All significant civilizations started in the middle east

>all significant civilizations started in the middle east
>somehow neantherdal spawn is muh masterrace

Other urls found in this thread:–Byzantine_wars

Which of those Middle East civilizations is still relevant?


Except the first major civilization began in India, in present day pakistan.

Do you even Harrappa?

I would say Greco-Roman and Chinese civilization are pretty influential desu

The middle east is where neanderthals interbred you retard. Why do you think jews look the way they do?

Harrape come from the middle-east, sumerian more exactly.



Yeah, huge mystery to me as well. It's like I never took history.

>All significant civilizations started in the middle east



>dick cutting sand nigger savages are, or ever were ((((civilized)))))


Thats true, but neanderthals lived in ME too.

Pic related, regions with significant neanderthal sites


Civilization cames from city. If you have a cities, you have a civilization.


which one is more Human?

The Middle East used to be white before the Arabs and Mongols invaded it.

You obviously didn't study the Hyper War


Why don't we just sieze the middle east, deport everyone to America, and make Africa America 2.0 but no shitskins edition?

No, arabia was too infertile to sustain people enough to change the whole middle eastern population. Theres no single river in Arabia, fresh water lakes arent commom too.

Mongols just conquered it, never settler at great numbers

It's just what the kikes and niggers defend doing to kids. (Bonus: kikes perform fellatio on the bleeding infant penis and eat the severed foreskin with a wine in an act of cannibalism, and they have filed lawsuits to protect their right to do this)



Retarded American can't into ziggurats.

Learn your actual history.

You can see this post

>africa is the middle east

What are they doing? I mean besides from the obvious


>literally who : the picture

circumcision, don't ask why


Yeah man I played Prince of Persia, it was pretty cool, that time slowing shit was sweet.

Are Crete, China, Ethiopia, the Yucatan, and the Andes not considered significant civilizations?

Again this. Why 1 post op?
D-delete this!

...did they just skin that man's penis?

>this don't matter
>none of this matter

Its a dumb meme made by autistic teenagers.


>forgets that civilizations in the middle east were completely outdone in technology and human advancement by the greeks and the romans

I'll give that nigger credit for being tough

How can white bois even compete ?

Literally never happened

Civilization has more to do with your environment/resources than with racial attributes.

they arent the same people, sorry

Pretty uncommon flag

You again?

What you have against Persia/Iran

>somebody made this–Byzantine_wars

neanderthal is obviously not nordic.

and look at the sumerian statues with blue eyes.

Well you have the whole islam thing that kinda has it's people actively destroying the remnants of those civilizations.

As nice is it is to think about that the my ancestors were probably Aztec, they were centuries behind in technology. Maybe if they would have settled a lot earlier on they could have been at a closer spot to Europe at the time.

Regardless, realistically I have no Aztec blood in me. And if anything I was one of the poor native tribes subjugated by them. So thanks Spain for fucking things up for the whole region and saving me from slavery.

Greece and rome now exist in the middle east thank you for correcting the record

hes just finding his happy place up in the stars.

>what was the neolithic subpluvial
>Northern North America relatively sparsely populated for >20,000 years
>Australia barren desert for 50,000 years
>White people show up
>high civilisation for all*
>*some restrictions apply

Forgot pic

The Irish actually civilised the sand niggers believe it or not. Sumerian and sheklegoblin mythology is just a rip off of theirs, which existed about a thousand years before. See the blue balls of Tara and compare them to the Jews nonsense, or the annunaki and the tuatha de dannan. Fun fact: it was called e land of the ari, which became ariland, then Ireland. They were the Arians. Don't tell that to the nordcucks.. But yeah, Europe civilised the sand joggers

The guy wasn't doing it for political reasons. He's just a fucking sook.

Here he is getting BTFO while having a cry in a previous event.

The Pharaohs have European (Irish) dna I heard.

My guess is they were worshiped as gods for discovering flotation. A feat niggers have yet to achieve.

>What you have against Persia/Iran

i wont lie to myself and believe those are the same people as ancient iranian because it clear they arent

they are mixed people,with arabs and other and many of them have mongoloid genes

not the same people, totally different culture and customs, turkic with arabic, not iranian one

greece and romans?
why you germanics call yourselves european?

romans and greeks must be rolling in their graves knowing germanics pigs call themselves european


u wrong frog. Originated in the Indus Valley.

>Nordics didn't migrate to Greece thousands of years ago
>The Iliad wasn't based on events that took place in the Baltics


>started in the middle east
Load of shit and you guys are a sprawling shit hole today so some legacy that left you...

except all eurasians have neanderthal dna you stupid fucking neanderthal

you are all niggers


Mesopotamians and egyptians were caucasoids who migrated south due to harsh winters during the ice age.
Caucasoids had bigger skulls and were more intelligent, hence when very high admixture of white genes was accomplished, civilizations spawned in the most fertile areas.
If you actually think they were arabs or that egyptians were shitskins like you you need to go back to WEEWUZ

Pretty sure it's a Maori coming of age ritual. During the circumcision they have to show no pain, no flinching, no nothing or else they get no women and get BTFO of the tribe. They also have to do the same while crawling around on stinging nettles. Pretty badass as far as self control goes.

I firmly believe that if Islam didn't destroy their society and culture, Persia would have led the world in the sciences, arts, everything.



Neanderthals first mixed in the middle east op, you faggot. Neanderthals were skilled problem solvers and possessed the necessary amount of inventiveness to survive in a harsh environment. Unlike Homo sapiens neanderthals were independent and traveled in small groups. While they were vastly more intelligent than homo sapiens, they lacked the social instincts to group together and share their knowledge and skills. Mixing with homo sapiens social skills is what made the inventive, artistic and abstract thinking of past civilizations possible.


Sumer was before Harrapa

>t. Jets fan