LOL was this you guys
LOL was this you guys
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Yes it was all me
We need to fire up the twitters and call her racist over and over again.
Honestly we need to keep an eye on everything these SJW types post and turn anything that could even slightly offensive into calls for racism and resignation
fuken liar
>Usain Bolt likes and retweets pic on his account
>She still a racist tho
It's fine though, she's a lesbian and a woman. Has enough privilege deficit to cover it.
One of my tweets about it has been used by the Washington Post
This is my biggest tweet since Infowars featured me
Quick, what's it called when SJW's say a black person can't understand that whites are using them
Like they've been brainwashed by insitutionised racism..
Damn it what's the term called.
Internalized Oppression
Screen cap?
What was your infowars one?
I'm enjoying it too much to out the account used by the WP
>Ellen DeGenerate
Actual outrage or just trolling? Just so hard to tell the difference between your after SJW bullshit and trolls.
SJWs are like rabid dogs. People on the left will pander to them all day long, then BAM they'll turn and bite you in an instant.
Is pretending to be a SJW a thing now? There can't be that many dumb bitches on the internet.
archive you double nigger
This is exactly the shit we need to happen. This PC bullshit has gotten way out of hand. The more this happens, the more people will flock to Trump.
>Even if your a major liberal who worships BBC they will still accuse you of racism.
Never give in
>bring yo snacks
yes, tumblr is full of em.
She literally worships Aussie cunt
Even Ellen offends these people, and she's the most PC person in the world; her audience of insufferable hambeasts must have run out of things to be offended about.
i like the cut of your jib
The left is cannibalizing itself and it's amazing.
Gods bless you dirty spoider bastards.
If she weren't a Hollywood bulldyke, this would be sexism, a woman relying on man to do errands.
Her career is ruined. She's finished.
How the fuck is that racist? Everything is anti-European this century apparently. What a great fucking time to be alive.