Guess the country Sup Forums

Guess the country Sup Forums

At first I thought they were Brazilian, but they look very foreign. So I guess is from a Spanish speaking country.



El Salvador? Colombia?

>So I guess is from a Spanish speaking country.

a shithole.

Los Angeles


how come they look so dark yet look nothing like native americans from the north?
are there like different subraces among the native americans?


Martians, they must be Martians.

you know if they had track pants and vodka bottles in their hands.... just sayin'

La casa de la creatura

They’ve been moor’d by the spanish


I mean if you look at canadian natives or greenlanders and compare them with amazonian natives they look totally different
it seems they're racially different

They look American but since they say they don't have jail houses, I'm saying Mexico.

Southern Italy?

Ding ding ding

Nice, my turn

Dios mio...

Average american couple 2018

The things some people do for a passport....

Gypsiestan, 2015 BC, colorized


united states of america

what the actual fuck

Any "Latin" American SHITHOLE

Native Americans weren't a single unified race.

Also, "Moor'd", not really, more like NEGRO'D, modern day Latinos are more negro than iberian.



sjakaksjkasjasjk el colombiANO seniores



What kind of nigger is this ?

this is an affront to nature

the fuck

ayo u mad whitey? we be stealing yo whyte wymenz

Is this from the new Black Panther movie?

Colombians don't look like that. Looks like El Salvador or Honduras

Imagine being this insecure. Why did you mention us out of the blue?

I believe that's what you get by mixing blacks and native americans. I think the might be Belizean or somewhere in Central America. They're facial features and even their reddish-brown skin pigmentation, as the Brazilian lad said, look foreign and are very rare to find here, even in the coastal regions

Google search gives colombian people though

phenotype is Central American native.

Don't tell me, man. I'm just saying what google shows.

Ave María purísima....

the image give no results in Google.

False, I reverse searched it and nowhere does it say Colombian. Those people look very foreign, the way they look and dress is not common here, not even in the coast


I told you man, i don't know anything about that

I'm getting this one

ahaha, also I never thought that google worked that way. Really interesting

I see what you did there

yes really strange



That's obviously the US

Imagine the smell


This could be literally anywhere in The Americas

oh dios, la bestia asquerosa

even canada?

I'd rather fuck a donkey

this has to be most likely El Salvador or Honduras
