bars there (you can get them at that gas station for 92 cents, a lot lower than most candy bars)
>hear family speaking foreign language, loudly
>think it's spanish but upon further listening it is quite different
>turn to my left to see a single Poo in a loo mother and her son, he is holding a bag of hotfries, squealing in poo-runes
>fucking poos in the middle of goddamn missouri, one of the more homogeneous surrounding towns in the area
>they didn't have any Pay Days, so I just walked back out to the truck
>finish getting gas
>start to pull away, but get cut off by some fucking soccermom-tier SUV
>you know the ones, all car companies make them, and they are all completely indistinguishable from the other each other
>it's the fucking poo mom, shoveling hot fries into her fucking mouth
>mfw I still never got my Pay Day

Can not make this shit up if I tried.




What I don't get is why blacks / beaners incapable to keep surrounding space clean. They always shit it up. Pic very related: latest caribbean festival in Toronto 99% niggs