Thoughts on this pathetic Uncle Tom coon?
Literally no different than a white person with white guilt.
Thoughts on this pathetic Uncle Tom coon?
Literally no different than a white person with white guilt.
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why is every black person who isn't a complete baboon nigger 24/7 an Uncle Tom?
He's a useful idiot OP. Let him serve alt-right interests for as long as he can.
He's a spineless worm sucking white ass.
He obviously gets off to pandering to whites and kissing pink dick. He's a sellout.
t. baboon nigger
t. 60% white country.
Thoughts on Sup Forums Sup Forums threads?
Literally no different than twitter.
How about you ignore obvious ignorance?
>he sold out my shitty culture by assimilating and defending a better one
>people shouldn't better their lives
>black people dreams should be 40oz and rims
>everyone be shit like me
Catch 22 here jesus christ. Black guy defends white nation and he'll get stabbed in the back at the end of war. Whites are no different from jews then i guess. I thought the ideal principle from a nonwhite or immigrant is to show decency and "cuck" themselves when living or visiting a foreign country. He's a race traitor now? because he's doing the right thing? fuck all of you. this is why half-castes always choose their nonwhite side because of the fear of betrayal.
>this is why half-castes always choose their nonwhite side because of the fear of betrayal.
its actually because of the free college m8
Why do black people refuse to cooperate with other races? At least white people actually manage to put up with you and give you shit. Black people would take any chance to chimp out and be uncooperative. Even in the workplace they're unnecessarily combative.
Stop being so racist, blacks.
KYS you fucking nigger before the right wingers do.
There he is, everybody. The "Brit" who posts "60%" in every thread.
t. Muhammed ibn Jafaar al-Zalwahi
Hes not 'British'. He is some shit shit skin invader
>selling out
>a community based on crime
ok senpai
Ooh that edge
KYS degenerate nigger
sheriff david clarke is based as fuck
>selling out a culture of degeneracy
> a bad thing
niggers based af. maybe you should listen to your kin, you coon.
Holy fuck you shills are scrapping the bottom of the barrel.
This the best you can come up with?
He recognises that there is something drastically wrong with black culture in the US and he is doing something to change it.
Only morons would disparage him.
I guess white nationalism ultimately is racist. i've been told otherwise that it was to preserve the white majority. i guess even if we hold up white values we're nothing compared to the hosts. i'm not angry, just a little uneasy that i will have to give up my home. no exceptions to the rules?
Could this post have ANYTHING to do with Sheriff Clarke meeting with Trump today??
Hmmmmm now Im really thinking...
Did I hit a nerve you tinfoil retard?
I wonder who could be behind this post?
>How dare he value Law & Order. Law & Order are white things.
This is why Black societies never amount to anything. Congrats.
clarke is against degeneracy and the liberal welfare state that has turned his county into a shithole
you should be kissing this mans black feet for standing up against the narrative
My uninformed opinion is that BLM/Soros targeted Milwaukee for riots to discredit this guy.
>t. butthurt blackman
You're just angry that somebody finally held a mirror up to the black community and he's black so you can't just call him racist.
How do you guys feel about someone like based Sherrif Clarke being married to a white woman? Is he okay in your book to fuck white chick's even though he's black?
He's not even black. At a certain level of badass, you transcend race and racism and when people look at you all they see is 'tough as nails.'
Pic related is another of that race.
That's his business. He's not a degenerate "nigger".
Nu-Sup Forums approves of it.
Because OP is a nignog.
>anyone who isn't a racist, jobless, welfare taking, ebt spending nigger is an uncle tom
Hey, for all you niggers out there who are lurking, this is why your race will never be anything more than a big old pile of dogshit, and it's also the reason why cops will never stop shooting you and white people will never stop pushing you away from them.
>literally no difference
If only it were that easy.
Agreed.if wasnt such a pointless fuck that neighborhood might not be such a shithole.well ok,itd still be a niggernest but wtf has this man been doing with his authority?
Why do blacks not want other black to be educated? Why do blacks want to continue to be stereotypes of criminals? oh thats right its just DUMB ASS DINDUS.
Fuck off subhuman nigger.
The very moment you see a black who's not acting like a fucking chimp, you try to paint him in a negative light.
Get shot by a cop.
Chloe More became a libtard. That's what.
>calling a paki a brit
dont do it
What is your solution for blacks then? Holocaust them? Then your race is in real shit because your great grandchildren will remember you as the gate guard who burnt and gassed 7 trillion blacks.
Pretty hot for a black guy.
>Uncle Tom coon
You do know that being an Uncle Tom is a good thing, right?
Fuck off and die, OP.
If it were up to me I'd finish what Lincoln started and send them back to Liberia.
Get rid of stupid libtard politicians and enforce tough crime laws. Look what Gulliani was able to accomplish in NYC.
We need more of that, but even stricter.
Fuck off Brit cuck. I swear you dont even deserve an English name. Soccer faggots for one. Bunch of fkn pussies.
Solution for half-castes (not black)?
BLM is a white man slave
Who cares. They don't matter.
Damage is done dude. All you can do is blow hot gas and try to convince ppl to stop that madness. You don't have a time machine, so let him live his life with kids & wife. You're gonna hang her anyways.
>Sup Forumscuck admits being le alt-right spooky enlightenment autist
He's a respectable black man you fucking idiot. More should aspire to be like him. If you tell people they'll never be respected, why the fuck would they try?
>Black person doesn't act like a fucking feral animal
>This somehow makes him a cuck and an uncle tom
Fuck off you dirty wog
>Thoughts on this pathetic Uncle Tom coon?
CTR hate post.
This is why black people never better themselves. Their peers will just call them sell outs and uncle toms
Clarke 2.0
Now also kicks Aliens in the ball
Any nigger who doesn't want to act like a nigger is dragged back down by the other niggers.
There isn't one.
This is cultural, and spreads all over the country.
You want it fixed? You wipe off the culture and start from zero, but you can't do that.
Niggers are thought to live with resentment thanks to their shitty culture. They only care about the bad things that happened to fuel their victim complex. This is why they defend criminals just because they're black. It's not even about unity as a race, if that was the case they wouldn't idolize criminals and hurt fellow blacks from their community with the riots.
Wow, racist much?
Self-fulfilling prophecy
He is not an Uncle Tom. He is just right winger.
>Stands up for what he believes in even though people hate him for him
> some paki beats up on a black man with pride
Die in a fire you birmingham pedo
>How dare you damn uppity negro stand against our liberal agenda
praise kek, he's on a spree today
>black man with a job
>disowned by the black community
What a shock.
Fuck off nigger
shouldn't you be laying down in a street right now?
Fuck no. This guy is a bro. Would defend. Shove your supremesist shit up your ass faggot.
Again I say, Boo nigga Booo!!!
Because niggers are to stupid and shameless to admit to their own faults and when one does he/she is ostracized.
He is trans-white
Conquer and divide friend.
leftist detected. I know you can only resort to name calling, but at least choose one that applies.
>being against crime is "uncle tom" now
Fuck i should have left you shitty whites in the EU. You fucking England soccer faggots cant even represent your own turf, and your cunt ass tries to talk shit about a decent American. I only cared for Northern England but you cunts ruined the Country. Im ashamed my name comes from England. Race War Now. Go home or kill them all. Btw i can tell you will be hiding in bed 160 lb pol fgt.
I can feel this man's pain.
Islamic State of Lancaster. I will nuke England
English nigger detected
because you're a nig nog who can't realize that your actions put you where you are, not some oppressio boogeyman
go back muhammad
the king of SA says muhammad the prophet is a shit eating faggot.
You limey fucks are becoming the new leafs...