Why are nu-males so common in today's society?
Why are nu-males so common in today's society?
because we fucked up. the conspiracy theorists were right all along
They've been conditioned by people who think that's okay to be feminine as a male while scolding real masculinity. I also think that's why we see more LGBT people and all-around general degeneracy.
Grooming yourself gets you tons of pussy these days
Realized we are way better looking than women
if only you knew how deep the nu male conspiracy gets, it goes well beyond the upper top levels of anything.
no amount of memes will make me cut my nu-male beard and my long hair
i'm also /fit/ so probably i don't look THAT cuck
Wtf is with his fucking hair?!
>fashion yourself after lumberjack
>don't know how to use an axe
Because I went to sleep for like 45 minutes and niggers broke into my scrotum and stole all my testosterone
fuck this guy. hes probably never done a hard days work in his life. those soft features don't go with the image hes trying to portray.
Because masculinity is dying.
so anyone with a beard is this nu male?
is that it?
a trim beard and mustache has been with us for an age
the biggest clue are his shoulder muscles
OP here. thanks for the replies.
Anyone who cuts their hair to not look like a greasy neckbeard or wears nice clothing, apparently
Yes he gets more pussy than you and will sexually reproduce with a superior woman to sire strong progeny.
Media is targetting the female/nigger demographic so whites that consume mainstream media are negatively affected in their psychologies
combined with high estrogen in foods you get numales
also MDMA and alcohol
That guy would be really handsome if he shaved.
his beard is isis tier
it is true
how badly do you want his cock, justin?
Because we were all raised by women and without the rigorous trials and tests of growing up with a real mentor, everything is shallow. The guy in OP's picture is the embodiment of our entire generation. A bunch of lost boys who want to dress up like their grandfathers because they recognize them as masculine figures, but with none of the substance or practical skills and for the most part they have no desire to even learn or strive to become anything beyond that.
They didn't buy the filters.
Theyre not.you must live in some amazingly gay city.
It's an attempt at creating a more docile male, that is easier to control.
Wtf is a nu-male?
Having sex with and/or marrying women makes most men think theyre growing their own vaginas
trying to emulate 1860-1930s conservative yet manly generations in an era of hyper masculinity and rumblings of neo fascism
Cool grandpas of greatest generation have pretty much passed by 2016, and no one knew their great grandpa
what OP would be if he weren't a neckbeard
Of youre some kind of pathetic cuck then yes. But in that case you already had one so..
A lot of men have sex and can grow beards, so are comfortable with their masculinity. It's not really new.
>Masculinity defined in such a way as to be incomparable with peasant values
Pleb please. By all means, continue living and thinking like a peasant. How does it feel to be living by the TRUE slave morality?
DESU I think nutrition is something we should address within our own community as well.
If you think that the amount of phthalate/paraben/xenoestrogen exposure isn't something to worry about it's been proven that since the 90's the male population in the US has had a 40% decrease on average of male testosterone across the country. They are literally turning men into docile women. We NEED testosterone, it controls everything and it makes you the man who you are.
Dangerous chemicals are in the things that we store our food and hygiene products in(be cautious of plastics, get a steel water bottle, use glass tupperwear instead of plastic) and there have already been high levels of estrogen detected in our water supplies that literally come from women on birth control pissing and the water not being treated enough to remove it.
Get a reverse osmosis filter for your house, start using glass containers instead of tupperware, eat organic food and grass fed meat, start reading the ingredient labels of things you buy for yourself and research them. Stay away from anything that has "Fragrance(Parfum)" as an ingredient. Do basic research so you understand how nutrition works and its affects on your energy levels and overall health.
Literally we can't even conduct any kind of counter offensive against the leftwing zeitgeist if everyone is tired and emotional all the time from absorbing chemicals that fuck with their endocrine system. Take care of your body and your health so you can be fit and useful and not some fat cock sucker with man tits.
I don't care what numales do in the privacy of their own homes, but I am goddamned sick of seeing well-groomed young men with thick luscious beards.
Beards are meant for proper outdoorsmen who have earned the privilege. Not for people who own macbooks.
I swear I'm gonna start carrying a lighter and go igniting fucking faces randomly.
No just lots and lots of Plato my man
God I wish suits were considered casual wear.
or maybe its the kind of people who eat processed foods already happen to be faggots or stupid lazy suburbanites
you honestly sound like a left wing new ager, along with everyone posting about pineal glands, thats essentially bhuddist propaganda
Your thing leaf.
Go assaulting people randomly because they have facial hair, that'll teach then.
Even if they were casual wear, most men nowadays don't even know how to wear or suit nor find one that fits them.
monkey see monkey do. see hair cut, get hair cut. see beard, grow beard (if possible)
Thats retarded. You obviously don't do your own laundry.
If xenoestrogens are so bad and filtration is so good, how come Alex Jones went from being pretty fit to being yet another American burgerdrone AFTER he started being panicky about filtering?
Because of single moms.
underrated as fuck
Fuck these assholes. My beard is 13 years old. I wore it before they came along. People have been looking at me as if I were some kind of hobo for all this time, and now these mofos are trying to steal my look.
I wish I could talk to the guy who wrote this and say "Nah, I'm fine with feminine dicks m8"