Should pedophiles be put to death?

Should pedophiles be put to death?

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Why not

Only if they've actually acted out on it. People caught with kiddie porn and are open pedos should be locked away in asylums.

You want to kill Trump?

Child rape is part of their culture. Why are you being so islamaphobic, user?


Too lenient. Castration is good too



Whose culture? Lev Tahor's?

Yes, but they should get to spend a single night with a sweet sexy loli beforehand.

personally i think all rapists should be killed

All white niggers should be gassed

Then we can move on to a Clinton v Johnson election


He's so fucking gross. That's why he's popular

Plz kill me fampai

Only real rapists though. Not this modern leftist revisionist version of rape.

Gas yourself

No. Pedophilia refers to being sexually attracted to children, not actually raping them. It is not hard to imagine (or give concrete examples of) a person with those urges acting virtuously in spite of them.

I mean old school insane asylums.

Their punishment should be being tortured and raped to death


Since we're too pussy to enforce hard labor prisons anymore, my answer is yes. Kill' em all.

The digits speaketh truth

>hebephiles are obviously not included

What does that even mean. According to the Bible we are to marry those we rape and pay the father. Good thing im a homo sounds like a nightmare. Now having sex in a marriage can be rape too. This cannot happen with two men. No fallen angels can affect us

Canada! how dare you! you president must be ashamed

No more euthanasia laws and therefore no more bullying laws too and you have civil law and probably free speech so there's nothing that can be done legally here against me for that


if you allow a guy fuck your ass that's punishment enough for me

of course. my only reservation about a death penalty for rape is that a lot of rape cases are determined by circumstantial evidence and later overturned


Why. Hows your new starfish vagina. What do you do when you look at your body. You're a fucking pedophile there is nothing lower

this meme again......


at least my asshole dont look like a flower, homos are the lowest to me, well trans are pretty bad too

Explain to me clearly why the Donald spoke so highly of (((Epstein))) and his affinity for little girls? Why was the Donald on his sex plane? Why did Epstein plead the fifth when asked if Trump had committed pedophilia?

Lol moron. I want a marriage and who says I have a gaping hole or aids. Enjoy your zika?

Oh my goodness what a reptile is that """man"""

Hedonists need to be purged

hahahaha pretty much irrefutable evidence that pedophilia is normal, and yet so much puritanism in this thread.

It's like reading ancient pharisee types discussing what is a eunuch

Question, why is that child molestation seems to be considered a lot worse than child murder vitually everywhere.

I mean look up reaction to news of people who raped a child and reaction to people who killed a child, and how much media cover each one.



Christ said if you cause a child to lose faith in him (covers both but implies something like exploitation more than killing) you ought to be drowned

I had a pedo dream like two days ago. I was visiting some rich Muslim in the Middle East and host cute 8 year old daughter got horny and started hugging me really hard. So we're rubbing on each other and she apologizes that she doesn't have any boobs, and I tell her she's perfect how she is. Then she calls be a pedophile and gets really disgusted and runs away to tell her dad and I just sit there and try to stammer something about Aisha to save myself from getting beheaded.


Catholic Priest Culture... DUH

too much Sup Forums i see

Yes, and it should be showed to the public. Never in history where a productive society engages in pedo shit.

Anglo countries (and Sup Forums) are extremely puritanical and sexuality is very, very taboo.

What if they've done nothing?

the judicial system is pretty fucked up,

sure you want to give them more atributions with which to fuck with "unwanted" "evil" people of their choosing?
and just out of incompetence, how many people you think are unfairly in prison?
how many have been aquitted by DNA?

we have to linch them,


Yeah. Too bad nobody had brought up religion and all churches are corrupted

Not a response

>Never in history where a productive society engages in pedo shit.
hahahahaha Sup Forums believes this

The fuck is wrong with you

And none of this bullshit "trial by media" either.

Useful to what

There was pederasty in ancient greece

Both should be punished by death via woodchipper.

Different kind of. At least ONLY to back then. They were bought slaves in a way and what? We're going to become 101% ancient greek? Screw that they were polytheists

Rotting in a filthy prison for the rest of one's life is a punishment worse than death.


What are you useful for you dumb leaf. Let's kill you.

I'm starting to believe this. And it's mobody's job to kill. When Christ says "it is better that..." Like the Genesis marriage parable. It means only that. The He prefers it be that way and uses strong language but blessings condemnations and commands are all kinda different no?

keep acting as if you're disgusted! I know you like that ;)

Meh. My bad

>why did he plead the fifth

Because he's a Clinton donor you mongoloid. Pleading the fifth basically incriminates Donald in the publics eye.

there is literally nothing wrong with being a pedophile.

>hating pedos

And where do these queries come from? Evidence? Or studying Epstein himself?


If they're never acting on it, how would anyone ever find out? There's basically only 3 ways others could discover it:
1. molesting a child
2. accessing, creating, and/or distributing child porn
3. working with a degenerate group like NAMBLA
all require action on the part of the pedophile.

People who act on it should be executed by hanging.

Otherwise, it should be treated as a mental illness, much like homosexuality and transsexualism.

>gymnast lolis

A class

Aaaand fuck up everything

What if I'm muslim, you are a bigot if you go against my beliefs

So, you would support the death penalty for pedos who accessed CP? Disgusting.

yes, as well as the kikes that enable them

>nothing illegal to see here folks!
feels good to be alive

yes, public torture and execution

Don't you have a country to destroy, Trudeau?

There is nothing wrong with having a mental illness - a lot of people have them. It is the duty of the state to help it's people despite the afflictions that they have. Modern day society and government policy encourages these illnesses, not contain them.

Because innocent until proven guilty is a meme
juries are always impressionable and open to having their emotions swayed by a sad story or damsel in distress.


Except for the fact that it's the highest form of degeneracy.
>Wanting a grill with an underdeveloped brain and body over a fully grown qt


How dare you speak about the prophet mohammed (PBUH) in that way

The 5th is against self incrimination, he can be compelled to incriminate Donald unless it also incriminates himself in the same instance. Burden of proof lies on the accusor. There's nothing to see here but keep trying

No, brainwashed feminist drones like you should be.

>According to the Bible we are to marry those we rape and pay the father.
IIRC that's only if a guy grabs a woman in a populated area and she DOESN'T cry for help, thus not really rape.


>muh degeneracy

You posting whores who have had dozens of cocks in them, versus pure little girls. Wow sure is degenerate!

Pederasts and CP possessors should be. Those who acknowledge their mental illness and seek help, we should try to rehabilitate.

What the hell is wrong with you? Of course not. There's nothing wrong with sexual intimacy with children as long as they consent.

Sigh, what to have a daughter and teach her biathlon