Is this the ultimate redpill game?
Is this the ultimate redpill game?
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Pretty much
I wish I could play it again for the first time now.
Kojima actually predicted the inevitable stupidity of the internet. The absolute madman.
Not really no, 2ch was already a thing. I remember reading that whole speech was made with 2ch in mind.
it's way the fuck beyond redpill
Yes. And finally a leaf makes a non stupid thread.
Kojima is very intelligent. His intelligence plus pessimistic attitude as a result of his lifelong depression makes for very accurate predictions
Holy shit.
Game threw me for a loop when i was a teenager. Honestly wonder how much it shaped my world view in comparison to normies. 9.999/10 game. I would say i hope they make a movie, but i think an HBO show would do it more justice. Fuck. Is this available to download on PS4? Manhunt is, and was wayyyyy less popular.
Yes, Best Jap export ever.
Also underrated as a piece of artwork. MGS3 and MGS1 are also amazing.
>you're manipulated the whole game into killing off the only good guy, and danger to the ruling structure
>you did the Jews biding the whole time
God damn that game was good and sad as shit
Fucking psycho mantis. Both those games had some aspect that was metagame.
The only way it would be good is if David hayter played snake. AND WB studios would have to be in charge of production
Nope, second best.
>tfw Harter is an anti-gun libcuck
Also pic related is pretty redpill. A lot about how the government fucks people's lives up.
>how government fucks peoples lives up
Mexicans too. I loved that game
I remember reading some kind of study on that type of thing. People who have depression are much more realistic than other people because they know how fucking garbage the world is they don't kid themselves that hugely unlikely things will happen like optimistic people do. You could even argue that people who are depressed are some of the most redpill...or they're so redpilled they end up depressed.
>They do battle, and Raiden strikes the fatal blow, still unaware that in this attempted act of rebellion, he's done exactly what was expected of him
But that's wrong. The Patriots explain their entire plan to Raiden and what was expected of him in this plan, because they know it's going to come to fruition either way. Further, Solidus explains that he needs to kill Raiden to extract information about The Patriots from the nanomachines in his brain before initiating the battle, and taunts Raiden into a fair fight by revealing that he killed his parents.
definitely one of the most redpilled gameseries there is and also one of my favorites of all time.
Why WB?
Pessimism and cynicism is realistic. Optimism and idealism is naive. Optimism places too much faith in people to do good. Pessimists and cynics understand this and don't expect much from people or anything.
Life pretty always always ends up being a disappointment. Time and time again you'll come across stories of people who thought their life would turn out wonderful only for it to take a tragic turn.
Life isn't fair.
Cynics aren't cynics for the sake of it either. Inside every cynic is a disappointed idealist. They've seen the reality of the world and they accept it.
Optimists and idealists are a lot like virgins. They still have that innocent that hasn't been taken from them yet.
Yeah user
I was like 11 when I was playing MGS1 and shit my pants right around the time you have to swap the discs and swap the controller.
Kojima is a genius.
Games used to be.... Different. Not for everyone. Them were the days... We dug them gates together. That we did.
that feel
That game redpilled 15 year-old me OP. Once I saw how the Patriots operated the election theater I got a 6th sense feeling that THAT really was the way the world worked. I Jewgled "Federal Reserve" months later (back when the internet was far less policed by the controllers & the rest was history
Didn't some other dude write the games script though? I remember reading about the actual writer for the story was not Kojima
>tfw psycho mantis will never break the fourth wall ever again
MGS3 is shit btw.
Solidus did nothing wrong.
Realism is looking at things from an objective standpoint and coming to a conclusion of what's to come based on such, be it good or bad. Optimism and Pessimism are blindly expecting something good or bad to happen, regardless of the situation. In my experience, I've found people like this are naive and narrow-minded respectively.
>Life pretty always always ends up being a disappointment. Time and time again you'll come across stories of people who thought their life would turn out wonderful only for it to take a tragic turn.
Unless you're talking about people whose lives were ruined by circumstances outside of their control or people that ended up in a shit situation because they were farting around too much, maybe it's because those people had expectations of themselves that were way too high? I regret my life decisions, but I wouldn't trade the path I've chosen for the fucking world if it meant giving up the experiences I've had along the way.
>Cynics aren't cynics for the sake of it either. Inside every cynic is a disappointed idealist. They've seen the reality of the world and they accept it.
Full of shit. Cynical people have their reasons, but to say they've seen "the reality of the world" because they've seen the nastier side doesn't mean that they've gained some nirvana from it. The reality of the matter is that there's a disproportionate amount of bad and good, but there's still good out there. If all you're looking out for is the bad, that's all you're gonna get, and it's a surprise to nobody that you're going to get jaded on the matter.
Tomokazu Fukushima. Notably, he wrote for MGS1, 2, 3, and Ghost Babel, but none of the following games in the series. People jokingly say he was killed by the Yakuza, but the dude basically dropped off the face of the earth, so it's possible.
*tips fedora*
>Kojima actually predicted
Nah, it's just a mash up of other ideas that were around before then. Kojima just put them into mainstream vidya.
Tomokazu Fukushima co-wrote most of the games up to and including 3 and I think Ghost Babel is his entirely (not played it myself but supposed to have a great story). There's a very obvious drop in quality once he left.
>dicks out for solidus
Chrono Trigger.
>human civilization is actually a lot older than 6000 years
>12,000 years ago, humans came to close to unbridled power and caused the destruction of their great civilization
And now we're finding highly technical and VERY ancient ruins of over 10,000 years in our own world.
>And now we're finding highly technical and VERY ancient ruins of over 10,000 years in our own world.
Not been following this. Can you give any links?
(sincere you)
There's some shocking stuff coming out of geology and archeology over the last two decades.
We're not who we think we are.
TPTB don't want the info getting mainstream attention too much as it would destroy the world's three most powerful religious orders, AND would also destroy the falsities of manmade global warming.
It's not really pessimism so much as its kinda existentialistic nihilism right? Finding out that you're often at the whim forces outside your control, and to bend what you see as your best interest to the opinions of others is worthless. When it comes to the games, liquid and the whole "outer heaven" thing are just people who choose to live by their own terms in warfare, and leave their old morals, countries, etc.
To anyone who didn't saw this.
What even happened in this pic? Was she so dirty that her tears washed the filth? If so, what a disgusting whore.
She did a spray tan and cried before it set in.
Ace combat Zero
>You're based co-pilot see's the jew controlled world and tried to restart it
Ace combat 5
>You are directly facing the Jew controlled world, and you manage to stop it a little bit
Ace combat 4
>You fight in a war, and a kid watches the war from his perspective
Not even close. As good as it is Deus Ex's plot is basically "every conspiracy theory is actually real" which can't be taken that seriously.
this game was fucking awesome.
>Liberalism destroys masculinity
>anthropologist studying racial differences
>government betraying the very people defending society
>not played it myself but supposed to have a great story
You mean Ghost Babel? The gameplay is good by NES/GBC standards (think of it as a slightly more refined MG2), but other than that it's kind of unremarkable.
Ace Combat is as bluepilled as it gets.
I didn't like MGS2 much, mostly because of that Raiden faggot :/
Maybe i should give it another go though
>Did you say "Nerd"?
Yeah, he's pretty cringy at the beginning, but you'll get used to it.
It doesn't help that we were trolled into thinking we were going to be playing as Snake.
Bro, i meant i finished the game, but i was pissed the whole time because i wanted to play Snake and got that whiney, nudist faggot instead :/
I think I might be one of the ten people that wasn't bothered by playing as Raiden. Unlike David in MGS1 he actually had a personality and could put 2 and 2 together. See: the torture chamber and how he got played by a fiddle.
Get off my lawn
Shit, PSX was the first console I modded and was first on da block to own a CD burner (2x bitches!).
So MGS1 was first game I pirated from Blockbuster.
Those were the days, sigh.
Oh and besides Raiden played almost exactly as David too.
Snake isn't that great of a character.
Raiden was a huge faggot (literally) in MGS2, but MGS3 they made up for it.
But MGS2 is kind of hated on but I think it's the strongest out of the series because of dat opening scene. I remember when I first got my shiny PS2 I literally jizzed at the opening scene.
>Snake isn't that great of a character.
Fuck you. He's kind of like Gordon Freeman who talks.
Don't hate leaf.
Yes, as well as being the best game ever made. Love MGS2. Is this PC version any good? Would love to replay it
>Raiden has a girlfriend and she's pregnant
Not sure if bait or leaf-tier retarded.
Nevermind, retard it is. As I said, MGS1 Snake was dumb as fuck, to the point about completely forgetting about Decoy Octopus. Which was a huge deal as that resulted in him (Snake) arming the warhead for Liquid.
just get either mgs collection for ps3/360 or the legacy collection
why the hell would I own a 360 or ps3? Pleb
L2P noob
Do you know the metal slug serie?
when you learn 2 poo
Not really conspiracy theory if alot of the predictions came true, not counting 9/11 there's even a level set in France(I think) where it discusses Europe's current demographic suicide.
>not owning all consoles + PC
what are you, fucking poor?
currently using my £2800 4K TV and my PC with a 6600K and MSI 1080 Gaming X. So no. I just can't play games in shit resolution and frame rates anymore so don't play consoles.
mighty mature.
I rather be king of pooland than poo of Kingland.
>Metal Slug on a phone
Metal Slug should only be played on a large monitor with a booming sound system.
It is pure arcade goodness in that way.
There's lots to be said about 1990s Japanese arcade titles.
Plenty of hidden parody of modern western/US "culture".
your country is an international laughing stock
Things Kojima predicted and got right:
>VR training/ augmented realty
>the internet becoming a shit hole and then controlled
>(((The Patriots)))
>Bisexual special forces vampires
And even we know better to not to talk to niggers
Did you write that? That was pretty good
>Metal Slug should only be played on a large monitor with a booming sound system.
Possible with ps vita or ps tv (both console cheap as fuck) since the henkaku one click hack released. You can run emulators on them without problem and even stream the games.
I can't even remember the last time I saw a black person desu. Feels good to live in a 97% white city. You will never know this feel.
I'm glad I don't know this "feel". Enjoy your butter chicken cause it's so "British" with a side of your awfully dry humour.
I did, but this makes me a fedora apparently.
To play Metal Slug in the best environment you need to be in a Southern California mall arcade in the late 90s during the summer or a laundromat in the early 00s mid spring . Any other way is not the best environment.
>WB in charge of understanding or correctly interpreting the spurce material, or why it works at all.
Lol no.
>implying I eat meat
I was referring to the tinfoil shit such as the Illuminati. Even though I still find the twin towers deal a bit unsettling.
They were already a thing when MGS2 came out, and they were for a long while, just saying. Now that I'm thinking of it the people behind MGS always put a lot of effort in details (for example, in MGS1 the Rex's missiles won't home on you if you use chaff grenades, even during the second phase of the fight, in MGS2 the AN94's barrel recoils as it should, the ice melts in a realistic way, etc).
Isn't it the same deal with Blade Runner/Neuromancer? As in, fiction that shapes reality?
Getting chills just thinking about it now.
GTFO you dumb bitch. Vegans are leaf tiered chaunt. You come last place just after Jews and homosexuals. Britain pulled out for the likes of you? Kys faggot.
Dear lord the Vita's been hacked open?
I might just get one now.
True, but a phone is no way to really enjoy MS.
Not enough pixels and sound.
Scary how right the Dream Team was.
That whole game has a very mature real-to-life history under its seemingly childish cover.
It's very possible our own species went through a similar experience 12,000 years ago, not with magic but with a technology that held immense power that we no longer have access to.
The Sphinx for example is a lot older than the pyramids, and shows signs of countless years of rainwater and flood wearing that hasn't happened in that region for over 10,000 years.
And all of the shorelines in the modern world are 400 feet HIGHER on average than they were 12-14K years ago. And as we know, almost all cities are built along bodies of water.
Who knows how many great civilizations were swallowed by the seas back then, possibly even the mythic Atlantis.
A sea rise of 400 feet could have easily swallowed an island like Atlantis, and because of the potent wearing and destruction of the deep sea, nothing would remain of it now.
>Dear lord the Vita's been hacked open?
>I might just get one now.
Yep. Mine just collected the dust and i was about to throw out, when i 'accidentally' found the few weeks ago. There was this super easy hack, emulators, descriptions and so on.
Since that i behave like a retard spoiled child, lookin' for and re-play the classics from my childhood.
Is it just the original or the slim that's been hacked? I have the slim.
Can you also play Vita games on it? And more importantly, does it have the L2/R2 and L3/R3 keys?
What emus work on that? Can't find exact answers.
Specifically, PS1, PS2, SNES(not lots of hope for this one), and Megadrive?
Yep working just watch the firmware.
It must be updated till the !!! 3.60 !!! not lower, not higher. (if you try to use the sony update, you will fail cuz updating till the 3.61. so must use manual update, description on the mentioned site)
Yes. Ps vita just has L1 and R1 cuz it is handheld, but with the ps tv you can buy different gamepads.
>Ps vita just has L1 and R1
That fucking sucks.
believe it or not, not really missing and you can re-bind everything with the hack granted permissions
>not really missing
Ever RPGs use L2/R2 (for example in Front Mission you change character with those keys, and not being able to do that is incredibly annoying), that's why I never even tried to bother with emulating PS1 games on the PSP.
That said, is the Vita's battery life good? If so I might get one for NES/SNES games.
Calm down pizza boy.
dude, Snake is literally Rambo, Snake Plissken, James Bond, Kyle Reese, Jean-Claude Van Damme, MacGyver and Captain Keith Mallory all in one person.
he is unreal. literally, because he's a clone.
I actually like Snake and Raiden both. amazing games. amazing characters.
So Snake is Hannibal Smith in your opinion?
Tough sell.