Why can't we raise corporate income taxes to 91% again?

Why can't we raise corporate income taxes to 91% again?

it's antisemitic

Do you want all your jobs to fuck off to mexico?

progressive taxes ? oy vey

yeah we dont want jobs anyways

Obama can sign an executive order making it illegal for them to send jobs to Mexico.

The rich have no loyalty to the country and the means to fuck off, the second you threaten their wealth they will just move and leave you with a massive job and income shortage.


Wtf when did socialists take over Sup Forums

Because then corporations will fuck off to whatever other country is cheaper for them.

Not if Obama signs an executive order preventing them from leaving the country.

if only things were that easy, son.

They are. All he has to do is bypass congress by signing an executive order.

Expect said order would be completely unenforceable. Lrn2checksandbalances.

I think America would be a lot better off following the policies of Ike.

>implying that was corporate when your fucking image says income


No, it would be 100% enforceable if done the right way.

if it was 100% certain to work, why havent we done it yet?

Lets assume thats even possible. Do you think an order like this would be passed without anyone knowing beforehand? The word would run so fast among the elites that before obama can even decide what pen he'll use all the rich people will have already moved their fortunes to foreign accounts and bought a new house somewhere in europe.

Nope, because the Supreme Court would rule the executive order to be unconstitutional and throw it out. And he can't just throw out the Supreme Court justices without Congressional approval, which would cause him to be impeached long before then.

Corporate income taxes was 91%? Maybe personal income tax?

And you can't tax multinational corporations income without wall.

It's true. Income only meant gains made through corporate means, you're thinking of a wage, which is work in exchange for pay

Most people shouldn't be paying an income tax at all

nobody paid those taxes. they did everything they could to avoid them. newsflash: rich people have good accountants. asking someone to pay 90 cents on the dollar is fucking ridiculous.

jesus fuck you're stupid.

id love for obama to try that though.

Obama could just sign an executive order abolishing the Supreme Court, and another executive order abolishing impeachment.

Obama cares too much about his image. He would be remembered as the president impeached and removed from office, even his own party opposing him as he legitimately would become a dictator when he removed freedom of movement for the elite.

Ok boys pack it up, we fell for an obvious bait thread, don't feel bad, it sometimes happens to even the best of us.

Because no one is dumb enough to pay it, they'll move their money and you can't get 91% or 1% of nothing.

Tell the government that. There's a reason why there's corporate and income tax and it explicitly defines both.



Although income taxes was at 91%, no one paid that much. As a result, our economy flourished.

He could, but it wouldn't do anything. The constitution's authority overrides that of an executive order. Please learn how the government actually works before posting here.

inb4 something retarded like "but Obama could just sign an executive order abolishing the constituion!"

Obama could just sign an executive order making it illegal for them to impeach him.


We already have one of the highest corporate takes rates in the civilized world. Why should it be higher, so you can spend more money on welfare and refugees? Go fuck yourself.

No, but Obama could sign an executive order saying that all executive orders override the constitution.

during his administration most of the developed world was still rebuilding from having America hate fuck it into compliance. if you pulled that now you'd see most companies fleeing to those rebuilt nations.

It's not a complex idea as to why it worked then and won't now. The idea that the rich should be super taxed to pay for a booming middle class (which didn't exist in the world prior) comes iconically from the 1920s/1950s. Both were after major World Wars where Europe was fucked to hell, any non-European country had 0 laws (you think Rio is bad now? Imagine pre-media), and the USA mainland was completely untouched.

USA had immense taxes back in the day because the rich had nowhere else to go. Now they do.

But what if the constitution signs an executive order saying that Obama had to resign?

Then Obama would sign an executive order abolishing the constitution.

The secret service would shoot him, blame BLM, and that would be that. Happened with JFK when he worked to abolish the Federal Reserve.

Not if he signed an executive order abolishing the secret service first.