Yes, blame the males for sharing the photos that the females took...
Yes, blame the males for sharing the photos that the females took
>WARNING: Graphic content
>no sweet underage puss
>WARNING: Graphic content
>no pictures at all
What's the website, just so that I know to avoid it
>literal desert
Fuck off with your child sex you jihad faggot
It definitely wasn't an anonymous image board
i had a kid arrested a few years ago for sharing my cousins nudes on Sup Forums.
ruined his life, he couldn't even finish his last few years of schooling and is on a sex offender register for life.
hahaha get fucked normies.
This is now an Olympic asses thread
This a 10/10 down under?
On a scale of 1 to 10 how jealous were you that he was giving your cousin the old dickerydoo?
Thanks man. Saved me time.
Post the Egyptian team asses.
>got him on the sex offender registry
Thats an automatic 10
not jealous, but i was pretty fucking mad, didn't help that he was a shitskin either.
its been a while since i even thought of this, i should look him up again and fuck with him.
would be pretty funny if he killed himself this time.
>hahaha get fucked normies.
But doing what you did would make you a normie...
Where are these pictures?
Where were these people even sharing the photos if they are from 70 different schools?
Instant case of Stockholm Syndrome here.
How so? 16 is legal.
>not blurring out that whore on the left
how are Egyptians supposed to have sex and reproduce with that on all the time?
Only if you're within 2 years or something stupid, depending on state.
t. banging a highschool chick when I was 20, she was like 17 at the time
Wait, so whats the reasoning for her grabbing the other girls ass?
That's why Arabs still have a slave trade.
>posting argentinian whores
>Only if you're within 2 years or something stupid, depending on state.
Um. No, this law doesn't exist anywhere in Australia. Australia does not have Romeo and Juliet clauses. We are not the US. USA is the only place that has these types of laws for 16.
>anonymous image board making news in Australia again