
hello wh*Teoid

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Why do niggers do this?


got my howitzers sighted on a 19 yo and we’re just waiting on the coordinates if you know what i mean lads

doing a sim swap thing and it's so complicated
I have to move my number from one sim to another, then from that sim to another


Is the grand big Mac a permanent thing or just a promotion?

>Confucius Institutes also have a strong presence on the African continent, where China is also in the process of growing its economic and political power. Africans in countries like Zambia and Zimbabwe are encouraged to view China as a positive economic force and a source of progress and opportunity as part of the "Look East" policy many African countries have implemented.

>As a result of this push, the number of African students in China has skyrocketed over the last 10 years.

Glenn is my favourite character is Walking Dead

Heh, same.. maybe it’s the same 19 year old, she just started at my toil

any runt man in?

The gf.... it hurts so bad...

reckon ill never have sex

Oh cool, a new Planet of the Apes movie?

it's an objective truth that people are not inherently equal in physical aspects. what muppets

fucking even china is getting BLACKED
the bantu is a vehicle of chaos

*reaches for the nearest melee weapon*
*beats chest to show i mean business*
*presents teeth and jumps up and down spitting*
oo..oo....oooo OO AAAAA

just put your willy in the fanny

Will be swimming in a sea of buckfast tomorrow

planet earth will be black lad

>wilhelm reich
>marxist jew obsessed with sex
yes i'll definitely take this seriously

I always thought the diversity push was for non-westerners to go to western unis. guess not

buckfast is shite

When was your last visit to the GP?

no girl would let me
cant rape becuase jail
cant pay prozzy cause no money
its wizardry for me

Did you really expect a bunch of reddit communists to accept reality?

Bantu bulls for Han Hymens

never have I ever had vegemite on toast

it'll be interesting to see how well blacks integrate into chinese culture


any bogan man in?


Is he right? I though white flight was down to white Brits wanting to get away from troublesome minorities?

haha proper scared that lad away from my 19 yo old gf

state of that post


Brown hands typed it?

Do you lads get Kiri by you? Ngl, big fan. Top quality cream cheese.

wrong Wrong WronG WroNG WrONG WRONG

You are now banned from using the word "male" for the rest of your life.
No need to thank me soyboys

it was most likely written by a white briton
very grim

Travis Scott is a based nigger and the traphouse demilord (A subordinate title to that of Gucci Mane or Lil B the based God you see)


Yeah, it's bullshit. The white people fleeing urban areas like London aren't the the poor. They're people who are removing themselves from problematic areas where racial tensions are high, social cohesion is low, and numerous ethnic groups are basically living parallel lives.

I bet the person who typed that post is an immigrant and never lived in a majority white town/city

hate women and minorities lads



but its not as bad as it seems because he is ALMOST 18 and i am only JUST 19

If you don’t like buckfast you aren’t a MAN, you’re an infantile RUNT

average day in ameriKKKa

switzerland is a mini-USA when you really think about it; very similar business practices and culture

19 years old and a kissless virgin

love breakfast
hate brexit

Shut the fuck up you drooling fucking retarded spastic cunt fuck shut your trap you little slut


I thought it was garbage tbf famalam

shut up

ireland is a mini-USA when you really think about it; very similar business practices and culture

*scurries off under the blankets and thinks about my two childhood dogs that died this year* haha night lads


define american culture

shut the FUCK UP

matched with my choirmaster on tindr

money,guns and freedom



Don’t get people who get emotionally upset about animals dying

Living on a farm, I’ve drowned kittens out of necessity before. I’ve put dogs down myself when they become old and suffering. Never once have I shed a tear.

Mummy got BTFO!
We've been getting renos done the past week and she was full hitting on this builder. She was making him coffee when she complains endlessly about making my dinner. She was rubbing the bald cunts head with saw powder. She was smiling every day etc. Then the bald cunt mentioned when I was within earshot
>and my new wife moved in to my home

She wasn't smiling yesterday and today. Hahahaha


If man is the father then the son
Is the center of the earth
In the middle of the universe
Then why is this verse coming
Six times rehearsed
Don't freestyle much but
I write 'em like such
Amongst the fiends
Controlled by the screens
What does it all mean
All this shit I'm seein
Human beings scream vocal javelins
Signs of a local nigga unravelin'
My wandering
Got my ass wondering
Where Christ is
In all this crisis

would utterly hate to live in a place like that. thank god my area got gentrified to fuck like 5 years ago


any celtbol man in

State of your mother

>new research has found

Just in time for you to convert to Islam. See it as a sign from Allah PBUH Inshallah

never had a gf
reckon I'll never have one

can't even imagine how dire ones life must be to be hitting on a bald tradie in their own home

Bet you’ve strangled a hooker or something you little freak


just imagining the look on the original arrogant art student's face when he comes back and finds his simpering oh-so-pwetty picture has been overwritten makes me cackle
fucking fartsy hipster twat deserves it ha ha ha

>Don’t get people who get emotionally upset about animals dying
>Living on a farm, I’ve drowned kittens out of necessity before. I’ve put dogs down myself when they become old and suffering. Never once have I shed a tear.

id rather die than convert to islam

oh never say never
my dad lost his virginity at 33

My area has housos but otherwise it's nice. They're not too bad as far as housos go, but the police van has to come around every month or two.

you might have to if you live past 2050


dumb poltard yank

ill be in my 50s then
shan't do it now and shan't be doing it then
id rather die


>he doesn't understand birthrates

l o l

*ends you out of mercy and compassion*

Didn't know middle aged women posted in this thread, but it makes a fuckload of sense. They could be out in the workforce but instead choose to listlessly spend time at home.
Focus on your dildo and stop manipulating young minds you cretin.

Finally gave in & went to a prozzie ?

I, for one, am disgusted by this comparison.

What ethnicity is this girl?

yes he did


No I’m a young lad sniffing out an unhealthy family environment when I see one - and where better for such a thing then the ‘chon? What’s the matter kid? Daddy walked out? Breastfed til you were twelve? Bullied?

Does anyone else have a feeling that 2020 is going to be the year you lose your virginity?

find ben shapiro's voice and speaking style extremely annoying

based white dude

when did we invade vietnam, kazakhstan and south korea
how come we never invaded sweden