What do you call this hair style?

what do you call this hair style?


As a child i'd look at his hair and say hes bald. Now that i'm older with the same hairline I dont think i'm bald.

Sup Forums in their late 30s

The repost.

Frasier's agent was the best character on the show. Prove me wrong

You thought wrong, baldy.



How old are you?
I'm 22 with a widows peak.

>the hiding a deep seated depression and want to kill myself everyday but I keep going because putting a smile on some random dude across the world is the only thing i got going hair style

senpai it's over

Careca Cabiludo

>tfw I became too intelligent for my hairline

Scrambled eggs

The Ben Franklin


It's called the Tossed Salad.

>walk into barber
>just scramble my shit up

Same. I'm 23.

It's obviously the intellectual haircut. Not too much test to be bald, not too little to have a full head of hair.
It's kind of part of a dad bod. Get yourself thick forearms, head of hair like that but styled reasonably, and 10-20 lbs overweight and you'll be rolling in pussy, assuming you're late 20's early 30's.

When she describes cigarettes....

Honestly I'd have to say no. I found her a little too abrasive and ultimately she just subtracted from the quality of the show. Even more so with Roz. The whole obnxious/slutty archetype thing made me want to gag

I like when Frasier freaks out at her and he's like "BUT NO, YOU'LL HAVE YOUR CIGARETTES!"