Why is Hillary winning so much Sup Forums? What the hell is she doing that's making everyone support her?
Why is Hillary winning so much Sup Forums? What the hell is she doing that's making everyone support her?
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Not be Lyin' Trump.
She has decades of experience no phony e-mail scandal can erase.
Her "competiton" is orange.
name one real supporter she has
protip: you cannot
>I don't go outside
Not getting into fights with Army families and not accusing Republican leaders of founding terrorist groups
not a name
What experience?
My brother's voting for her last I checked.
Because she is not Trump, she would lose to any conventional republican candidate.
She isn't a Republican and she isn't Trump.
That's literally it
Political crookery, eh. A fitting figurehead for you eternal wordly meddlers
When all of that experience just amounts to you being a shitty secretary, I don't know why it even matters.
She has an entire print, television and online media industry creating a context that she is great and her opponent is hitler 24/7 365
that might be helping a bit
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Not entirely true, I know girls who are voting for her because she's female.
Hillary comes off as the adult in the room.
she is a woman , and it's time for america to have it's first woman president
>shill thread
OP just wanted to know why hillary was winning you retatd
No one actually supports Hillary. It's a media fabrication.
They're not even trying to be subtle anymore.
The actual numbers are probably 65% Trump, 15% Hillary, 20% third party candidates.
And 100% of her supporters are niggers or people who can't legally vote.
Trump is going to win in a landslide and Hillary will either stroke out or kill herself.
We're actually living in the timeline where the good guys win. What a time to be alive.
she's losing and she's losing really bad
she can't even stand or read teleprompters properly lmao
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Letting niggers and women vote was like letting a blind person design clothes.
She's a Clinton. So lyin' ain't it.
she is a trump plant
trump donated to the clinton foundation
its this sort of mentality that opened the gates to them voting in the first place.
Rigged Polls to influence the General
>26% Republicans
>29% Democrats
>42% Independent
Compare those number to any poll and you tell me why she is "winning"..
She isn't Trump and that's why she's winning. It's a game of who can fuck the least up in these elections.
It is well known that polling data has a huge negative impact on the turnout of voters for the party that appears to be behind. The Clinton machine knows this and is rigging the polls just like they did the primary. Polls are nonsense.
It is not like what she is doing...
her whole strategy is to let DT destroy himself... she literally doesn't have to do anything.
Both Trump and Hillary have brand power, but Hillary also has a vagina, so she gets the dumb woman vote by default. Most of her supporters are Democrat drones who don't understand her policies or her many scandals.
For all of us who think she's shit, there's 50 people who think Trump is worse. Tired ass cliche but it's Douche vs. Shit Sandwich all over again.
she never had much support, I doubt she does now.
it's probably just the media trying to convince ppl she does
Yes, please tell me more about how doing something makes the opposite happen
wouldn't that backfire and make hillary voters feel secure and not bother voting
Hillary winning keeps the status quo, so the system is bucking hard to prop her up
Trump needs to campaign on the supreme court. If Hillary wins, say Goodbye Guns and hello to 3 more Sotomayors
>Hillary voters
No such thing.
Your brother is a faggot
ding! ding! we have a winner
hillary can pay everyone to shill for her but she can't get anyone that isn't black or a crazy cat lady to vote for her
i assume by "brother" he means his brother who is now MtF
That's because the vocal minority don't realize that most people like the status quo. It's the status quo for a reason.
America is the best country on earth, and believe it or not there are many of us who are actually pretty content with our lives. Trump is fun and all, but he is too unpredictable and dangerous. With Hillary, at least I know that 8 years later I will have less debt, make more money, and be financially independent and able to live comfortably.
i live in a third world shithole, can i join ctr OP ?
"They could be made to accept the most flagrant violations of reality... and were not sufficiently interested in public events to notice what was happening." - George Orwell, "1984"
> What the hell is she doing that's making everyone support her?
Not being an arrogant, braggadocios, bumbling bigoted idiot.
She's the candidate big business prefers. Media is big business. Big buisness prefers her because they know they can buy influence and everyone else can't. They can suppress their up and coming competition and get access to anything they want. She's for sale and has been for decades. So the loudest bullhorns are in her favor. Put MessNBC or CNBC on your Facebook. If Hillary has some negative press, sure they will cover it. But not without spamming ten anti-trump stories before and after and bury it. Trump said second amendment people might be able to handle an attempt on their constitutional rights. And the media went nuts. Forgetting that's the whole reason we have a 2nd amendment. The founding fathers weren't that sensitive in explaining it. They basically said "fuck yes politicians should be a bit afraid of their consituents". Yet Clinton is on stage orgasming about how much money she could suck dry from Trump if he died and the media says nothing. No outrage about suggesting it would be good for the economy if he died. Not related to the constitutionally protected rights or anything. Just dead and vulture tax his corpse. That was perfectly fine with the people that tell you what to think.
Nothing. Trump is just an elaborate shill. They're all dancing on the same tune.
>With Hillary, at least I know that 8 years later I will have less debt, make more money, and be financially independent and able to live comfortably
Following the current status quo, within the next 8 years we will see
Another housing bubble pop (this time in cities)
TPP delivering the killing blow to the midwest
If the student loan bubble doesn't pop, it will under whoever is after her
So have fun with those 'less debt, more money, live comfortably' delusions. Market's gonna crash hard
Trump is a really weak candidate. If it had been anyone, she would have lost.
The vast majority of blacks, hispanics, teachers, journalists, welfare recipients, college students, college staff, etc., etc., etc.
OP can you tell us how to get paid posting for correct the record? not trolling Im here pretty much all day and wouldn't mind getting paid for it. post a email address or something
Why haven't I met any of these people?
I thought Trump supporters were supposed to be the "silent majority," yet I see thousands of Trump signs, and I live in a fucking blue state.
And have yet to see a Hillary sign or a single Hillary supporter.
I mean, they can try to do their tried and true strategy of busing in dindus and spics to voting centers, but Trump is still going to win in a massive landslide.
Because media
I hear normies repeating bullshit daily. Most know no other way to obtain information besides old media
Because you don't live in an urban area/college town?
She's the globalist bankers choice. So the narrative is being framed for the retarded voters.
even BBC shills against trump
Normies don't like a loudmouth but they don't mind a crook.
Doubt Hillary will win, she doesn't really bring the energy, so I think the black vote will be too lazy to get out and vote for her.
Theres literally nothing wrong with Trump though. Please give me an example of how he and Hillary are even comparable. One is a crook that seeks power above all else, the other a successful business man who loves his country and wants to get rid of corruption in the government that is hurting its citizens.
College towns were for Bernie and won't be voting for Hillary. They got redpilled the hard way.
And urban areas, like I said, will get bused in to vote for Hillary but it won't be enough to stop the massive level of support that Trump has.
Looks like Trump is a cucked nigger lover just like the rest of them. Anyone else switch their vote to based super predator punisher Queen Hill?
1; she's a woman
2'; got the media on her side
3; not Trump
4; muh experience
Done, we can go home now.
Are folks in this thread too young to remember the poll-denial that happened just four years ago? That worked out well.
Hillary shills and fans, msm media: please, please, please keep doing exactly what youre doing! Victory is assured!
>Winning in the mind of Trudeau
I live in a college town right next to a major urban area. If you think these people aren't voting for Hillary en masse because they're afraid of muh Hitler 2.0 then you've got major myopia.
I hate living here.
No you stupid retardedpile of filth, it's because Trump is a racist, bigot, warmongering, sociopath, psychopathic, ruthless, heartless demagogue who is so severely underqualified for the position that even someone supposedly as heinous as Hillary can easily beat him in an election. You're on the wrong side of history, get used to your poor judgement and life choices. People are on her side because they're well-adjusted members of society, you, post on Sup Forums and complain about your candidate being oppressed. You're literally the person you think your opponents are.
Hillary holds small rallies because it's less shouting and less flashes going off that could trigger another attack.
My record is so fucking corrected right now.
she is taking the corporate cock orally
so many of you are so fucking dumb you dont even know the difference
It couldn't have anything to do with the media constantly shilling for her and covering up anytime a big leak or evidence comes out against her
Oh and the media picking apart trumps every word has nothing to do with it either
They're too busy comparing it to Brexit, which is not comparable on any level.
They won't. The excitement for Hillary isn't there.
Obama was supposed to be the messiah. But they're secretly disillusioned and know Hillary will be more of the same.
I'm a Trump supporter and trying to remain as unbiased as possible, but this election is literally the worst possible scenario for Hillary.
She thought she was going to be running against Jeb and get an easy victory, that's why she decided to run.
Now she's freaking the fuck out and getting a panic attack every day.
I'll be genuinely surprised if she makes it to the debates.
It will be a miracle if she actually makes it to November.
Nothing the election is rigged. It's so hilarious to see how this current USA election is a carbon copy of our last election in 2012.
>Althought we have a shit ton of parties people only cared about two.
>Nobody liked our current president because he is a moron
>He bought the media and the polls placed him in the first place the entire year
>When the vote count came he won by the exact same amount of votes the polled estimated.
Basically the US operates like a third world country, congratulations!
1. She's not winning
2. The media and "trustworthy polls" have lost all credibility in this day
3. Just wait for November, it's going to be fucking awesome.
Bullshit. Trump is losing BECAUSE he's running as a typical Republican. He should have stuck to nationalist populism, instead he's cock sucking Reagan and spewing that supply-side fantasy no one likes.
Lyin media, lyin polls, and lyin shills. Her support is 100% manufactured.
Trump said they are gonna be winning so much they will be tired of winning. That is what we are seeing. They are tired of winning and want to lose now
Your worst was 2006, because Amlo would have legalized abortion and never have started the Drug War.
What are you basing this off of? I live and work with these people every single day of my life. It's dangerous to underestimate Hillary and the Democrats.
>Why is Hillary winning so much Sup Forums? What the hell is she doing that's making everyone support her?
Giving a lot of cash to CNN and other news outlets.
Have you seen her "rallies" lately?
Shit's depressing.
Instead of focusing on a tiny demographic (uneducated white males), she tries to appeal to a broader demographic. More voters there. That's just Math 101.
*Trump supporters: "Math 101" is typically the name of a math course that people take in their first year of college.
Not gonna lie, if Hillary got elected I'm sure someone who isn't me will rush her ass like that Jap dude did to that once leader.
Stop replying to bait threads. Sage
Because Democrats are bluepilled by nature. They do whatever the alpha in the room tells them to do.
Tell them you support Trump and they're fucking morons if they support Hillary.
Say it with confidence and their entire worldview will be rocked to its core.
If you aren't actively spending 100% of your time trying to redpill these people, you're a cuck and should probably kill yourself.
You will never be better than Straya, cunt.
This. It's not so much that she's ahead. It's that Trump is lagging so far behind it makes her seem like she's winning. Anyone else would be BTFO of Trump right now.
the dubuque rally looks like a movie set
Someone, please, shoop this
>Not testing into 200 level math
And you know this how?
Also, do you really think the media doesn't shill for hill? Come on now
She's not saying stupid shit 24/7.
She was caught lying about the emails, but none of that matters because Trump just won't keep his mouth shut. He's burying himself. All he had to do was keep his earlier lead, then just sit back and be passive. Instead, he got cocky and start blabbing off in places where he shouldn't have, which upset a lot of people.
The Clinton campaign doesn't even need to try anymore. People don't trust Clinton, but they also think Trump is a giant grandstanding joke. Clinton also has experience in office. The choice is obvious.
>Media is big business. Big buisness prefers her because they know they can buy influence and everyone else can't.
But then surely Trump [who is by his own reckoning the penultimtae businessman] would be approachable to be persuaded to favor different organisations?
Nah, like myself & quite a few other have said here - I think her popularity at the moment is attributable to her NOT being Donald Trump
I guarantee I've redpilled more people than you have. And I guarantee it takes more planning and subtlety than you're capable of.
She's not winning. Ignore the polls. People aren't admitting they're voting Trump, but they are. Just GO TO THE FUCKING POLLS AND VOTE and shit will turn out fine.
Given that Hillary is basically a typical Republican masquerading as a Democrat, it's really hard not to see the right's rabid hate of her as sexist motivated. I hate to agree with the Tumblr SJWs, but there's really no other reason for corporatist Republicas to hate her so much.