Who will Joe get for JRE #1000?
Who will Joe get for JRE #1000?
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Howard Stern
duncan trussell, joey diaz, and DMT
An egg expert
>56 mins
just long enough to keep in character and not expose anything REAL
Greg "Opie" Hughes
Dr. E. Michael Jones
Carlos Mencia
Donald J Trump
Deez Nutz
I saw Carlos Mencia on TV, I think it was last February. He stole a joke from Steven Wright. I couldn't believe he's still stealing jokes after all these years.
yeah, Jamie is doing his radio personality and he's basically just doing his show while Joe sits in lol
Elon Musk/ The Zucc
Who cares? It's still just going to be him all coked out not letting his guest any words in...
>Jamie, bro, pull up that CRAZY video, dude
>Duuuude, this video is CRAZY bro
>Jamie, isn't this a fucking crazy ass video bro
>dude monkeys are nuts
>Broooooo, WHAT THE FUCK
It's going to be Obama most likely.
That or a circlejerk with his little cult of friends " I woudnlt have wanted it any other way, this is what this show has always been about!"
alex jones and eddie bravo 8 hour outdoor episode hunting axolotl with kettlebells doing mushrooms
Guaranteed it will be another alex jones episode
It's going to be Bernie Sanders, it's like you guys don't remember how hard he was pushing for him initally.
Schaub and Rogan strap Eddie Bravo down in a chair, they get him high on DMT and mushrooms while explaining how the world is a sphere, Alex Jones makes an appearence and gets his 10th planet black belt in the process.
Should be his top 3 biggest guests ever. I want Alex Jones, black science man, and some random ass comedian to have a total shitshow of an episode that's like 7 hours long.
It should be a monologue, a final manafesto and he should end the show. He should retreat into the wkldernes and live out his life as a lonely philosopher
>Alex Jones and Neil Degrasse Tyson arguing for 7 hours about science while Joe increasingly desperately tries to calm them down
I want episode 1000 to be the camping trip he wants to go on with Obama. Just the two of them and the secret service in the middle of fucking woods in Idaho shooting it straight.
I actually wouldn't care about which president Rogan talks to. I just want to hear a president take off the politician hat and talk straight and give their uncensored opinion. They no longer have to give a fuck. I think it would be funny if you got Clinton there and asked him what he thought about being the last presidential horndog.
third time's the charm
The winner of mayweather McGregor
It's going to be the Opie & Anthony reunion, they are going to use Joe's show as middle ground and Joe will try to do marriage counseling.
No Jim Norton tho.
>thinking Joe has the pull to get Barack Obama on his dude weed lmao podcast
are rogancucks really this dumb?
Would either of those people have anything to say that's even remotely interesting?
Actually fuck it; have BOTH of them on and try to engage them in a discussion about their hobbies.
i think we went in on the second podcast so hard that the third would be tuff to top
Obama and Carter are the two presidents that were "regular" people before they became politicians.
It's not a matter of pull, it's the fact they're probably the only ones grounded enough to cut loose and do something like show up on some popular podcast and do it without charging a $100,000 appearance fee.
He'll go back in time and do a podcast with his past self
Obama has done some podcasts already even some by people with podcasts way less popular than Joe's.
He was on Maron's one and that literal who Scott Aukerman.
>one of the best guests Joe has ever had
>tells engaging stories, has hilarious impressions, and doesn't shill his projects too much
>joe rogan doesn't dare interrupt him or go on rants about grizzly bears and chimp grip strength
>lasts under an hour
why does Rogan fuck everything up?
Obama or Alex Jones with no eddie bravo just going straight down deep rabbit hole
He hinted on Obama.
which guest are you referring to
ceara lynch
Connor McGregor
Nobody, because literally every episode is Rogan interrupting his guest to talk about monkeys or bears or some gay weed lmao shit for 3 hours
>mfw it's Alex Jones and Obama
what would happen if they sat down together thoguh? I honestly think Alex would walk back on most of his statements about him being a vampire pedophile.
as much as i would love that theres no way obama would agree to that
I hope Alex Jones again he was awesome last time
Who gives a shit?
I wouldn't mind the Coen brothers.
Tyson, Dubay, Bravo
Donald Trump
Someone shit like fighter and the kid or Brian Redban.
>Who will Joe get for JRE #1000?
Dude weed man lmao (pic related)
John Carmack
Hulk Hogan
screenshot this
>podcast is silent for a couple of minutes because they're both too stoned to talk
I hate Jaime Foxx. He just has this dirty nigger look to him and the he acts just reinforces it.
What is the best episode of the past 300 epis? Haven't listened in a while.
it might be the only thing that could unJUST him
Conor and Floyd
why can't she do regular porn?
How can somebody be this delusional? Not to mention that Obama recently got 400k for a speech.
He should get Trump. Alex Jones could help set this up.
He's so fucking full of himself. I hate people like that, that find a way to turn every conversation about shit they've done or interactions they've had. it's like they can't conceive of a world outside their own. and the worst is he puts on this fake humble act.
That would actually be pretty cool. It feels like as far as interviewers go, Joe is sort of the Howard for the next generation. I can't see Howard going out to La to do it, though.
Hillary Clinton
this is the dumbest idea ever, why would he intentionally give the media 10000000 soundbites
Andy Kaufman
alex jones episodes maybe peterson are the best
oh and by far one of the best ones where joe is hostile check the crowder one. he gets all defensive and shit even aggressive. hilarious shit.
Why is that frog wearing prive revaux
>Joe: "Hey dude, do you prefer cats or dogs"
>Crowder: "Huh?"
>Joe: "Cats or dogs bro, pick one"
>Crowder: "Man, i'm not doing this again...."
>Joe: "Fucking pick one you little bitch"
>Crowder: "Dude i really don't care...."
>Joe: "ahh that's adorable, the little bitch can't pick one...."
>Crowder: "...fine dude....dogs"
>Joe: "WHAT!!! So you hate cats bro? You dumbass! Hey, Jamie bring up some stats about how people who hate cats are sociopaths.
>Jamie: "Googling now..........ok, found it"
>Joe: "nah bro, i'm too high to read it...zoom in.......yeh cool. reading Washington Post, a survey of 10 people determined that 36.5% of people who disliked cats also registered as sociopaths..."
>Crowder: "...well i didn't say i dislike cats for starters and i..."
>Joe: "SHUT UP FK FACE don't interrupt me, i'm just presenting facts"
*one hour later*
>Crowder: "dude, i really don't care"
>Joe: "you seem like you care a lot dude"
>well no because
>*brings the mic closer*
>every 10 years your cells in your body actually completely change.
>i was reading this article about how DMT can actually advance this process into only taking 6 years because your pineal gland- jaimie could you get that article up? yeah but its because your pineal glands can actually make your cells rejuvenate faster ... here we go
>*looks over at the screen*
>look at that ...
>yeah that chimp must be what? 400 pounds? jesus those things will tear you to shreds
I don't know if these were real or not but they sound like they could be from what I've seen of jre
Joe, STOP! He's black but it's fine
>you know about the Haber method, right?
>there's a guy named Fritz Haber
>he figured out a way to, uh, extract nitrogen from the air
>hunting axolotl with kettlebells
>You know, it's so fascinating to me that human beings are still stuck in this cycle of creating peanut butter, creating jam, putting it between bread, eating it. Where did it come from, evolutionarily? What compels us to consume pastes made from just natural things and put it between slices of bread that we've churned out of grains? If we had to fight a gorilla right now we would get fucked up (Jaimie pull up gorillas fucking up peanut butter and jelly sandwiches) but we're at the top of the food chain anyway, creating these, these products out of the natural world that have become staples to us. And it's so crazy to me that we're allowed to make these things out of these substances, but weed, which is a COMPLEEEETELY natural substance, is off limits, sorry bitch can't make shit outta weed. It's insanity. It's utter insanity. Oh, yeah look at that. That gorilla is FUCKING SLAMMING that sandwich that is a monster son, that is a real live monster. I bet if you gave a gorilla weed it'd get the munchies like cray haha then it'd REALLY be begging for that peanut butter and banana sandwich, Jaimie pull up gorillas eating peanut butter.
JRE #1000: Mountain Lion, Bear, Wolf, Coyote & Redban
Not if you add in a third element, like some staunch post modernist for Peterson to wreck
thanks. will get some popcorn ready
Absolutely this
just in time for OJs,release, with bryan callen
>why would he intentionally give the media 10000000 soundbites
Because he's a retard that literally does that all the time.
Ben Garrison
the answer is obvious:
This guy.
confront his friend bryan callen about being a globalist pedo fuck
audibly keked
have a (You), and a joe rogan toilet plant
>dude thats insane
>dude I read a study on this
>hey pull up that article that says weed advanced civilization
Did DUDE LMAO come from joe rogan?
im literally crying from laughing so hard
That Jamie Foxx podcast was so shit
An hour of Jamie talking about his gay Hollywood parties and dropping names