I'm in the mood for some Sup Forums mental gymnastics.
Trump needs to win Florida, without it he's as good as done. A R+5 poll ranked A+ by 538 has Clinton winning by 9 points. Meanwhile Trump is campaigning in solidly blue states where he has literally no chance instead of focusing on the single most important state for clinching the presidency.
why are the 3 first reply always anti-trump then 90% of the rest becomes pro-trump. why has it been serbia replying first in every anti-trump threads
really makes me think
Jonathan White
I don't know if this does any good on Sup Forums, it would be better if you posted it on facebook.
All of us have already made up our minds.
Jordan Smith
>Most people here are agreeing that he is throwing the election >P-prove me wrong Sup Forums!!!11
Top kek, even drumpfkins won't reply to you.
Brody Collins
He's living in a echo chamber.
Cooper Adams
>by 538 found your problem
William Garcia
false trump donated to the clinton foundation hillary is a trump plant
Elijah Gutierrez
Polls dont mean much until the debates. Trump is right now at this very moment pivoting, the move he waited until you inept fags claimed was "just a myth" before performing.
Jayden White
hes done multiple rallies recently in Florida, way bigger crowds than Hillary is getting too
Jaxson Morris
Well, first off, his name is Drumpf, not Trump. As a German, you should know this.
Second, he has no plan. He's just feeling the entire campaign out, hoping his controversial statements will create enough coverage across all 50 states to make up for his miserable lack of fundraising and support. He doesn't like to think too hard about things. Much like his supporters.
Robert Rivera
Watch the candidates not the media, the fact that Donald is campaigning in Connecticut and Wisconsin should scare the shit out of democrats. The only way to avoid the implications is to day Trump is stupid, crazy, or a Democrat plant. I don't think anyone can make that claim sound credible.
Sebastian Murphy
He has a trick up his sleeve so big that he knows every right leaning swing state is already locked. Quantum chess
Lucas Morris
Yeah, and it took you this fucking long where it is LITERALLY BEYOND FUCKING OBVIOUS to call him out? Good job retards, really solved that case before it as too late! Oh wait....
Parker Ross
The west is a sinking ship, isn't it?
Brody Hernandez
>entire thread is CTR shills
do they get bored talking to each other I wonder?
Luis Gray
I'm like 90% Serb is a proxy fag troll or a legit CTR. Either way they will be btfo Nov
Alexander Mitchell
ITT: Shills shilling shills
Dominic Mitchell
Why is he campaigning in blue states where he is going to lose, instead of states where he could make a difference ??
Because he wants to. The only person who tells Donald J Trump what to do is Donald J Trump.
Gabriel Ross
Nate Silver, head of 538, also patently denied that Trump could win the GOP primaries. He wrote an article apologizing about it after Trump did win.
Alexander Hughes
I know you are baiting me leaf, but no, she is not.
He wanted to promote himself and his brand. He wanted to be in the race for couple of months and than drop out. Now that he is aware that he could be the president he is throwing it.
He is 70 year old billionaire that enjoyed his entire life. He doesn't to throw his old life and actually have responsibilities as president. He wants to live comfy until the rest of his life, not waste it being president.
Eli Brooks
Wew not a single coherent reply. But you sure showed me by calling me a shill.
Hunter Kelly
If I had to guess, either he is a hillary plant, or he is trying to lose. Or maybe his 4D chess moves were just total coincidences and he is actually an idiot.
Christopher Russell
Yeah of course it is.
Ours was always a degenerate society and, well... we degenerated
Nathaniel Peterson
>kek >shill >CTR And all of you faggot are proving my point
Lincoln Campbell
Pivoting means that he has to be cucked for next 80 days if he wants to win. He should have pivoted back in July, not now.
And no, he will not pivot. He will continue to say stupid, unnecessary shit all the way until November. Pivot will never happen.
Lincoln Brooks
already replied. you're just too much of a faggot to read
Ian Jackson
>still relying on old fashioned establishment polling, even after what happened with the Republican primaries
Not one of these """experts""" or """polls""" gave Trump ANY shot at winning the nomination. They have objectively proven themselves to be utterly worthless.
Let the shills continue parroting that Hillary has this in the bag though, all they're accomplishing is ensuring that even fewer of their disillusioned voters get out of bed in November to vote.
Xavier Anderson
>Took you
Not me mate. After that comments about Khans family i saw it. But unfortunately many people here don't see it, but they will.
Jeremiah Foster
>after the primaries Yeah, you're a real detective. It's not like ANY of the other republican were better choices.
Nolan Campbell
Trump won every single state that the polls showed he would. Dont really understand what you're implying.
Camden Harris
Lol no, not at all. You are Cruzfag aren't you? You think that religious fanatic would be better?
Also Jeb! was classic neocon retard, and no one likes Bushes anymore. Rubio had a shot because of Hispanics. Kasich had a shot because he is a moderate.
ALL other republicans would lose except for these 2.
Jayden Nelson
Nope. Cruz, Clinton or any other establishment politicians can choke on their own spit for all I care. Voted Ron Paul last election, voting Gary for this one, even though he's not ideal
Joseph Long
Well he didn't run this time. He is best Republican in my opinion. Also his party treated him like shit last time, so there is that.
Also i don't like Gary since he is pro open borders faggot, but he is better then Shillary.
Colton Ross
Well then, looks like we are on more of the same page after all. How the hell could you have even considered trump man. Dude's a snake oil charlatan.
Isaac James
>He's not serious, he's gonna drop out before the debates >He's not serious, he's gonna drop out after Iowa. >He's not serious, he's gonna drop out before he wins the nomination
Don't you think the script your reading off might need an update?
Zachary Miller
Rubio had a snowball's chance in hell. The son of immigrants that hates immigrants. And is Spanish so Republican voters could give a shit less about him.
And Kasich never stood a chance either. While trump was busy cockmongling everyone else on stage, Kasich just watched the shitshow in a front row seat.
Kayden Diaz
Polls are nonsense. The vast majority of Americans would never answer their phone when caller ID shows some random out of state number. Therefore, we won't know shit until election day, assuming Hildabeast has not rigged that too.
Luke Rodriguez
That's not true nearly every poll had him losing most states during the primary, and those that did have him winning a state by a slim margin (1-2 points) he ended up winning by 20+ (Like Florida). They have proven themselves useless. Shill harder faggot
Jaxon Davis
Gary Johnson is probably worse than all of them. Wasted vote
Eli Cooper
Man, not a trumpo supporter, but his speech tonight was insanely good. If he sticks all his speeches like this one, Hillary is in trouble.
Shills be gone
Angel Barnes
Guys, guys, calm down, him wanting to promote his brand, and him wanting to prop up his family friends are not mutually exclusive. He could easily be throwing the election for both reasons.
Andrew Powell
Because i saw him as some kind of refreshment after all the bullshits that happened. All this refugee crisis here and all terrorist attacks have led me to him.
My opinion doesn't matter since i can't vote, but i stopped supporting him because i saw that he is throwing the election. He is just gonna let Hillary win, he won't even fight.
You will know that he lost even before the election.
Jaxson Lewis
What speech, i stopped following him.
Aaron Campbell
Says the guy voting for a man who doesn't even want to be president
Jordan Martin
and if the universal constant "C" suddenly changes, space travel becomes easier. Trump saying something stupid in front of a crowd that dominates the news cycle is as inevitable as gravity. Just look at yourself: he's lowered the bar so much that you're trying to count barely over 24 hours without a gaff as a win.
Jace James
On trump general. I stopped following but was bored so i clicked on tbe youtube link and was blown away. Im still thinking hillary has a better chance, but if he keeps it up, I might lose a bet
Mason Howard
No u shill, thats not what i said. His speech was great, and moving. Im sure hell say something that the media can use against soon. But if by small chance he keeps performing like this, he might win
I actually listened him yesterday, it was good. But as i said, he won't pivot to the general m8.
You know that he is hours away of making headlines again.
Thomas White
From making headlines*
Zachary Peterson
I'm not sure what speech you watched, but when he suggested making teachers' salary's dependent on test scores and abolishing tenure, I couldn't hear anything else over the sound ov every teacher in america permanently locking in their blue vote.
Lucas Diaz
Can you link that speech please? I am not following him that much anymore.
Cameron Collins
Just watched it on regular live TV, not youtube. It's finished, so I'm sure someone has uploaded it by now.
Leo Turner
it doesn't really matter who wins
the first domino fell in january
hitler was right
Gabriel Scott
>it's the jews' fault >le 3d chess meme >lying media!
There, I covered all of Sup Forums's possible responses. Thread is over, sorry that you won't get your answer OP.
Isaac Gonzalez
Well as far as i am aware teachers are very liberal in the US. Of course its retarded that he said something like that but teachers tend to be liberal rather than conservative.
Ayden Bailey
Eh, they were never going to vote for him. I hsve a friend in a big union, and they litterally get a paper telling them exactly how to vote, down to local elections. Shes s good person, but it bugs me she that she doesn't even consider breaking with the union, kinda weird
Isaac Wood
Agreed. Some is his fault, some us media bias. His problem is hardcore conservatives dont like him because hes a "liberal" and liberals dont like him because hes "literally Hitler"
Frankly, im surprised hes doing this well. Itll take a miracle for him to win
Jose Roberts
>Trump needs to win Florida, without it he's as good as done. A R+5 poll ranked A+ by 538 has Clinton winning by 9 points. Hillary cannot maintain posture, nevermind a lead.
>Meanwhile Trump is campaigning in solidly blue states where he has literally no chance instead of focusing on the single most important state for clinching the presidency. Everyone uses the internet, even Germans shitposting and qt Japanese Trumpettes can have an effect. People in Virginia know people in Florida, like their parents who might have thought Rubio was a good boy and if Bill Gates liked him...
Time in "solid" states is cheap. Images of packed crowds aren't less impressive because they're in blue states. Twitterati and facebook normies don't respect the electoral college boundaries when they Like memes.
Basically: it's 2016.
Adrian Sanders
True, he needs a miracle. But i just saw that Roger Ailes is part of his campaign now. Roger has a lot of experience, but the problem is that Trump isn't listening to anyone.
Aaron Gomez
Trump is fucked and the trumpfags are in a panic right now
Feels fucking good tho. These faggots have been riding his orange dick as if hes unstoppable.... except when he actually faces hill in the general
Jackson Diaz
Hillary plays with 90s playbook and 2008 online campaign.
Parker Howard
Teachers overall skew slightly left, but so do major population centers in general, as do union workers in general. However, state-by-state, teachers tend to match the politics of their area, else science teachers willing to teach intelligent design wouldn't be a thing in the first place. I live (and teach) in one of the bluest states in the union, and even here a solid 25-30% of the teachers I work with are hard conservatives, and talk very pro-trump in the work-room... at-least they did until this exact moment.
Dylan Butler
the strategy is to have rallies and believe that a strong primary turnout means there is a huge movement that will sweep him to victory in november without too much additional effort
this is of course magical thinking and is likely to result in tragedy
florida is more winnable than PA and he should definitely be spending time and resources there
they did recently say they'd open 24 field offices, but they have to staff them first. Hillary has 14 offices and has had them for a while.
normally you'd think he'd get a lot of help from the local candidate's organization... but I don't think the Rubio campaign is very motivated to help Trump much
Evan Adams
How many times do you have to see stories about someone here in Florida eating someone in broad daylight or doing shit like throwing alligators through drive-through windows do you have to see before you understand that you can't predict what a Floridian is going to do?
Gabriel Brooks
>The vast majority of Americans would never answer their phone when caller ID shows some random out of state number.
very true. I might have missed out on some polls myself because I get them randomly every other week and don't bother with them. 9/10 it's some dipshit who can't even speak english trying to sell a timeshare or trying to sign me up for a rewards card. How do you validate polls in the first place? it would be impossible to since they're supposed to be random anonymous people in the first place. can half these people even vote? if half of them aren't even eligible, of age or even citizens why do the polls carry so much weight in the first place. Just noticed that polls polls polls polls is the go to for every media outlet since the last two elections since social media took off. I call bullshit on most if not all of them.
Christian Lewis
>A R+5 poll ranked A+ by 538 has Clinton winning by 9 points.
Because they poll 60% democrats since a week after the convention. The initial polls following the convention had Trump leading by 7 points before the pollsters "tweaked" them.
Carson Cooper
If he was a Clinton plant, he'd have made it more believable. He wouldn't legitimately start tapering off until mid-October. The logic behind it being this early is simply not there IF he was a Clinton plant.
Jeb was a Clinton plant, and we all saw how that went.
Adrian Lopez
I'm just surprised so many /poltards are giving any credence to polls and citing them as the gospel since we proved time and time again that they are easily fucked with with. voting on a soda company's page is no different than voting on any of the shill media sites. pic related.