Captain America is against the 2nd amendment

So much for "based" laughing man

Other urls found in this thread:

Assault weapons are already banned. Move on

>I'm not anti gun but I am anti gun

The argument of "certain weapons" doesn't work

You can plug 50+ people with a 12 gauge double easily enough

2 shots, 2 second reload, 2 shots, 2 second reload, and so on (12 gauge 00 buckshot also equals about 2-3 .223s, so the actual ROF advantage of a AR-15/whatever doesn't tell the whole story).

that's not captain america that's just some cuck leaf who works in hollywood. THIS is captain america.

Wonder how much he got payed for that tweet.

shit I could have sworn he was canadian

the cuck vibes were just so strong they misled me

>not anti gun
>certain weapons shouldn't be in certain a hands
>well of course I should be firing an M4 I my movies, in the exception

>Not having the balls to say what everyone thinks.
Black people should not be allowed to own guns. 90% of the problem solved.


You can't get an assault weapon unless you let the ATF rUn your balls through a vice and are willing to drop tens of thousands of dollars.

Wtf is he even saying?

that's "assault rifle"

an "assault weapon" is just a word liberals made up that means scary looking gun

/r/ing the webm of the jap movie where some school shooter's gunning down classmates with a double barrel shotgun

Yeah, gotta love that tactic from the lefties.


you didnt know he was a major cuck?

Dem Assy Funs

wtf I hate reaction images now

Why can't we stop these people from twisting language? I feel like most of the lefts power comes from their lawyer-like ability to use and misuse words

because the media is controlled by the left

Shit, Orlando shooter had three hours to shoot and reload.

To be fair, most of them are felons and can't own a gun.


They use their own definitions to frame the debate

"Gun violence", is a perfect one.

It implies that if you remove "gun violence", overall violence will decrease. Which is wrong.

They know this (the smart ones anyway), but they use it to brainwash people.

And, of course, they bastardize the speech and let some random whore give it instead of Captain.

B..but background checks are unconstitutional!

What boss am I?

the problem is in the law abiding blacks can't own weapons in those areas. They can't put the smack down on the hood rats. And their masters tell them the laws need to be tighter.

They've changed the definition of mass shooting as well, it's four or more injured or killed instead of the FBI's stats of four or more killed.

Even Mother Jones called out that definition.


Unarmed people are just walking targets, and it doesn't really matter what firearm you have when shooting them; as long as you can get out 1 shot per 2 seconds, and it's powerful enough.

He could have killed 50 people with a double and 00 buckshot (1 torso hit with 00 = dead).

An AR/AK and whatnot only really helps against other armed people.

Another celebrity that lives in a walled house, in a gated community, that thinks the common man shouldn't be able to defend themselves.

>falling for the law abiding blacks meme


You're clearly being sarcastic, but it is a violation. The right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. Hell, requiring a permit to simply carry (open or concealed) is a violation of the 2nd amendment.

What was that movie anyway?
never figured it out.

Anyone have sauce?

Remember, anytime you follow up a claim with "but" you completely wipe out everything you previously said and make yourself look like a faggot.

What's the Maura he's referring to?


The irony is that he's tweeting that with a gun at his head.

>2 second reload
Are you a 90 year old arthritic?
It doesn't take even a second to reload a pump action
and most can hold as many as 10 rounds before needing to be reloaded

he said enforcement of the law

p sure user meant double barrel shotgun

So is Matt Damon, a man who's made his career killing people with guns
Who gives a fuck what an actor thinks, usually they're just as stupid as the average normie

He even said double

>Implying law abiding blacks ever use their guns to "pit down hoodrats"
They only use them on home invasions and even that is rare
"Law abiding blacks" will almost never shoot another nigger unless their life depends in it

They are
Remember though, Muslims can never be Americans and neither can Jews since both require you to put your religion above America and you cannot be an American if you out anything before America end of story

>Chris Evans is Canadian
I had no idea, deleting pic related now for good
No leaf deserves to be shopped over based Heston

Assault rifles are already banned.

"Assault weapon" is a fuzzy media/political term that basically means "normal rifles that look scary".

>tfw liberals want to ban all black guns

Fucking racists.

What the fuck kind shotgun are you shooting with 10 rounds? Those extended mod things look absurd.

Also, the double definitely meant double barrel.

>I'm not ____, but...

>certain weapons should only be in certain hands

I feel like we need to cut this guy some slack. Compare him to the rest of the hollywood crowd and this is actually a right wing stance (for hollywood). Not based or anything, but this doesn't change my opinion of him.

You were probably thinking of Ryan Reynolds.
