Canada needs a violent civil war in order to grow the fuck up

Canada needs a violent civil war in order to grow the fuck up.

Prove me wrong Sup Forums

pls be in Toronto

The great war and the second world war took all the good men away in the first place, OP.

if you grow up you stay young though

Get the fuck out of my country if you like racists that much.

Yes. Everyone in Ontario and Quebec should kill each other.

if there was a canadian revolution, i would if anyone outside the country would notice?

probably not.

But you're right

international maple syrup shortage, and 40% less shitposting on Sup Forums.

>tfw the more years that go by the more I grow to hate this country
I'd love to be proud but what is there? Sure th exemplary soldiers that fought in the Great Wars, but since then? The Quebec syrup heists? Like damn

As a American, the people I know from Ontario are generally pretty chill.

Quebec is full of assholes. I deal with them on a regular basis and holy shit are they the most arrogant people I've ever met.

They also suck as much as the Brazilians when it comes to gaming.

The future looks bright

It never was your country, you left leaning shitskin.
The Anglosphere is our inheritance.

>A long shitty winter after an economic downturn.
>CAN Dollar nosedive is basically 30% tax on all consumer products. I haven't stepped inside a Best Buy or bought anything online since it crapped out.
>Canada needs a constant minority government and bullish Central Bank to maintain the dollar.
>Second generation immigrants drop their cultures and become big left wing fags to "fit in."
>Financial sector going fintech will fuck Toronto so bad that it will become nuclear in 5 years.
>Prairies offer low taxes and low costs. New Canadian frontier for red pill workers and tax dodging Canadian companies.


Go to war with Ireland that would be pretty cute

The civil war is gonna get a hell of a kick in the nuts when all its proponents get rounded up and run through reeducation camps.

>you will never become ruler of Alberta and declare war on every other province
Why live?

Why? Is it because Canadians disagree with the Sup Forums hivemind, and therefore we hurt Sup Forums's fee fees?

LEL. Go die in a fire, Sup Forums.

Canada: absolute shit ton of single mothers, open borders useful idiots, entitled Boomers/silent generation, radical left college kids, neo-liberal globalist shills that let their labour value erode with immigration/TFW and weak negotiation with their employers, middle class needs to live with a billion roommates in illegal suites and still be under water every months, shit opportunity, anti-nationalists, etc.

There will be no revolution, Canada is terminally ill even if every single white man with a brain stood up today and demanded change.

More like Canada needs to split up in order to grow the fuck up. Our politics are a disaster. Most of our policies are made with just Ontario and Quebec in mind and unintentionally harm, or have no impact on the east or west.

>Give the eskimos the three territories, Northern quebec, and Labrador
>british columbia, the three prairie provinces make up West Canada
>Ontario and Quebec make up East Canada
>Newfoundland and the Maritimes form a union, fix their economy by making the cod fishery legal again
>the different regions of Canada can govern themselves without having some clueless fuck in Ottawa make decisions about provinces he's never been

Canada's too large, and its population's too spread out, and it's mentalities, cultures and attitudes are way too different wherever you go to justify being a single country. East-Coast Canada's a good example of dumb politicians from Ontario who don't know what they're talking about that went on to ruin the economy there.

Unfortunately this user is correct. Canada as a fighting nation died in world war 2. As much as i would love to lead the charge on Ottawa, it'll never happen

It doesn't need to be violent or even unlawful: none of us want to be around non-whites. Let's just co-ordinate and not promote it as some easily stigmatized (by the faggot left) white nationalist movement

Racism is awesome. But I'm not talking about a race war, just a civil war

Sure they would. How unexpected would it be?

If you have to ask, you'll never understand the answer

Does dad support this?

>leftist faggot thinks he speaks for Canada

Top fucking kek

Never say never. We only need a small handful of people willing to do what needs to be done in order to affect change. Revolutions have succeeded with only a couple dozen people at the fore.

I'm coming to Canada then I'm going to be the racist latino it will be fun.

We're full.

The civil war would start in Alberta, and the "rebel" forces would be similar to the Vojska Republike Srpske in the Bosnian War.

Hello CSIS

I do speak for Canada though. You just speak for irrelevant isolated fucks smoking weed and working in oil fields.

Listen man, I live in Edmonton, I'm definitely interested in participating in the founding of a nationalist party in Canada. I would be interested in contacting you outside of here.

Our foundation was peaceful and not violent

We have never been a violent populace and that won't change any time soon

Way to make Canada god tier. Sell vancouver island to the chinks or japs. Ontario leaves and becomes its own country. Quebec leaves and becomes its own country. Use the money from selling vancouver on making canada 2.0 a world superpower. Comfy.

Ruh roh.

>AKA the people who pay for non-white welfare and keep this country afloat.

Flips and Chinks(the two biggest immigrants in Canada) to fight each other and start a civil war

Nah. They just need Quebec to leave.

I understand France, America or Australia revolting and overthrowing tyrannical governments, but not Canada. We are a nation of servile, loyalist-descending cucks and immigrants. Culture and history means everything when it comes to prediction future rebellion.

Fine, have at it Canada.

I like it.

I like it alot.

Except you left out the part that when we're done with Quebec, it'll be nothing but a small strip of land along the St Lawrence. Then we'll see how long their little socialist utopia lasts.

It's true. Canada has probably had one of the coziest existences of any country in world history.

Nah man, that's pure capitulation.

Show the Chinese investors the door, and split the country in half along Manitoba (Western Canada and Eastern Canada now independent countries, the East can have Nunavut, we don't want them).

Maybe in the East, in a few years people in the West will be up to their neck with it.

I'm a member of a group who are trying to start a Nationalist Party and we're actually looking for more people out West to get new ideas in.

Post your email or skype and we'll contact you.

If you kill your enemies they win though

So ? Overthrowing the gov ? How would you do that without the military ?

Sounds like a trap to me

As a Quebecois I agree

>Implying Canada without ON, QC, and BC is worth something.

I travelled all over Europe and only had an issue with one person from Montreal

I beat the shit out of him in Rome for being an asshole

Your welcome Quebec you cucks probably enjoyed it

It's that attitude that keeps us from breaking out.

Perhaps if you had a more deterministic attitude, and broke away from the pack, people who you knew would do the same, and so on.

Never forget, the Nazi party started with a couple guys who had weekly meetings in a beer hall.

Albertan grown here. We need Ontario and Quebec. They're very valuable for manufacture alone. Denying that is delusional.


[email protected]

You better not be a fucking govt. crony though. Email me ASAP.

>Triggered right-wing albertafags that are angry because they are almost extinct.


I agree, 100%.

We will try to reason with the idiot leftists and gay supporting faggots but you and I both know that violence is the only thing that will stop these retards.

Just decentralize the power of the federal state. Like in switzerland

Dick picks incoming. And later a van.

Without us and Saskatchewan, Canada wouldn't be what it is today (economically speaking). Without us, you're fucked.

Gas yourself, commie.

Yes and both sides should use biological weapons on each other

Agreed, but politically something drastic will need to be done to remove the extreme left

We're not CSIS m8, or at least im not.
Gimme a sec

this man has got it.

Alright, no problem.

How about you post an email or website for us to contact.

I'm not posting my info in fucking Sup Forums
I want in, but

Canada is just fine, especially compared to the ever-widening cesspool to our immediate south.

Alberta is easily the most based province in Canada . Newfoundland a close second



>more albertaFAGGOT denial

LELELELELELELE, you people are politically finished. Fucking albertaFAGGOTS. Justin Trudeau spells the end for you.

It's pretty harmless, just make a throwaway.

Newfoundland voted 100% liberal in the last federal election. They (and the rest of the Atlantic) are welfare queens. Sask. is the second most based.


Justin Trudeau is a flash in the pan, and you know it. After he continues to blunder and take shirtless pictures, it's Tory Time again next election.


Take the good parts of NWT as well. Lets make this happen. Western separation is not a new idea.

Don't kid yourself. Canadian posters are carrying this shitty forum.

When can the burgers join?
What side should the burgers fight for/against?

Yeah pretty much those are the regions that we would have to stake out.


Western Canada often are strong conservative Canada (except for Vancouver)

suppose Western Canada separate from Eastern and use the election result from 2015 to decide which party will be Western Canada Federal government.

Conservation would win a majority government with 54 seats out of 104 seats.

just over throw yours and make it so they dont interfere

American volunteers would, hypothetically speaking, probably support/fight for Western Canadians, who are generally right wing. Leftist Americans would fight (implying leftists WOULD fight, of course) for the East, which is generally left wing.

The non socialist commies

Looks like Canada could use an Agent or two.

You know what to do.

We've already got a few.

This war is past due.

Poo in the loo?

We need a National Party, or a Nationalist Party, not Conservatives.

>Second generation immigrants drop their cultures and become big left wing fags to "fit in."
Canadian politics doesn't work like that.
We vote for the most appealing character with a moderately sound economic plan.

[email protected]

Just make a throwaway m8
This. The Conservatives are basically Liberals in social political sense anyways, they don't want Canadians to unify under one identity and to celebrate our forefathers successes and the people who built this country and would rather make us something we're not.

Leave the connection to the monarchy as well? What would the canadian brexit be called?

you gotta deal with that mental health epidemic mate

an entire region in canada thinks its french! give em the bash

>Welfare babies who refuse to progress beyond their failed oil industry into other financial avenues

Self confidence is good, but don't idolize a province filled with blue collar layabouts just because "muh hard workers"

Even B.C is doing better than you retards. How fucking shameful.

Quebec as a region is not known for gaming but there are a few professional gamers from Quebec.

OP is right. I would cross the border for weekend warrioring

>Leave the monarchy
>Get instantly overran by places like Tokelau

m8 the monarchy is the only thing keeping you Canadian.

They bash themselves enough already. Honestly, most Canadians pity them at this point.

nope I'd actually like to sign up for the conservative team

Why do people hate the monarchy anyway?

Don't they just lease property in exchange for a cut of the money and everyone pretending they're important?

So you don't speak for the people that actually work for a living?

I'm in Edmonton as well

How did Lenin do it?