ITT post the most dutch thing you know
Though it seems silly, since I've never met a Dutch person who didn't speak perfect english.
Krijg nou de geile vinke tering!!
Zal ik ff lekker in je bek schijte???
>wood shoed windmill niggers
there is a "clog barn" not far from where i live, which is owned by the local MP (member for parliament)
it is very meme worthy
When I think of a Dutch person I picture a tall smug pothead, accurate?
we don't smoke that much weed
Dutch people smoke a lot less weed than people in the US for example.
There's also lots more people in the USA.
percentage wise, of course
Netherlands: 5.4%
USA: 13.7%
they speak english and their women tend to be really cute.
my high school gf was from holland
Losing at hockey.
Memen onder een duidelijke honeypot van Geenstijl, domme Ferry Mookhoek.
Stop racemixing, you filthy pothead cunts.
Using the word kanker in every sentence
Clogs were mentioned So I'll go with Rotterdamn
The elusive European jew.
what did he mean by this