Hideo Kojima's upcoming game breaks the 4th wall of gender stereotypes by bigots by portraying a man giving birth...

Hideo Kojima's upcoming game breaks the 4th wall of gender stereotypes by bigots by portraying a man giving birth. Anita Sarkeesian on Twitter has openly supported the project, has gaming gone too far?

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No you idiot

The game is simply emphasizing the theme of connection and the whole rope analogy that I had talked about

Why the fuck does the media misrepresent my work?

Pretty funny these same people were all over his ass over putting a half naked chick in MGS V.

Heh....Canada hate.

How is women giving birth a stereotype?
I was under the impression that it was just a fact of nature.

>A live nude Norman Reedus contemplates the meaning of existence in a world of gender stereotypes among dead sealife sending a powerful message

Wtf am I reading

I guess Daryl is at bat for Lucille then.

that looks nothing like Quest played by that girl steph joosten think her name is..

How is women giving birth a stereotype?
Its theorized in the upcoming game players will get to create their character from over 56 different genders to allow themselves to feel like their in the game which real gamers want LGBT activists are saying.

>How is women giving birth a stereotype?
There are countless articles about how doctors are bigots for using gender as a binary term defining who can and cant give birth without taking into consideration how the person feels or asking what gender they self identify as.

Video games were a mistake

Yes. If it weren't for all the fucking white males oppressing everyone, men would be free to squeeze babies out their dickholes whenever they felt like it.

Reproductive organs are just a social construct.

Death Stranding isn't got any real interest in challenging gender norms. Thematically and symbolically relevant keys to Kojima's meaning are the dogtag like metal objects on Reedus' neck and the nature of the waves in the background.

One of the engravings on the metal tags is from the Schwarzchild radius, and the other looks like a Dirac equation. Going off that and the nature of waves in the trailer - you're looking more towards time dilation and/or event horizon themes.

ie. Reedus' "stranding" is more symbolically appropriate than the birth and loss of the child as it represents his position in regards to the boundary of spacetime wherein events cannot affect him as an outside observer

Norman Reedus' fate is to be lost in time

>If it weren't for all the fucking white males oppressing everyone
In a recent pamphlet distributed in Philadelphia by BLM their activists are encouraging african americans to spit on white people for being scum and knock the eldery to the ground when passing them on the street. Keep in mind all of these flyers were passed out by white people.


We are all going to burn in nuclearfire! Toaster, end us for the love of fuck!

>knock the eldery to the ground

Now that should de ground for an immediate execution right there and then.

Didn't Kojima want her to be completely nude throughout the game, but was forced to give her clothes due to obscenity laws or some shit? Basically the same thing Nintendo went through with Samus originally having a nude death sequence in Super Metroid but decided to remove it at the last minute.

>Thematically and symbolically relevant keys to Kojima's meaning are the dogtag like metal objects on Reedus' neck
Those same keys refer to the child Norman Reedus gave birth too as other magazines have pointed out on Tumblr.

That video was pure symbolism.

Reedus = Kojima

The baby ripped from him and killed = Metal Gear franchise

The handprints all over him = people interfering during the creative process

5 floating figures = 5 Metal Gear games.

I don't think that video has anything to do with his upcoming video game.

>Now that should de ground for an immediate execution right there and then.
Not in america because its part of our constitution we have the right to protest and blocking roads or denying access to private places like graceland or knocking the eldery to the ground cant be prosecuted as a crime more than civil disobedience because whites are disgusting and deserve no respect as we are taught in schools.

And you aren't starting the race war why?

They were always a curse

>Didn't Kojima want her to be completely nude throughout the game, but was forced to give her clothes due to obscenity laws or some shit?
not sure on that, but it would get an adults only rating for a game which is illegal to distribute in most countries like America since a child might see her naked.

In the game, Quiet (half naked chick) breathes through her skin.

Kojima was making a jab at video game creators who make skimpy female heroes, because "its almost like if they covered up their skin, they would die."

He was trying to be ironic.

Man can also give birth. They can do everything they want. Grow up, shitlord

If she put on clothes would she die?

AO-rated games are illegal? I had no fucking idea dude, I could have sworn Game Crazy used to carry them back in the day.

That made me chuckle.

>I had no fucking idea dude, I could have sworn Game Crazy used to carry them back in the day.
maybe way back in the day they did. Keep in mind Hillary Clinton held senate hearings over violence in gaming from MOrtal Kombat and GTA and created the rating system demanding all video games must be child friendly which is why in America you dont get any of those japanese dating sim games weather you wanted them or not their not in any store in america because their illegal.

What do the fish symbolize?

Kojima is the guy that came up with the patriots' speech and predicted everything western civilisation have fallen to.

Whatever you cuck think, he's not on your side.

>The followers of Zeus break the 4th wall of gender stereotypes by bigots by portraying a male deity giving birth

They're not illegal, but basically no retailer will carry them these days so no publisher in their right mind will back an AO game as there's zero chance of making money on it

Nothing but speculation.

Lol I remember those hearings. It was so fucking funny to hear 80 year old men referring to games as "video tapes."

>What do the fish symbolize?
Analysts from Salon and Kotaku along with Tumblr say the fish represent the diversity of genders shared among people which Kojima is taking head on speaking truth to power.

Nonsense Illusion and Kiss are rolling in the dough with waifu simulators

>Whatever you cuck think, he's not on your side.
well the rest of social media disagrees with you and say its about gender diversity and LGBTQ+W rights

The fish symbolize the super rad new game mechanic where fish swim away from the player and how other games do this more than Kojima.

Lol, what do you think this is? 2014?

Kojima here,

There's ONLY TWO genders

>Lol I remember those hearings. It was so fucking funny to hear 80 year old men referring to games as "video tapes."
yeeaaaaa those hearings sucked because it censored an entire industry. Best part was when they talked about wanting them censored because imagine if a person was playing a game at home even in private and a child walked by their window and saw them, if the child saw what was on the screen it could destroy their life. Keep in mind they had all kinds of child psychologists saying video game violence is what causes crime and all that. Now she is running for president, imagine what she can do next to help protect children!

Fucking shitlord

This happened in mythology all the time.

Post yfw men are even better than women at childbirth.

>giving a shit about SJW's

Motherfucker did we all just forget about Quiet?

>They're not illegal, but basically no retailer will carry them these days
Thats because its illegal user, there are stores that sell pron mags of all kinds yet none that sell racy video games or content in the west because its illegal their not even in those porn stores because they would be arrested and those guys will sell anything or at least try and noone ever has because its illegal.

Well, men are building the artificial womb.
So it'll be genuinely true in a way soon enough.

Why do this and not colonize space? Why can't we ever do anything useful?

Zeus did it first, I don't see Anita Sarkeesian praising him though

>Motherfucker did we all just forget about Quiet?
Quiet it is said by gender studies experts like Anita Sarkeesian represent the oppression of women through objectification which Kojima was showing leading up to this game which will finally free people of their gender.

>Zeus did it first, I don't see Anita Sarkeesian praising him though

Japan has essentially been making /lgbt/ friendly stuff for years without being obnoxious as fuck about it like the West is, SJW are just too fucking dumb and only pays attention when something popular does it.

This is why I'm an advocate of abortion. Maybe we can stop the next generation of these cunts from existing before they do anymore damage..

Because women are subhumans but we can't just kill them all without a way to reproduce through technology.
Why would you wish to export subhumans and doom fledgling colonies with their retardation ?

What next, an african mars colony ? An abo space station ?

I learned everything I know about lgb by watching Sailor Moon


If that is so why did we let you guys see Paz's bra and pantsu in peace walker in certain cutscenes when you zoom in on them?


> Maybe we can stop the next generation of these cunts from existing before they do anymore damage.
Bu-but user-kun this generation of cunts is going to teach the next generation and sociologically the echo chamber will only make these ideals louder until we can finally denounce the entire white race as Larry Wilmore said to solve racism and end the oppression of minorities.

I'm 100% certain it's not illegal, but if you can find the law I'd be very interested.

Another part of the problem is that none of the big console makers (Microsoft, Sony, Nintendo) will license AO games for their consoles, so you'll only ever see AO titles on PCs, thus reducing the potential market even further

CCS for me though they've really toned down and are more subtle with modern anime (I kind of like it though). Been watching Sailor Moon though.

>women are subhumans

And you wonder why your country is fucking doomed. This is one attitude I can't stand about Sup Forumsacks. Is your mum a subhuman, user?

Women are feeble minded I'll give them that but that just means you're able to get in their ear and gently brainwash them. My gf HATES niggers, muslims, gooks, indians and the French, purely because I manipulated her to.

They're not illegal
steam's started doing it

>I'm 100% certain it's not illegal, but if you can find the law I'd be very interested.
Im not a lawyer and NO your not 100% certain here in america and other countries in the west we lock people up all the time for even having drawings of anyone under 18. Its probably in your commerical or criminal code but these are businesses with lawyers if they could sell it then someone would which is why they dont because its illegal in the west.

We don't have the means of getting anywhere fast enough yet.

though it would technically be possible to *seed* planets we *think* are habitable

Looks more like his take on some Lovecraftian horror. Why suddenly think the guy went full SJW when his last game had a half nekkid woman as your sidekick?

>Why do this and not colonize space? Why can't we ever do anything useful?
NASA is dead brah... it was killed off by bad people but soon it will be back through inter agency support.

I don't give a fuck if reality hurts your feelings, user.

The fall of NASA coincide exactly with the affirmative action laws.
Subhumans in any companies will automatically turn it into a subpar mess, and when your nation is forcing all its companies to have them, irrelevance is what happens.

Dude, AO doesn't mean child pornography. It just means extremely violent or (adult) pornographic.
Here, click this link and tell us if it says "Unavailable in your country" because i'm pretty sure it's the only AO game on Steam:

you are all faggots

get a fucking life

This isn't even their goal in hurr durr gender. The guy just wanted to shit out something random and """deep"""

>The fall of NASA coincide exactly with the affirmative action laws.
NO it doesnt... thats an interesting thought though but one thing has nothing to do with the other....
Nasa started being stripped in the 70s before any of that happened. Not a bad theory though but affirmative action didnt really destroy anything as far as I know, it didnt help anything either, stupid law :P

Not hurting my feelings, Habib, hurting your chances of successfully reproducing.

Ya and that game was shut down by valve itself before the fan pushback, keep in mind they are not allowed to make it in color because it would be to much for gamers to handle without going into violent frenzies as proven in the US congress and senate.

Why does SJWs and media misrepresent my game?



you people do know there's a difference between being a propaganda person being subversive and trying to push an agenda vs being an actual artist and coming up with weird shit right?

and sometimes shitty people can support your shit, it happens

but if you change your positions because of something that retarded you are retarded

>newfags not understanding the level of Kojimas trolling

Every fucking game he has ever released EVER has been basically the complete opposite of what was originally teased, and a complete mindfuck.
I'd be willing to bet money this is the teaser for MGS6 to be released in 2024

what drugs are you on to imagine that? im listening if you can explain that?

God bless Play Asia, in that regard


Now that is some cool shit right there.

Right, now you're just trolling. Later gator.

dumb bitch is dumb.
she should of panned it like she panned quiet.
reedus' character is way more sexualized than quiet and we've only seen one scene he has been in. just makes her look like the permavirgins she crucified. In reality nita just wanted more naked fantasy men to ogle.

I mentioned this in numerous interviews

So many times I expect people to understand that this isn't some SJW THE GAME bs

Its literally what Kojima said in an interview. The game is about ropes.

It's a psychological trip, not an accepted norm of reality.
Men don't give birth unless there is some serious 2spooky4u bullshit going on.
Men giving birth = unnatural, and the game isn't going to hide that fact.


this game might just
"ghost busters"

>Right, now you're just trolling. Later gator.
that isnt trolling, but you can run away if you like from the discussion. Just look up how the game was shut down by valve removed from the store and all until the pushback. Same thing happened with that game where you play as a little girl because there was a dead lolicon in it.

We even put the ropes all over the trailer we shown

It's even on the TITLE itself

10 to 20 years before commercial availability, if reproducing industrially interest you you should begin to save now to be prepared when it's here.

Consider preparing to move out of the country though ( learning a language, fulfilling condition for a visa, etc ), the womb will probably be banned in the west due to women's suffrage.

>Its literally what Kojima said in an interview. The game is about ropes. uhhh ok not sure what that means but can only imagine that in social media they will twist that to mean the ropes represent the bondage of binary gender from white doctors who impose their binary choice on children at birth deciding who can and cant give birth.

Kojimas games have always been deeply rooted in politics and science. The "men giving birth" scenario has been a scientific study for decades and is likely to be a heavy segment of that specific SCIENCE and not the mental illness that is the El Gee Bee Tee community.
Kojima's works have never indulged the El Gee Bee Tee community in any sense for the sake of preserving his popularity. His popularity comes from being on the nose with political statements whilst adding a little bit of Japanese zaniness and nothing more.

Your assumption that his next work will somehow go outside his norms to indulge mentally ill dipshits who never play his stories is clearly unfounded.

>Kojima is a political researcher.
>not an SJW queer pusher.

Trying to have his cake and eat it too?

you were doing pretty well until that point

Kojima is marketing intelligently. He realized that video games are not an art form they are a fucking money making machine and he's taking advantage of that.

Before the market was exclusively male and exclusively straight and now the market has become politicized. He's capitalizing off these people. The game is going to be fucking horrible but it won't stop these morons from buying it because it's "progressive". Kojima laughs all the way to the rice paddy.

>The "men giving birth" scenario has been a scientific study for decades and is likely to be a heavy segment of that specific SCIENCE
Love the idea of the scifi angle thought MGS would be a bit more into the scifi with ancient aliens due to the enemies but it never got there or maybe that was for the next game?

>you were doing pretty well until that point
Whats wrong with Salon they have an audience of over 900 million mouth breathers it says right on their website.


It is not about SJW fantasy
It is about ropes and the ties that bind us all together

How that turned into some muh breaking gender bs is beyond me

Here's a fucking hint, the trailer you
Seen is inspired by an English poet

Having played a decent amount of Kojima, he enjoys making weird vaguely philosophical things with little regard to the audience. That sjws are flocking to it is of little importance.

Kind of like how the dev for Undertale won't speak much about the next-level sjw autism fanbase his game has gathered. I doubt he approves at all.

>Nip man makes wacky game with weird visuals with loads of weird shit happening, like a man giving birth
>Meanwhile he just did it because he thinks it looks cool

If you think Kojima gives a flying fuck you're retarded

>It is not about SJW fantasy
>It is about ropes and the ties that bind us all together
Not arguing here, I get what your saying. When I typed that SJW's would just twist it to mean the ropes are bondage or symbols of oppression I was saying how they would reinvent it for themselves which they keep doing like the above screenshot.