He needs a miracle at this point. These are the new swing states

He needs a miracle at this point. These are the new swing states.

From here, he can only win if he blows Hillary out of the water in all three debates and if ISIS has a huge attack before the election. Otherwise, he's pretty much done.

Other urls found in this thread:


Newyork left him?

>Liberals claim to be peaceful
>Liberals claim to be compassionate
>Liberals claim to be against war
>Liberals claim to support Islam

And yet the person they support is a psychopathic killer

youtube.com/watch?v=OqbDBRWb63s - The Truth About Hillary Clinton's Mental Illness

youtube.com/watch?v=FmIRYvJQeHM - "We came, we saw, he died! LAUGHS" (Gaddafi)

youtube.com/watch?v=O894bXmqqGU - Hillary Clinton openly states she wants war with Iran to protect Israel

youtube.com/watch?v=xvhBoF_pCHo - Hillary laughs maniacally about war with Iran

He needs to destroy Manafort and fire Pence for a more in touch VP. He has very little hope unless he changes or shuts up till November, both of which are unlikely.

He never had it

>blows Hillary out of the water in all three debates
Kek he already tried to weasle out of debating. What a nimble little navigator

you underestimate his power


no answer yet, CTR?
i do this for free

If America isn't warmongering constantly. Then there will be wars all over the world.

Peace is too dangerous.

The swing states are Iowa, Ohio, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Nevada right now. Even Minnesota might go red this year, but Illinois will likely stay solid red.

Also, approximately 65% of the electorate will vote Trump in November.

Georgia, Arizona, and North Carolina are solid red. We do not expect to lose any of them.

>making fun of Gaddafi's death
Does this trigger you? I understand. Gaddafi was a gud boy. He dindu nuffin.

I have a hunch Trump will botch the debates.

She's had forever to study him. She's seen him fight back a lot of opponents, so he's not exactly a surprise.

I make a counter-prediction. You will lose every single one of them.

They said the same thing about Reagan in 1980 and his polls were just as bad.

To paraphrase one of Reagan's own writers, "Trump is no Ronald Reagan."

yes, he complained that they were during football games and that he'd want to reschedule to make sure to maximize viewing
there's nothing in there about him wanting to not participate
i know you can't help that you're gay, but can you do anything about being stupid?
you've got that education, yes?

I cannot wait for the salty tears when the silent majority elect Trump in November.

yes he is
that writer is a moron

For someone who refuses to capitalize and lives in such a worthless country, you sure are a feisty little faggot aren't you?

And yet this has never been a problem for any other candidate ever.

not a response

Democrats complain about jerrymandering but never mention how stacked the electoral college is against Republicans.

not true. pic related

I'll give you a pass since you're not from here, but New York is one of the bluest states in the country user

>pretty much done
unfortunately but yeah
GOP at large just has zero pull right now, fringe-wildcard candidate or not. Just how it's going to be for a while. Likely 8 year of Hillary incoming unless she dies first.

gonna be huge

>that projecting
Makes sense for a fucking leaf

Shill bots showing off their daily handiwork with the crayons again.

That looks about right.

Not at all. I'm a huge Trump supporter. If he loses, I'm dropping my Republican party registration and becoming an independent

Not true, Minnesota has been blue since 1972.

Political parties choose the electors in the electoral collage. Both sides complain about gerrymandering because whatever party dominates the state is usually in control of redistricting.

>Choosing each state's Electors is a two-part process. First, the political parties in each state choose slates of potential Electors sometime before the general election. Second, on Election Day, the voters in each state select their state's Electors by casting their ballots for President.

You're right, he's much better.

Hillary wins the debates by default.
Nobody wants to watch someone yell at a white grandma for 90 minutes.
It's bad TV

screencaped for the collage

>fire Pence

I fucking wish, but it's not going to happen.

Enh, Trump's pretty strong in Nevada.

Miracle you say?

Yoooge! The best states ever!!

Thanks for the input Canada.

Who said we were any of those things?

You little pussy.

>Not true, Minnesota has been blue since 1972.
How the fuck does that make New York not one of bluest states in the nation?
Fucking morons these days

Mormons hate Trump, and they almost went full Johnson except the dumbass went Fedora on them and attacked Mormons

Because NY voted with Reagan in 1984. MN was the only state to stay blue that year, well and DC but that isn't a state.

You really think someone would do that? Just go on the internet and tell lies?