Has Sup Forums seen this? If so, what did you think?
What is Sup Forums's opinion on Michael Moore?
Has Sup Forums seen this? If so, what did you think?
What is Sup Forums's opinion on Michael Moore?
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Bet all that fat will keep him burning for awhile
I really liked it
michael moore is a fat communist shit
>Cuts and chops his interviews to make it seem like he "le epic wins" every confrontation
>makes asinine public stunts and then cries foul when he's asked to stop making an ass of himself in public
>wants people who manufacture guns to be responsible if their product is misused and wants firearms dealers to be responsible not if they sell to a criminal, but if the gun is stolen at all and used in a crime (see: bowling for columbine)
>claims that the end of the "first generation ku klux klan" was the reason why the NRA was founded
>claims that we shot all of the natives, ignores disease and attempts at relocation to fit the narrative of "scared small dicked white people shot natives becuz muh whitey"
I think the most telling part of any one of his documentaries is when he visited a museum housing a copy of the US constitution.
Tons of dramatic camera angles as he poured through the document through it's glass casing, before he started his voiceover.
"I read it, but I didn't see anywhere in the US constitution that said we CAN'T have communism" (paraphrased)
Has this been released? I guess it doesn't criticize Obama or Democrats for all their meddling in the Middle East.
Total cuck, same with the retards that support him. He was cheered when he showed up to an OWS protest.
>It's okay when celebrities have millions and throw their influence around.
Yea pretty much this.
The movie seemed to be:
>"Look at how much free time these Europeans have haha why can't we be socialist like all of these people with low unemployment whose population isn't 13% niggers and almost 18% Hispanic? Yea I mean disregard the fact that the USA's GDP is 9x what Italy's is but like fuck it lmao socialism lmaomaomao"
Michael Moore is such a liberal retard that he doesn't even realize his movies often show evidence completely contrary to the point he's trying to make. The he just says 'UHHH BUT FUCK CONSERVATIVES ANYWAYS' and his audience is so stupid they think he proved something.
This is on the Wiki page
>Moore points out at the end that many of these ideas actually originated in the U.S., such as the constitutional ban on cruel and unusual punishment, abolition of the death penalty, the struggle for the 8 hour day and the May Day holiday, the Equal Rights Movement for women, prosecution of financial fraud during the savings and loan crisis, etc.
The movie doesn't make sense if he's trying to say the US should follow European countries.
I would rather smash my dick with a sledgehammer
>anti-2nd amendment
Disavowed forever. Any lapdog of the establishment who seeks to use the influence given to him by kikes to disarm his fellow Americans is a treasonous traitor.
Fat socialist weasel.
I'm a liberal Michigander, and Michael Moore can eat a dick. I wish we were better known for Sam Raimi or Steven Seagal because those guys actually make good movies.
the second I hear someone is anti gun I don't listen to a word out of their mouth.
Good read though. Confirms I've made the right decision.
This, fuck him
It's kind of touristy view of things
if I looked like Micheal Moore I would kill myself
Of course you did. You are swimming in multiculturalism and feminism.
Have you appolagized for being white?
Well have you
I only care about Michigan because The Stooges came from there.
Where To Invade Next?
Where ever the kike-enabling democons feel like murdering kids, I suppose.
Steven Seagal's fat donut eating ass judo flopping ass hasn't made a god movie since the 80's
Good enough for me. Allow me to compliment you on your excellent taste.
hack. Shitty at what he does.
Found collecting dust in the clearance bin at my work. Sorry Mikey, capitalism wins every time.
Based trashman BTFOs Michael Moore
Also Penn actually managed to lose weight, unlike that fat fuck Michael Moore.
Fuck, forgot to post link.
Michael Moore is an ugly transgender woman who started transitioning too late so he'll never look good and is doomed to live as a dickless man who wishes he could pass but knows he can't so doesn't try. Also his movies are shit.
Limousine liberal that will do a shitty documentary on every problem in the US except obesity.
He also appears to be turning into a fat lesbian as he ages.
If your films are about school shootings it not hard to be funnier.
watched like 20 minutes of the movie and got super pissed. He only delves into the most surface-level aspects of the cultures and doesn't go into any remote details about the economics behind the society. For every thing he states I want to ask about 10 questions, but he would rather discuss Italians fucking and how amazing Italy is compared to America than talk about corruption's influence in everything. Not to mention his smug, attention-seeking attitude and how much he would rather seem like an epic witty comedian than shine light on truth. He's not even a good comedian.
this documentary was more entertainment than education and I want to punch that fat smug cunt in his fat fucking face
Well yeah, but who cares about GDP? What matters is quality of life, not being a corporate save.
Why can't we have it both ways? Socialism without niggers? Wait...
Welp, that's why I'm on pol.
Heres the deal, Leaf:
>conservatives have talk radio and cable news.
liberals have late night tv talk shows and hollywood
>thats really about all there is to it
Canadian Bacon was somewhat amusing albeit still stinking of his inane political opinions, everything he's done since is leftist horseshit.
and MC5, Bob Seger, Ted Nugent, all of Motown, Brownsville Station, Frijid Pink, John Lee Hooker wasn't from Michigan but spent a lot of time in the D. Don't forget about insane clown posse. I'm kidding about that last one
To be fair, when was the last time you bought any physical media?
I've bought guitar books, but I scan them because I'll ruin them by having them spread open for hours.
Canadian Bacon was decent.
Wow, I didn't know that was his movie.
The beer sucks scene is the only thing I remember from it.
Sounds so 2003, I hate Bush now.
>Where To Invade Next
I'm guessing Michael's answer is "a donut shop"
He's not all bad
Fahrenheit 9/11 calling out Bush/Cheney corruption
but yeah he's mostly worthless
That he is a fat disgusting typical shart in mart and proves how american faggots come study here because education is free. Dont believe me ? Just watch this shieeeet
>What is Sup Forums's opinion on Michael Moore?