Neo nazis of Sup Forums: how do you feel about Hitler's endorsement of japan (and even china earlier on)?
Neo nazis of Sup Forums: how do you feel about Hitler's endorsement of japan (and even china earlier on)?
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Japanese are honorary aryans you subversive communist.
Very good, Japan was the last real Traditional pagan Empire.
>even china earlier on
Eww yellow fever
Exactly. Him bestowing the "aryan" label on literally anyone he thought to be convenient at the time just appears to me that he didn't really have that solid of an ideology.
What do you mean by this?
>hitler betraying his own supposed ideology for political convenience
Honorary aryan is a Sup Forums thing. He never actually said that.
But Hitler was concerned with good genetics.
Nordics, Mediterranians and Japanese have arguably the best genetics, so of course he liked them.
>I don't know anything about Hitler's ideology
Read Mein Kampf, the japs have always been considered honourary even long before the war.
My point is, knucklehead, is that he didn't even believe all the shit he wrote in that shit book. Holy christ.
And your point is wrong because what you pointed out as him going against his book is written in his book.
>is written in his book
>the asian rebuttal to communism
>Compare the Nazis to the German Jews and to the Japanese. The Nazis were very similar to the German Jews: they looked the same, spoke the same language, came from a similar culture. The Nazis were totally different from the Japanese: different race, different language, vast cultural gap. But the Nazis and Japanese mostly got along pretty well. Heck, the Nazis were actually moderately positively disposed to the Chinese, even when they were technically at war. Meanwhile, the conflict between the Nazis and the German Jews – some of whom didn’t even realize they were anything other than German until they checked their grandparents’ birth certificate – is the stuff of history and nightmares. Any theory of outgroupishness that naively assumes the Nazis’ natural outgroup is Japanese or Chinese people will be totally inadequate.
>So what makes an outgroup? Proximity plus small differences. If you want to know who someone in former Yugoslavia hates, don’t look at the Indonesians or the Zulus or the Tibetans or anyone else distant and exotic. Find the Yugoslavian ethnicity that lives closely intermingled with them and is most conspicuously similar to them, and chances are you’ll find the one who they have eight hundred years of seething hatred toward.
If we were to divide mankind into three groups, the founders of culture, the bearers of culture, the destroyers of culture, only the Aryan could be considered as the representative of the first group. From him originate the foundations and walls of all human creation, and only the outward form and color are determined by the changing traits of character of the various peoples. He provides the mightiest building stones and plans for all human progress and only the execution corresponds to the nature of the varying men and races. In a few decades, for example, the entire east of Asia will possess a culture whose ultimate foundation will be Hellenic spirit and Germanic technology, just as much as in Europe. Only the outward form-in part at least-will bear the features of Asiatic character. It is not true, as some people think, that Japan adds European technology to its culture; no, European science and technology are trimmed with Japanese characteristics. The foundation of actual life is no longer the special Japanese culture, although it determines the color of life-because outwardly, in consequence of its inner difference, it is more conspicuous to the European-but the gigantic scientific-technical achievements of Europe and America; that is, of Aryan peoples. Only on the basis of these achievements can the Orient follow general human progress. They furnish the basis of the struggle for daily bread, create weapons and implements for it, and only the outward form is gradually adapted to Japanese character.
Then why did he try to ally with ROC earlier? He didn't give a shit about the japs and their "genetics". Japan had the military advantage and expansionist policy he liked and needed.
So in other words, he didn't really care about le aryan masterrace.
Who really does?
You seem to lack a critical understanding of national socialism reminiscent of someone just out of the leftists indoctrination gulags
Hitler was not interested in genociding everyone but "aryans". He was not attempting to create the "master race" and he wasn't interested in conquering the world.
The entire point of national socialism was to put the people and their country's interests above that of business concerns. National socialism is about a Europe for Europeans as much as it is about a Japan for Japanese, or an Africa for Africans.
It's pretty clear that you're tripping all over yourself to attribute whatever negative characteristics to Hitler as you can in a hamfisted attempt to show he was hypocritical.