Why exactly was he friends with ed and eddy? Didn't Kevin actually like him in some episodes?

Why exactly was he friends with ed and eddy? Didn't Kevin actually like him in some episodes?

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Zero confidence. Going out to make friends with the rest of the cul-de-sac would require a level of self-assurance that he simply doesn't have. He became friends with Eddy and Ed when he was very, very young, long before such doubts ever started to cloud his judgement.

They were the first people he met when he moved in remember? Youd be amazed how that loyalty sticks to you when youre that young. Most of my friends in high school were just the first people i made any social progress with in the second grade.

What is that hat called?

What's the name for it????



Its a beanie


sock fedora

Tell me about the Edd. Why does he wears the beanie?





Most of the kids were generally cool with Double D and Ed as individuals to some extent. It was Eddy that created most of their problems and gained them scorn by association.

Because originally he liked Ed and Eddy. In the early episodes the Eds hung out together because they wanted to, not because they had no other options. Eddy has two guys that will follow his every word and think he's genuinely clever, Ed and Double D have someone that gives them shit to look forward to, appreciates their talents, and generally doesn't treat them like weird losers. Besides, he only started being more socially capable than the other two in the later seasons. In season 1 and 2, he was just as awkward as they were. In the episode with the sprinkler party Ed and Double D are the ones who fuck everything up by weirding the other kids out talking about brain surgery and horror comics. In the wrestling episode neither of them knows what a purple nurple is.

The literal only one who remotely liked Ed was Rolf.

And May.

It's a big beanie

Because the Eds genuinely care about each other.
Because Edd was a recluse before Ed and Eddy made him hang out with them.
Because Edd didn't want to be anything more than Kevin's acquaintance.
Because you had no meaningful friendships growing up.

Johnny, Jimmy, Nazz and Kevin didn't seem to mind him all that much. Sarah hated his guts, sure, but the rest were all fairly indifferent or friendly towards him. There was never much in the way of outright hatred like what they had towards Eddy when he pulled some shit. They could be grossed out by him sometimes but the same could be said for how they would react to weird shit that Rolf did.

i remember when i made that image

i was going to use it as album art for a collection of background music i never finished as a project.. fuck

I recall Johnny seemed pretty friendly with Ed in the later seasons.

I always call em stocking caps.

>tfw you fell out of touch with your best friend from age 4-13
>tfw you fell out of touch with your high school friends except on facebook
>tfw even your college friends are starting to drift now
Am I doomed to be lonely forever Sup Forums?

I was friends with someone since 3rd grade, first grade of highschool we stopped talking, I had no classes with him, I was always the thirdwheel any time we met somewhere there, and I never was able to hang out outside of school because I had to be home doing shit all the time, but it's not like they called me and gave me the option to hang out ever. He never responded to my skype messages even though he was online and legit changing his profile settings, and my old aqquaintance who usually made me the third wheel (sometimes it was someone else) that I didn't like much told me he was talking to him, so I figured it was too long since we talked and he'd rather talk to the other friends he has. Really sucks.

Its name is "Edd's hat" also known as "Double D's hat"

Maybe he likes them.

He probably sees it as his duty to guide them on the path of decency considering he tried in every episode to be rational, it just doesn't work.

Why did Eddy's brother think he was a girl?

its weird when you stop talking to everybody but family and coworkers nobody seems to notice you're disappeared

Because he had the same name.

same name

>someone that gives them shit to look forward to, appreciates their talents
This, we've been over this again and again. The rest of the kids just want to do nothing all day. Only Eddy has the ambition to build a theme park, or a wrestling event or something that's birthed from the genius and inventiveness of Double D, the wild imagination and enthusiasm of Ed.

Remember their antics in Dawn of the Eds? That's the sort of thing the Eds get up to, the sort of thing Kevin, Rolf and the others would scoff at or not understand the pure childhood joy of unless someone like Eddy presented it in an entertaining fashion for them. Double D should be doing what else with his time? Fitting in with Kevin, fixing up that shit bike for the millionth time? Joining the Rolf's boyscout group whose activities are mundane tasks? No, no, no no.

The Eds live. The Eds do it big. The Eds understand what being a kid is about unabashed. The Eds are the only reason that little neighborhood sees anything close to excitement.I f you watched the show and still don't get it you never will.

This. It was never about the jawbreakers. Sure they liked jawbreakers, but they could've just found some spare change if they really wanted one so bad. They just used the jawbreakers as a excuse to do fun and exciting things.


Probably because he has something he's embarrassed of, like a bunch of scars or some shit like that.

Can he take off the hat?

Are you asking, that if he takes that hat off, will he die?

My best friend and I have been friends nearly a decade now. Our friendship has survived our age difference, him moving, the fact that my dad doesn;t like him much, and sometimes months of not hanging out.
Find that one or two people that get you in every way, and never let go, friendo.

Abibas hat

>They could be grossed out by him sometimes but the same could be said for how they would react to weird shit that Rolf did

"...is that a giant clam?"

Well, I do think the jawbreakers were a huge part of it (hence why they went out of their way to be nice to Kevin for them, or how Ed and Eddy tortured Double D because they thought he had a stash of jawbreakers somewhere), but yeah, as far as how they got the money for jawbreakers they could have easily done something straightforward like a recurring lemonade stand, but since that's not particularly fun they only tried it once.

He used to be a wrestler, and after years of blading his head looks like Abdullah the Butcher's.

The show is so much more heartwarming when you watch it from this perspective

>at the end of the movie everyone genuinely likes them
That was the most heartwarming things possible. I was so fucking happy for them.

It would be extremely humiliating.

Haha benis :DDD

my best friend from fucking kindergarten moved to Georgia and is getting married in a year. Yet, we haven't drifted apart. He's probably the best friend I've ever had. Seriously, when you find a good friend, don't let shit drift apart. Because sometimes it's the only thing you have left when everything else goes to shit.