>male watches anime
>sees cute girls being cute
>wants to be one of them
Escapism is dangerous, and the transanime girl movement must be stopped.
>male watches anime
>sees cute girls being cute
>wants to be one of them
Escapism is dangerous, and the transanime girl movement must be stopped.
Other urls found in this thread:
Anime is redpill, but you are a jew who is trying to destroy society by removing anime.
>male watches anime
>sees cute girls being cute
>wants to fuck all of them
Fixed that for you homo.
Real woman are obsolete.
I agree. Plus rainbow color hair trend degeneracy.
Satan post best post
Fucking faggot pedos.
Anime is degeneracy plain and simple.
>Inb4 hurrrr but ur on a anime image board durrr
Sup Forums is the only board I browse on this website I try to avoid the cancerous and degenerate weebs here as much a possible but see now there is not getting away from them on here ffs
Still a form of escapism.
Sounds like that faggot new anime
80's/90's anime was hardcore as fuck. I can't even watch that new garbage that's all animated by computers
Surely this thread violates the sticky. Surely.
Whether this thread gets deleted or not will be a good precedent for what threads I think violate the sticky.
Heh, I only watch REAL manime... none of that degenerate little girl shit -___-'
I blame rap music.
Is anime a gender?
Might as well desu senpai.
All the autistic faggots watch anime but not everyone who watch anime are an autistic faggot
I am an anime.
Well duh its an anime site
how can you blame something this cool
Truer words have never been spoken.
there is some good stuff out there
I've been watching anime for 17 years. I've never wanted to be a girl.
OPs post is like saying "I just played GTA, so now I wanna go steal a car and kill 50 people because I wanna be a nigger."
these are all better than talmudvision if you must idle.
My gf likes anime, she collects the stuffed animal and figures and other weird items. Nothing she has is really sexual, just cutesy and sometimes like ninja, I guess. She mainly watches/reads the one with over the top PG romance.
TL;DR is it bad when girls watch anime?
>tfw never be super sexy tank top hiro
If anything, I've always wanted to be a silent, strong, badass like Heero.
Based Satan gets it
To outer space, every one of us.
>male watches anime
>sees cute girls being cute
>wants to be one of them
What? Can someone who has done this comment here? Wtf this can't be true. If anything you would just want to fuck them. Transgenderism is a mental illness or its because you were born a hermaphrodite and your parents picked the wrong gender when you were born so you want to become what you were meant to be.
I remember that. Those were the days.
Stay mad britbong
>watching girl cartoons
Some trans like animes, some do not. The problem is not anime.
>tfw no cute trans gf
should i move down to melbourne bros?
brisbane has like zero trans
What's anime?
I saw it happen to a friend of mine.
He used to hate anime but then he got into it and almost immediately afterward he started liking girly faggot shit and wanted to be a trap even though he will in no way ever pass.
Games are worse. Talk shows too. And movies.
the reason for living
I agree about escapism, Internet and video games are also dangerous. To fix it, we need to make real life great again. Life as a white male sucks these days compared to our fathers and grandfathers.
The only reason I haven't dropped out yet.
Why are Sup Forumsutists proud of liking girly degenerate shit?
It reminds me a lot of bronies.
I wouldn't care if they could pull it off, but most are ugly mutants. Cute boys are where it's at. At least they don't hide the fact that they're male.
M00t can take my flag, but he can't take my spirit.
Especially not when I got handwritten notes in the mail from Bruce Falcouner's wife as well as Siegfried Linkwitz.
I exclusively watch shojo anime
It trains me to be pretty damn good around girls, at least on the internet
i haven't watched a single shonen in years
the current anime i'm watching is Shugo Chara! and it's pretty damn good
It's fun?
Most of them tend to be just enjoyable comedies or relaxing in general. Not everything has to be EXPLOSIONS and lolsorandum to us. The show he posted specifically is pretty funny.
OP is actually right and I see it has hit where it hurts to fellow weebs
I've had my moments considering how much nice it'd be to be a cute girl who wears cute dresses and has twintails instead of just a guy, and I've seen so many weebs who take the whole "being the little girl" persona online way too far, and already know like 3 guys who are actually overall cool people, who like anime, but in the last 3 years have come out as trans all of a sudden
I see where OP is coming from
however, I would not blame anime
I would first blame the state of our society
the fact that men would not find the joy of being men is the problem
we live in weird times, with a lot of new stuff
very chaotic times too
and society is now lacking in many things that used to be normal
without values, ideals, masculinity and pride, it is hard to remain strong as men and cherish their masculinity
lacking the experiences that helped men before us grow naturally strong, we are now full of weakness, and being a weak man sucks, so being a man doesn't seem as good
I managed to find the right path because I am naturally curious, but a lot of men these days just give up and are beyond helping
it is sad
the other factor is obviously tumlr politics, since it's the reason a lot of men are now being allured into the idea of transgenderism, it's what has also changed between before and now and why Japan despite having many more weak anime lovers that wish they were cute girls didn't develop such a trangender trend among them
Loli's are solely responsible for manlets deciding to become chestlets.
Sometimes I can't believe anyone besides me has seen it. Good on you. Watch Precure.
>implications you didn't find it funny
I mean, step the fuck up senpai.
Kys faggot
>Watch Precure.
Precure isn't for girls. I'll pass. Definitely panders way too much to men.
If this is hell, I want in
Don't make me suck your dick and call you the faggot.
This is unironically the same thing as being a brony. Show is literally for little girls.
Faggots and Normalfags out
This thread is still happening, so the threshold for being Sup Forums-tier must be lower than I was imagining.
Good to know.
Why is the soldier holding an m60?
>This is unironically the same thing as being a brony. Show is literally for little girls.
Precure seems to be for men, not little girls. You're misunderstanding.
That's like saying Sailor Moon was for girls when its primary audience was actually men
Not an argument
>SHOUJO magical girl show
>not for girls
Are you stupid? It's the same thing as Sakura Card Captors.
there is literally nothing wrong with fucking delicious boipucci BOIPUSSYYY ooga BOOGA OOOGA BOOOGA UGHHH SMELLY BALLS lick my dick oniichan >=3 THIS IS ANIME SITE FUCK OFF -.-
Your loss, I guess.
Does it really matter, if you're watching japanese cartoons in general?
Who the fuck cares besides retarded manime autists and normalfags?
Also, the main demographic isn't the only demographic. Mahou shoujo in general is also slightly popular with older Japanese men.
nothing wrong with the finer sex: underage
Anything can be a form of escapism.
Being "red pilled" means escaping the falsities of typical normal living.
Why are you even here.
How did you find Sup Forums?
Same here, 16 years myself.
Try drugs. They're almost as good in the correct circumstances.
Shonen is best, fag.
gif related
Finald memeing hard as usual
>Are you stupid? It's the same thing as Sakura Card Captors.
I bet you think Madoka Magica was for girls too.
>Try drugs.
I still do Triple C and drink a bit every now and then. It's just not how I enjoy myself as much.
>Your loss, I guess.
>Shonen is best, fag.
I watch anime for the emotional investment.
Shojo has a lot of emotional investment.
Shounen and Fanservice shit has next to none and can fuck off.
If Shounen has emotional investment it is usually called a Seinen instead, whereas a Shojou is still a Shojou.
No. Madoka is labeled as "seinen". It's for adult men despite the cute (misleading) visuals. Precure is "shoujo" which means it's for teenage girls.
>No. Madoka is labeled as "seinen". It's for adult men despite the cute (misleading) visuals. Precure is "shoujo" which means it's for teenage girls.
It's a trap shojou meaning it has a girlish tone but the people that actually read it will actually be men that want to see up girl's skirts.
Can you imagine a women wanting to watch a show with this kind of cast? Not a single man in sight.
Anime is for teenagers and man-children.
But the plot is good
It's too late to stop it, friendo.
No it's not, teenager. Should you be in for school tomorrow? This is an image/meme site that happens to have an anime section.. Just as there are tons of other non-related sections,
Go to bed home room comes early.
It seems to be a common trend. Is there a way to cure myself of lingering homosexual thoughts?
He's kind of right, though. This was a site made for anime, by someone who likes anime, for discussing and posting anime. Everything after is merely filler.
>This is an image/meme site
Hello r*ddit
I'm glad to hear this. It's so boring dating girls that lack a feminine benis.
>this is a meme site
If Precure was actually meant for girls, it wouldn't be so popular on Sup Forums
this is an anime site and Sup Forums is an anime bike merchant appreciation board
This. I am glad to see a change in social trends. Waxing your legs is painful at first, but you get used to it.
make accomplishments as a man
workking out and a better diet are the firt steps,a healthy mind exists in a healthy body
after that seek what inspires you, a craft, an art, a sport, a job, any goal
and work for it
a man doesn't need to be happy, that is an emotion for women, seek some form of satifaction instead
as long as you are doing ok that's fine
keep focused, work for something you care for, that will bring you balance
Try something along the dopamine or serotonin lines.
NMDAs like DXM are kinda depressing for some.
Also, booze is nasty for your mood.
Push the limits and break down the walls.
Kick open the doors.
Point taken.
I myself love the adventure and "powering up" of shonen series myself.
I like seeing limits smashed.
Plenty of seinen I enjoy as well. A good emotional story is fun.
Outlaw Star is my favorite series ever. Don't know where it fits to be honest.
It's part shonen, part seinen.
Thanks for the advice. I have been going to the gym more frequently, and setting solid goals seems like the logical next step.
That's not a bad idea. Recommend anything? Is MariaHolic any good? Does that count as shoujo?
True fact 10/10 can confirm
Whenever I see Finland post nowadays I can only think of them as dumb blonde girls desu.
Are you the Brazilian always posting Devil man and trying to gas the kikes
Maria Holic is a shounen show. I honestly like it a ton, the second season isn't as good however. Great material covering the life of one degenerate and a trap.
>Heh, I only watch REAL manime... none of that degenerate little girl shit -___-'
Nobody from Sup Forums would ever type like this. This is more akin to some faggot that just blew in from the R bar down the street.
Do calisthenics, stop jerking off as much(kills dopamine and makes you apathetic), and get all your vitamins and lots of energy.
Hulk out then rock out, just not with your cock out.
Get your dopamine high, which causes your serotonin to go up as well, and helps to increase the effects of testosterone.
Adding a small amount of injected insulin can also help.
It doesn't take the gay away, but it will kill the feminine feelings. And burn fat-build muscle.
Seems to me you're an idiot.
>That's not a bad idea. Recommend anything? Is MariaHolic any good? Does that count as shoujo?
The best entry-level shojo shit you can get is Vampire Knight
Do your best to watch it from the Male MC's perspective instead of the dumbass female MC's perspective and you'll like it more
Also MariaHolic is a seinen, not a shojou. the fuck you doing nigga.
Wasn't the Maria Holic manga serialized in a shounen magazine? Same shit anyways.
I will take your advice though, that show looks pretty rad.
Top kek
No and I'm not even Brazilian. I'm just visiting it because of the Oympics (my parents dragged me 2bh). I'm from France.
daily reminder anime us supperior to degenerate western media, if anything its the western media destroying the youth