People had a shitstorm because a far left, bisexual, counter culture occultist didn't like Donald Trump

>People had a shitstorm because a far left, bisexual, counter culture occultist didn't like Donald Trump

But this shit is ok?

>American content made for Americans chimes in on a foreign political commentary of an event from before the birth of the target audience

Wow, wonder why there's no uproar?

>women's studies

College is such a meme.

>30 years later the left STILL hasn't gotten over Thatcher.
This is how Angus McHaggis happens you know.

you have to love how the left's greatest victories are the theoretical ones they imagine they'd have had instead.
who's the one striving for an america that never existed?

This came out almost exactly a decade after she left office

I thought we loved Thatcher?

>durrhurr Ronald Raygun was dumb and Maggie Thacker was evul

And, yet, somehow, their stewardship of the respective countries shepherded them from the crises of the 1970s to the salad days of the 1990s without a single atom bomb going off.

I love thatching.

Is the British left genuinely this delusional?

Is that guy shit talking the iron lady? Fuck off

It would've been nice if Reagan could've done it without ruining the economy

Dude was kinda busy having Alzheimer's, don't blame him.

Is this the first comic by a British writer from/about the 80s you've read?

I read a fuckton of Wildstorm since I have the torrent with everything they put out.

I noticed this trend, that's constant with the whole industry in that it started getting really political in the late 90s/early 00s. It seems like it's out of nowhere too. Suddenly every writer is grandstanding about politics. It was probably 9/11 and the rise of the Internet.

But it's still noticeable. Read a silver age comic and you can't discern the authors politics. Read one of the modern age and you can tell right away with some authors.

Frankly I'm getting sick of it. It's funny how Wildstorm went uber-liberal but it still pales in comparison with how much Marvel is pandering to the Left these days. At least they were somewhat subtle about it.

Somehow I doubt that 1980s Britain was actually a horrific dystopia.

Who can I blame instead?
The jews?
The muties?

Also OP that was about a politician who's dead and gone. Or not in office. There is a difference between criticizing someone's established record, which is history and you can look it up and their views have no bearing on the political outcome.... And openly criticizing someone who's currently running for office. Because that, that's just defacto campaigning and propaganda.

I don't like putting too much politics into comics, especially when it comes to super heroes because they end up just becoming the mouthpiece for the authors views, not what the actual character would view. However, there is a difference between using your art to criticize the past and using your art to try and directly change the future. The later is low and tacky and disgraceful in my opinion. The former is an unfortunate consequence of the industry that has to hire talent from groups that will always fall into their stereotypical beliefs.

>The muties?
Always the muties, man, always.

Those fucking genetic deviants are always the cause of the world's ills

That's the spirit! Soon they'll be hanging from the street lights and all will be well.

Yeah man fuck Inhumans

Yeah this is actually a great point. Planetary had 10 years to see the effect of what it critiqued.