*puts lobster and butter in ice cream*
*makes pineapple sushi pizza with ranch sauce*
*pays $100 for mac and cheese with avocado*
*makes a 12lb burger and pours vat of plastic cheese on it*
*dies of a heart attack*

Mais branco que vocĂȘ, Mohammed.

obviously has to be something wrong with bongfood to fuck up their teeth so badly

>that flag
>that post


I like avocado in burgers

>British """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""cuisine"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

>burger with avocado
But that's actually ok


almost any implement can be used to seriously wound or kill
do these people confiscate screwdrivers? do you have to have a screwdriver permit in bongland?

No it's not. Hipsters are driving avocado prices insane. Only we are allowed to use them.

Y*nks only think this is weird because their beans are pumped full of so much HFCS that they're practically a pudding
Beans on toast is a GOAT-tier savoury snack and can serve as a decent meal if you're in a pinch

>brits unironically defending this
no wonder the french look down on your food

Americans eat baked beans too except they use twice as much sugar

But i'm strictly speaking about the combination between burgers and avocados

baked beans arent anywhere near as common here as over there. Here they're southern comfort food.

Yeah, yeah, that's fine. Just don't let burgers do it.


Did a yank hurt your feelings?

>americans unironically put whipped cream on their sodas
no wonder their so fat lmao

Can't be real

British cuisine is the worst, it's like the blandest shit ever.