Why do nu males grow beards but don't take care of them?, you know like properly shave them or trim their mustaches...

Why do nu males grow beards but don't take care of them?, you know like properly shave them or trim their mustaches, just let it grow like you were a homeless.

beards almost always look like shit i'm so surprised they had any kind of resurgence or that said resurgence would look so pathetic

I have that but that's because I want to show people I've lost control of my life, rather than me thinking this is a good look.

Because it's called being a true MAN, wait what would a Mexican know about being a man?

Stock up on beans and tortilla's cause Pape Trump's on his way cabron.

because they are real life hobbits with poor social skills.

It's not about looking good. It's about having a beard.


try really long unkempt hair

if you lift weights at the same time it makes you look like you just got back from some spiritual kung fu experience in the mountains

and also like a hobo

I don't shave because I don't give a shit.

I work retail and I only shave when I begin to scare women.

>caring about other mens hair

You can't grow a beard, that's why you're mad hahaha

They have no chin so they conceal it with beard.

Only faggots give a shit


The only reason I have a beard is because I got too lazy to shave, and had never grown one before. It took so long that now I fear shaving it and living with baby face syndrome for a week. Must cut first...

Really beaner this is your innuendo? Go to the pregnant strip clubd.

that's me! i've got the stinky, unkempt, and dangerously swole hobo look that women crave. like moths to a flame, my dumpster is never lonely.

I remember when I had a beard for like 2 years. When I shaved it, it felt like I was a different person when I looked in the mirror for a couple of days. And you can really feel the air on your face

Personally I like having a beard more than shaving. I get more grills when I have a beard too(just speaking from personal experience)

Why was I brainwashed to shave my beard in the first place. Looked feminine as fuck.

He's fat, as a result of letting himself go, and you think having grown out a beard (which only happened because he could, neck beards don't care about appearance) means he'll take care of it?

I like that style, but I'd have to really step up my workout routine.

>tfw still look masculine shaved
It's probably because I look angry all of the time.

Caught me

No dude the beard gave you confidence. It's like the shit the loony tunes drank in space jam. The real beard is inside you

No father figure in their lives.

>but don't take care of them
>implying that there's a way to take care of a beard that doesn't result in looking like a hobo or a gang member

I keep my moustache out of my mouth and trim my neckline but that's it. The rest of it's scraggly but like hell am I gonna buy a beard trimmer or beard oil or whatever. The thing only exists because I'm too lazy to shave and buzzing it is super uncomfortable.

Because, user, nu-males are born out of laziness.

They're fat because they're too lazy to work
They have beards because they're too lazy to shave
Their beards are disgusting because they're too lazy to take care of them

>they refuse to be wage slaves to Jew bosses and waste money on cosmic supplies made by Jew companies because they're "lazy"
Stay blue, Chad

what did he mean by this?

This. Or a defined jaw, they're compensating.

>tfw hair grows faster on neck than on face

>I'm a pathetic loser and blame all of my problems on others.

I grow a beard because #1 I don't have the patience to groom, #2 t hide my tiny masculine subhuman little ball mongol-nigger weak jawline and chin.

Upset cause your boss made you stay late?

same here

Rob Dyke has a nice beard tho. Nigga just got some fucked up hair.

Love his videos. Sometimes I just binge watch them.

Perhaps you would like to instruct them on how to properly paint their nails too Nancy?

Numales try to offset their femininity by doing overly manly shit like getting handlebar mustaches and growing beards/dressing like Lumberjacks/working class people

DOn't fall for the Facial hair meme

I'll grow my beard out in anyway I see fit you little faggot.

This, when I see a cunt with a beard I just instantly assume they are bisexual and in need of a fucking hiding, particularly women from inner city melbourne.

Low test

Only mexican women can grow facial hair holms.Oooo

>tfw baby face

I've literally never shaved my cheeks or neck. I just grow a fugly dirty sanchez that's barely even filled out and a little patch on my chin.
I'm 24 and all I want is sexy stubble and I can't

they don't know how since most of them come from single mom families

28 & ktfb

At least you weren't balding at 17

Keep shaving the dirty sanchez
Grow out that patch on your chin till it starts getting thick and puby
Rinse and repeat trust me
I had the same problem and I'm 21 and now I'm finally capable of growing a beard
You can do it user I believe in you

>shaving increases growth


>i'm such a cucked autist that I must conform to societal stereotypes of success in some vain attempt to pretend that I'm not a hopeless loser

Yeah senpai, that smooth, well shaved face isn't fooling anyone

I assume it's a mix of them not knowing how to, due to no father figure, too lazy to bother learning, and a lack of motivation because they are all weak people who do not want to accidentally deviate from their norm and since none of them do it, no one will do it

plus since they are hipsters, looking bad but "ironically" as if not putting much effort into it is their kind of deal,because doing things right is not fitting their idea of cool

The whole point of having a beard is to not give a shit and fuck shaving.

Now your gonna style and primp yourself like a woman?

Of course you wouldn't understand, you're living in a 3rd world country m8. Being well off enough to afford a shave is a sign of prosperity where you live. It's a bit different in the states.

>spend entire life assuming women find beards disgusting, geriatric, dowdy
>find that a lot of women shit-talk beardless guys right now

Never said anything about it increasing growth
Time increases growth
You shave it frequently and it stops looking like you have pubes all over your face

santa beards are best beards. a proper beard shouldn't need to be "taken care of". Being from Mexico I can only surmise you have problems growing some in certain spots so it looks like complete shit. So you do things to it to make it look better and then flaunt some machismo superiority because of it.

congrats. How is this related to politics?

what the fuck, i just dont want to shave. i just dont keep it trimmed. dont care anyways since im NEET. my mom had to teach me at 14 to start shaving

doesnt help i think i have a baby face and im fat

at least mine isnt that shitty patchy type of beard.

This is why I have to shave EVERY fucking morning.

I refuse to be a fucking nu-male.

I like to show my pale, white skin with my piercing white eyes. I have a 7/10 body aesthetic, but I am working towards a 10. I do keep a filthy mustache tho. 80s porno cop status. For being 28, it fits. Every younger millennial thinks I played Lacrosse...

lol losers.

Back in the day only eunucks and gays were shaven. For instance in ancient Rome, gays shaved to look more feminine.

they had no strong male roles models in their life that taught them anything about what being a man is about which includes how to grow and maintain facial hair

boogie 1488

I have a great dad. He can't grow a full beard though. I take after my moms side of the family though in regards to facial hair and height. I am 6 inchs taller than him and can grow a damn good beard. I grow it out once a year or so to rub it in his face.

The beard is for concealing his double chin.

is that rob dyke

For some reason, I laughed really hard

>cosmic supplies

It triggers metrosexual faggot enablers like you. It's an asshole detector on my face and it never fails. Go suck off your faggot fashion Lords you lemming.

>tfw beard comes in brown, blonde and red

How is that a bad thing?
My beard and mustache comes in black. My hair is black. My eyes are black. My face is pasty white.
At least you have some nice color.

if you lost weight you'd have a jawline and chin

Just use minoxidil on your face

IT looks really weird to me, it's not even, it's like a little bit of red her, blonde there.

I shave it because of it.

Because it repulses cunts like you and you stay out my way. There is an ever growing tide of people who dont give a fuck and wouldnt give a shit if you were butchered in front of them.

me and my magic peanut teeth

That disgusting overweight piece of shit with a fucking wahabi beard needs to consider suicide immediately.

someone cares a bit too much about other people having facial hair

That's pretty normal, lots of dudes get that. My beard is black but I have a bit of red and blonde in it.

They were raised by single moms, they have no idea how to take care of a beard.

I thought to be a nu-male you have to shave your beard.

I don't know how to trim my beard. I let it grow out until I feel like cutting it.

Doesn't really matter anyway because my beard hides my ugly face.

>Be 26
>Face and neck are covered in pimples and overgrown hairs
>Won't go away no matter what
>Clean shaving doesn't work since the pimples/overgrown hair still make it seem like I have a beard/5oclock shadow
>Shit even fucks up my interviews at this point by looking unpresentable as fuck
>Never tried growing a beard, find hair too uncomfortable after a point and feel like I have to shave

what the fuck do I do with this? Pic related is what I use to shave with.

those are grains of rice

Accutane works.
Otherwise maybe dermarolling.

Push through for a few weeks with beard then it will feel normal and you won't notice

Don't shave. Had a beard for years. Shaved. Regretted. 4 weeks later and back to my old self.

I don't know.

I've been clean shaven since I got rid of my tiny amount of chin shaggy from scooby doo beard I had in highschool.

asian dad?

>tfw no defined chin
>tfw beard is still scraggy at 22

pls send help

Good god that beard on the right is disgusting looking. Not just the fact that it looks like he went face first into a bowl of potato salad, but it literally looks like pubes on his face.

You can't grow out a beard if you constantly try to 'maintain' it.

Anyone who has ever grown a beard has gone through a hobo phase. It's inevitable, just like looking like your hair looking like shit when you try to grow it out.

And either way, i'd much rather look like a white hobo than a pathetic manlet spic drug mule.

I know that feel

Me too, mostly my goatee is red with random blonde strands. Hate it but I hate being clean shaved.

For some reason I've got this weird patch under my chin that doesn't grow hair at all, so I can't really get a full beard. The largest I can manage without the bald spot being obvious is a goatee.

Those beards are quite obviously trimmed.

Lack of self awareness, plain and simple.

Remember when you were 12 and didn't give a fuck about the clothes you wore or your hairstyle or anything like that? They're still like that, but adults. It's sad.

Numales ruined even beards. I now shave because I don't want to look like one

too time intensive. I have a full beard and let it develop naturally whatever man I have different things to worry about plus it doesnt look bad
boogies doesnt look bad either.

rate my beard

extreme changes in weather and humidity fuck my face. living in the north of england, this is a problem. raw lips ain't fun

a beard is a face protector user. it's a scraggy mess but that's ok cause i'm a hermit neckbeard who's just waiting for sex robots

10/10 would radicalize

can i drop my sperm in your beard?

I let it grow homelessly initially but then I shape it up.

I also have fucking annoying ass acne that loves to come out when I shave. So I'm always a tad hesitant. I always shave my mustache though.

Stupid ass autoimmune disease, it aint even really acne.

I always got a light stubble, looks better than clean shaven imo and you can still see the jawline and sheit