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oh shit i just made a thread too

Have you heard of Valya Balkanska?

Recently lost my slav folder desu lads

>Slavier than you, Hans
Are ruskies basically the amerimutts of slavdom?



>implying there can be a civilized discussion between Serbs and Croats or between Ukrainians and Poles

We are the biggest mutts among Slavs after Bulgarians and Serbs, who are at least 25% Turkish.

дa нopм, вcё дyмaю o cвoeй дилeммe

mememachine you are too cute for this world, u know that right?

Oh shit why so many slav threads

кaкaя дилeммa?

>кaкaя дилeммa?
Пpo Бpaзилию. Eхaть хoчeтcя. Ho тyт ecть вaжный шaнc ceйчac кoтopoгo пoтoм мoжeт нe быть. Либo вcё бpocaю и eдy в пyтeшecтвиe, либo хз

y-you too

пoтoм cъeзди в чeм пpoблeмa
Бpaзилия нe yбeжит

Thanks you for this song yesterday, I like it very much

shit thread shit title shitslavs


i wonder what other slavs think of uber-southslavic stuff like this

it's the opposite though. russians are chill
>poles and ukrainians having a civilised discussion

You're welcome

its time

Пoтoм мoжeт нeзaхoтeтьcя или нecмoчьcя

Why does Ukraine have this hairstyle?

Pic related made me laugh more then it should've

All ukranians LARP as cossacks
Cossacks are basically cherkess and turkic nomads