Atheist converting to Christianism

As an atheist considering conversion, what are the most difficult questions one could make about the christian religion?

Please, Sup Forums, throw your most fedora tipping elaborated questions, let me se if I can logically turn around them.

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gibe proof pl0x
(bible doesn't count lol)

Demonstrate anything supernatural at all. Also even if I completely accept creationism how can I tell it was the god from the bible and not one of the many other religious deities?


stupid thread from a stupid monkey

There are no proofs of god existence. But the existence of something instead of nothing points out to a great unknown machination that created reality.

Filling up this mystery with God is not a service to logic or does makes us closer to any fundamental truth to reality.

I believe there is no proof anywhere.

I can say that even if there was a supernatural event, it would be hard to prove it in a scientific manner. For example, do you consider dreams that predict some event a supernatural phenomenon?

Shut up faggot, go suck an abo dick.

Did I strike a nerve bonobo?

why are you such a faggot?

When you realize that Christ and Hitler were fighting for the same thing you will become a Christian.

Reminder that Christianity is not "Jewish=Judaya," a samurai/Aryan warrior is the exact opposite of a Jew.

>most difficult question

Why didn't I figure this out before?!

There's that day where life leads nowhere and you just flip a page or two in the Bible and out comes the answer.

The Bible literally says that Jesus was a Jew from Bethlehem (a city in Israel) lol

>I can say that even if there was a supernatural event, it would be hard to prove it in a scientific manner. For example, do you consider dreams that predict some event a supernatural phenomenon?
Depends how specific they are and how frequently it happens.

The Hebrews and the Jews=Judaya are two different groups, get with the program.

Jesus didn't call for holocausts, or for racial discrimination based on superiority of one against another. Jesus called for love for humanity as a whole. What the fuck you are talking about? I see that a nazi can be a christian, but to say that Hitler and Jesus tried to fight FOR the exact same thing, you are being very edgy.

you only need to know that according to cuckstianity, God was a man who defecates and urinates and was beaten up by a bunch of jews

If it happens rarely in one life, but very accurate, is this a supernatural event?

Like, to predict a death of a relative?

Both Hitler and Jesus were fighting to bring the kingdom of Heaven to Earth.

1. The Holocaust is a lie created by the Jews=Judaya
2. Loving your own race and culture does not mean you seek the destruction of others.

You believe I am being edgy because you do not know yourself.

How does free will fit in with your faith in God?

How do you reconcile scientific fact (expanding universe cosmology, evolution) with your faith?

Do you understand why the OT was included in the Bible? How do you reconcile the contradictions between the OT and the NT?

Hitler described in Mein Kampf how he needed to get rid of Slavs for his Lebensraum. Do you think this is a lie too?

I am very skeptic of the Holocaust as it is talked, but I don't doubt the existence of mass murdering programs on the nazi agenda.

>How does free will fit in with your faith in God?

You can absolutely smoke your mom's crack, but that'll get you one hell of a spanking.

Why Christianity and not any other faith? How do you go from "no god" to "Christ is God"?

All the sources in that pastebin are from jewish websites and such, what is the logic in that? If you dont believe something why would you use it as a source

the Euthyphro problem/arguement determined that holiness is not of a function of God(s) but in and of itself. If you can be a good person by your own merit, you never needed God or the belief. In existentialism is a humanism by Sartre, he asserts man is what he makes of himself. There is no hell or heaven, just you and that means you are all the more responsible for yourself.

why do you want to believe in someone that killed millions according to the book of love?
if you want to follow a mass murderer choose hitler instead, he actually did it

Which translation of Mein Kampf did you read? Most have been subverted, only the Stalag translation was approved by the National Socialist party. Hitler did not call for an extermination of Slavs.

The Jews=Judaya present false truths to the goyim to weaken them. Do you see how the existence of an event like a Holocaust prevents non-Jews from working together?

Become a catholic learn to pray the rosary

How come priest only let me have one cracker and not two

Just become a catholic when you most need a miracle you will see supernatural things
Such as healing of the sick or money in a emergency

I believe in scientific well defined explanations of nature.

I don't believe in the bible cosmogony, I don't believe in creationism at all. God made whatever is around us, and the description of it in the OT is less true than what nature tells us.

So, God is real, but bible dogma about how natural machinations work is not.

I didn't read the entire OT and the NT yet user.

About free will. I think that it is not absolute, even in scientific terms. We know that our mind is a repetition of patterns learned in our life. We can walk new paths, but we rarely do. We stick to habits and well rooted beliefs. And our brain is mostly deterministic over our minds. But if we guide our minds, we can determine our brain back somehow. Jesus told us what to do, so, he gave us a guide on how to behave. If we can do whatever works to make gods happy, we will do it because we want to do it. And we it will become our new habits and beliefs too.

It's a new training on how to exist, and you can only do it if you are willing to do it.

Thought I was crazy, but I've been considering converting as well. Almost lifelong atheist. Strange. What's made you consider it?

>Atheist converting to Christianism
Always knew atheists were as fucktarded as christians.
Now I have proof.

Jesus protected the laws of moses.
Not the lies of the phrisee's(rabbi's)

I don't know, to tell you the truth, this is one of the most difficult questions.

I guess if I accept that the narrative of Jesus healing people on the streets are true, I will have to accept that he was something else than an human. An godlike mane with an mission on earth.

And even than, there is the hard part of just submitting yourself that the stories about Jesus are true. Are they to be trusted?

I wish they were real, but I'm not that convinced.

>Demonstrate anything supernatural at all.
With the very lips God gave you which did not exist at a time but now do you ask for a miracle? Look around, existence is the biggest miracle, something from nothing.

As for your second question, no other god elaborates on the fundamental errors of man and the true nature of the world as the God of the KJV Bible does. For if God exists (I speak as if I were an unbeliever) it can be agreed upon that he is the best at everything, the most humble, the most wise and the most forgiving. What other god has humbled himself to the point of making himself flesh and sacrificing himself for his creation? What other god offers wisdom beyond human sacrifice, idleness, violence towards nonbelievers? What other god has fruit to bear that is good? For all other religions than Christianity have nothing but a long trail of misery and evil in their wake, but those who follow Christ to the letter have good deeds.

Become a catholic

I'd suggest an eastern religion/philosophy. Taoism is extremely interesting.

>asking for wisdom in a matter in which you are unclear is stupid
You are the stupid one, because you are arrogant.

Why doesn't God heal amputees?

(I'm a Christian myself )

King james version is for baptist.
Catholics use the new american bible.

If you need religion for the rules, that is just a set deontology by someone else with mystic unknowable and totally contrived consequences. The christian deontology has never been perfect. It has been reformed, enlightened, fractured, ignored, cherry picked, translated, culturized. Why would you willingly go out of your way to choose a deontology that has been authored by such questionable means? The ends themselves hold no rational or empirical ground. The tall tales are too tall to be plausible. The morals themselves, some are worth fighting to death, but many of them are bizarre causistries such as "some of you flock are alright, don't eat shrimp on this day of the week"

There are approximately
4200 religions on Earth.
Are 4199 who approached the fundamental problems to philosophy with the same shot in the dark method of arriving at belief. Are 4199 wrong or are grasping at one common unknown they all know jack shit about?

The limb is allready gone
But some people got divine intervention to save a limb.

>As an atheist considering conversion,

Was it a head injury? Brain damage is a common reason for sudden religious gullibility.

Hey OP I'm really happy for you.

I have long struggled with the idea of faith because I was taught that according to Christianity if the bible is false in any one part then the entire thing breaks down and doesn't hold up the faith. Additionally the god of the gaps argument has been proven to be just that an argument that science has proven false time and again.

All that being said I find that I thinkING of the bible as both a history of the Aryan people and the the guidebook to live our own life gives me comfort. It was written by people who thought about the real life travails that still plague us today, and tried, though still falling short many times.

Well done OP, I hope you live a good life

If he is portugese living in brazil
He needs to become catholic his bloodline calls for it.

Catholics use the wrong Bible, I am not catholic, I am a Baptist Fundamentalist and I only use KJV.

In part, I started reading parts of the bible for curiosity. Sup Forums christian threads instigated me to lurk more on the bible.

Perceiving that even highly intelligent scientists still hold to their religious beliefs, killing the meme that religious people are all retarded people.

And the father of my ex-gf. He was a man of faith, and how he talked about his beliefs, and how it changed his life for the better. 3 hours of talking, and he couldn't answer most of my atheist questions well, he still said it was a good decision.

And I accepted that dreams and intuition are a reflection a spiritual reality that exists around us. I don't know how it works, and I don't believe that anyone knows how it does, but I accepted by experience that there is something on.

This was it.

Christianity has all the answers
Dont let the foolish tv version of christianity fool you.

OH im sorry we offended you my atheist overlord
how many time has your wife aborted in the last 2 days?

King james was not christian
He was into fucking animals and men

Many religions grasp the nature of the deepest truths. What is true is determined by who is strong, not by any objective external reality. The purpose of religion is to orient society in a manner that they will follow to allow populations to fight for a goal. Christianity did not make Europeans great, Europeans made Christianity great. If Christianity falls then our people will as well.


Is this bait or are you just a tourist? You realize more than 2/3 of all deaths in the camps were typhus, right? That the only reasons those camps were erected were because the Allies cut the supply lines Jews were being sent to, right? There would have been no deaths had Churchill not been a kike puppet.


the degenerate should be after the sjw

Literally becoming retarded...

all religions are lies, believing in praying, good thoughts and faith is essentially magic.......magic! in the 21st should be ashamed of yourself so grow the fuck up and something out of yourself


Christianity you fucking tard

*citation needed*

To the Jews Christ was a devil and a drunk, why should I listen to their slander when they do it in a different country? Also how many men died to produce the New American Bible? 0, because it did not contain the whole truth and was therefore not a threat, but families were burned alive at the stake in england for homeschooling their children with the KJV Bible

I find this as the most hard part to accept the faith. There are an varied amount of religion on the world, why Jesus? I don't know.

What if paganism were the mainstream religion, and I made the same thing based on the same arguments: disarm myself with logic and embrace the faith?

I don't know if I'm embracing an fundamental truth about reality, and I really doubt I am. But I don't doubt the morals of Jesus Christ, and I don't doubt that there is an spiritual reality of somehow I don't understand.

I can't prove for sure that the story of Christ in the bible are true. Has he healed the sick? Has he returned sight to the blind? Has he respawned? Does it mean that heaven exists? Does it mean that the devil exists? Does it mean God is real?

I don't think that is easily accepted by a mind willing to check the facts.

That's what I've considered. But why Catholicism? Is it necessary to believe the stories are literal? I believe they are allegories and life lessons, including Noah's arc. It pained god to destroy the world, and so he said he would not do it again. This makes sense. Not only from a gods perspective, but because our societies have become so massive, so complex, its almost impossible to have a full restart. I see them as stories to be interpreted.

I also see hell as a psychical and mental space, not quite an afterlife. The afterlife, to me, is more the legacy you left behind, your reputation and your children. Hell is social separation, mental illness, deviancy, a destroyed society, lack of love and connection, lack of self-fullfillment, lack of building a community, as so forth. However, I do agree with the social, political, societal and family- based principles of Catholicism, along with many of Jesus's teachings and the 10 commandments. I've also told cultural an moral relativism to fuck off after shedding my libtard teachings and believe in Universal morality/ relativism.

The last thing is I 100% believe in evolution. I could be open to believing god created the earth, but I doubt he controls each and every aspect of our lives and what happens, say for exampe, bone cancer. I think the bad things that happen are just the byproducts of humanity, genetics, and the decisions of political leaders. However, sticking to Christian/ Catholic principles is a way to pull through it, and to make the world a better place. This makes more sense to me because I doubt god would willingly create children with bone cancer, and all the lovely dangerous animals, parasitoids, and wasps.

What do you think? is it possible to convert to Catholicism?

Good on you user.

Remember this.

Don't put your faith in man, put your faith in God.

Praying for you.

>when Judaism let you be hypergamous but Christianity forced you to be monogamous

Thanks user.

I had been searching for a good answer to this question for a while, and this one is actually very solid and obvious.

Not a tourist, I'm talking about the Generalplan Ost. I highly doubt the narrative of the jewish holocaust.

thanks for sharing OP. i'm glad you're on the path to faith, i think it's a very good thing and i'm sad for people who lack faith.

i believe that the third law of thermodynamics proves that free will does not exist as a materialistic concept. free will can only exist if it is a gift from god, or if the fundamental laws of physics are wrong. if the laws of physics are wrong, then all of science is based on error, and this opens up room for the existence of the supernatural. thus, either way you look at it, there is more potential for the existence of god than non-existence

i've always thought that the endgame of science would be to prove the existence of god. i think we're getting further towards that with the idea that the universe is a simulation. but the idea that we're all NPCs in some alien's video game is just as retarded as the idea of a magical old man in the sky -- but the mind is really just a powerful computer, so the idea that the "simulation" is the thoughts of a powerful consciousness doesn't really seem that far-fetched to me.

reading the NT is what made me christian and accept the divinity of christ. based on his words alone, jesus was incredibly smart, far beyond any human. the idea that all of it was forged/made up by stupid little humans seems really silly.

beyond that reading the writings of various theologians and christian apologists is also very helpful. there are also more modern historical works that verify the historicity of the new testament and existence of jesus.

I have felt the same way just by being near churches, but also being a psychology major and looking at how priests were essentially the very first psychologists. Then I observed anthropology, sociology, and history and found some very interesting correlations because the strengths of religious people, the benefits to the groups, and how the meme has survived in general.

I then started reading the bible because a friend of mine were making a deal to read all religeous texts and compare ( he refused to believe that Islam is by far the worst, even in comparison to Catholicism's Old Testament).

Observing the Kor'ran and the Bible made me realize these are trial and error allegories of those societies, and hell is a place on earth and in your head that stems from not abiding from morality.

Funny. This time last year I rejected a religious person who wanted me to convert and have kids, because I was a militant Atheist applying to be fixed.. Now, especially after many red pill truths, and interacting with Christians..... I've almost done a complete 180. I also want a gun too and am applying for my licence.

The world begins, nobody knows why. This is point 1 on the timeline.

For no reason whatsoever, with no evidence at all, someone somewhere claims "GOD did it. GOD". This is point 2 on the timeline. Everyone at this point in time is dumb enough to believe it. There is, at this point, zero evidence for this, so it is an unfounded claim.

Before any more points can be made about God, prove he exists, with concrete evidence, tangible proof, etc, and not some woo woo metaphysical horseshit that can't be proved or disproved. We are still at the step of this claim where people need to prove it is true, before we go further to the points of debating his intent, reasons for creation, disproving God, etc. Nobody has proved God exists, and until someone does, all evidence points to there being no God on the chess board.

Pic unrelated, but all religions are basically shit in their "we have real power in the world" forms. This is because it is a power grab based on "next world" ideas, in the only world we actually have. I'm not gonna call people that believe a nice lie dumb, but you do yourself a disservice to waste any of your time on this stuff. Live your life according to rules from Christianity if you want, since it's the most mundane in comparison to other ones, but we can all judge for ourselves what's wrong and right. Don't need skydaddy to do it for us.

>difficult questions
I think reconciling God's quality of omniscience with rigorous free will does not have an intuitive answer for the laymen, so is "difficult" in the sense that it requires a fairly philosophically sophisticated argument to put into proper frame.

I definitely can agree to that. Most people need religion because the masses cannot be expected to internalize virtue beyond eternal punishment/reward.
I defend it as it is
Critical thinking levels
Degenerate: none. Just lizard responses and ape pleasure chasing. Total lip service.

SJW: critical thinking stage 1. Standardized lip service. They have indoctrinated a thought system but cannot question or expand beyond their doctrine

Stage 2 bullshit detection proto stage "anything goes! No one is right so everyone is right about anything who knows! Wew look at all these people with opinions, at least I dont form stances!" Total refusal to commit to a belief

Stage 3 you acknowledge some beliefs are better than others and you quest to find them

Beyond that you figured out which ones ARE better than others

God bless user!


Thank you. I find very difficult to try to discuss God in terms of science. I think it's a lost battle. Not because it's non existing, it's because in science, you have to come unbiased to study something. I don't think that even Jesus apostles understood what god was. I don't even know if Jesus himself knew what God was, or could do, or his essence. I think that all people of faith can't touch the concept of god in a realistic way.

I see it as trying to explain to a bacteria in the bottom of the ocean, what is the milky galaxy, or something very brutally beyond that difference of scales.

How can we affirm stuff about god, if we can't even get some perspective on what god is? Even if he exists, how can we?

I would love to read more about the theologians works. After I finish the bible itself!

The claim that people are dumb enough to believe it is wrong.

1. The world begins, we may never know why.
2. Some human groups decide to pursue goals, some do not.
3. Those groups which decide to pursue goals are stronger than those that do not, and thus they are more likely to survive.
4. All great civilizations are built by religious men.
5. Their children forget the value of religion and society degrades.

This is where we are now. The choice you have is will you attempt to fight for the same goals as your ancestors did, or will you hasten the decline of society by ridiculing the religious? Jesus' goal of heaven on earth is my goal, and I will fight to achieve it.

Yes, seeing the social benefits of christianism was another thing that made me more interested.

My post has been blessed with triples, do you believe me now heretics?

Do you realize that any attempt to explain reality is as bad and far fetched as any other?

I'm not saying that every attempt to explain reality should be made a faith. I still have deep doubts about the faith. It's a suspension of doubts.

I guess this is the part one have to decide to believe that even if Jesus was very powerful and had god like skills, it still keeps you in doubt if the rest of the stuff he said was true. Even if you want to believe, it's hard to just accept it all.

-God can do anything right?
- yes! He is almighty!
- can he create a rock that is too heavy for him to carry?

This always leaves religious people stumped.

And I can't see how evolution is an antithesis of god existence.

God made life trough evolution.

The hard part is to believe all that Jesus said. His narrative of God, human life value and virtue. I don't know if it's all true, it's all very hard to shallow, but if you just accept that 2000 years ago, a man walked on earth resurrecting the dead and curing people around... The rest follows. Unbelievable stunts and an unbelievable story.

If he chose to incarnate into a limited form, say a physical body, then yes, he would have created rocks that are too heavy for him to carry. Within all of us is a piece of the creator.

Does an infinite powerful being have the hability to create some stone so heavy he himself cannot carry?

It's a difficult question for anyone. The problem is that you are questioning this to people who accept the existence of such a powerful being.

I met a person on campus who said he converted from Atheism and it stirred something in me I felt was lost for a time. I also found it odd he went from Atheism to Catholicism, as it is normally the other way around. I'd make a conversion, but I am unsure if my interpretation of Catholicism is appropriate and if it would be for nothing. I seem to view it differently, or so I think.

Best of luck to you and your observations, from Atheist to Atheist, and a lover of science, is not stupid. I took had the meme of religious people being stupid destroyed. It's amazing wha you find once you break out of your 'echo chamber'.

get rid of doubts
it didn't happen
not one person died from zyclon b
in fact delousing them to protect against typhus is why there are soo many survivors in the first place.

I think you should investigate what pull a string on you. Consider it, and investigate it.

Best of luck for you, friend!

rocks, weight, and lifting stuff is all materialistic bullshit

you are an atheist because you do not have the mental capacity to think of things in nonmaterialistic terms. you are somatic, wholly rooted on earth, with no concept of the spiritual

kys retard

God can create a rock that He cannot carry. He can also then either allow Himself to carry the rock, or change the rock so that He can carry it, or anything else.
I fail to see why gaytheists always become so confused on the properties of omnipotence.

Another thing I wonder is is it possible to maintain an internal locus of control while converting, or do most people have an external one? I just find myself unable to look at my life and my personal actions as not a direct result of my intent and choices.
Are there other Catholics with my viewpoints/ concerns/ internalization?

I see the definition of God as the ultimate freedom. You can do whatever you want with material reality. Does ultimate freedom permits that you conjure a rock so hard that you cannot lift it? Does ultimate freedom permits that you can lift it if you want it?

Lesson 1: it's called Christianity not Christianism

Omnipotence is involves the power to do anything. Even the power to do things you can't even conceive of, like create a square that is simultaneously a circle by the same measure.
Obviously you can't imagine that being instantiated but being *ALL* powerful must admit even those things we can't even conceive to be thought of as actually *BEING* all powerful.

No one can convert you ever, Even attempts are in vain. It is up to every individual solely to convert and believe

It was a desire for belonging, I guess. To belong to something more than just the.... random bullshit people do. As well as the self-improvement and the desire to maintain self-control and transcend being a kid,and a being of impulse and hedonism.

Admittedly another part is to fight more intensely against Islam.

I also really admired those with great devotion to self-control, their faith, and their principles. I couldn't help but admire Lady Mary and Sir Thomas More from the Tudors.

I had a really weird experience a few nights ago. It's Likely I might have fallen slightly sleep and had some sort of thing kind of reminiscent of a hypnic jerk if anyone has ever had one of those, but it was one of the strangest things that's ever happened to me. Was watching a Religious Freedom debate on YouTube in my bed and all of a sudden it was like I was almost taken to place with this picturesque beautiful scenery and I was standing on the treeline of a hill looking out into a kilometers and kilometers of green fields with an indescribably ray of light shining down onto it all.

And then I was snapped back to reality, didn't feel anything like waking up from a dream or a hypnic jerk. It lasted probably about 15 seconds and I immediately started thinking about Eastern Orthodoxy and wanted to learn more about it.

Spooked the shit out of me t b h.

It bothers me not a little bit that people take their own self-delusions so seriously.
Especially when those self-same delusions can bring people to Yakub worship or other inane shit just as easily as anything else.


I'm just saying it was weird you self-righteous faggot.

Bliggity-blog - nobody gives a shit.

>coming from the namefag and tripfag

Consider yerself filter'd, bud.

Peace l8, gayboi~

>a desire for belonging
Everything south of Texas is a Papal state, OP was born and raised a Catholic and is not converting to anything but simply degenerating into his childhood indoctrination and I suspect so are you. That's the secret to the Catholic Cults success, getting hold of the children and spooking them, nothing else. You should take a closer look at your own childhood and figure out how they got to you. Enabling the new age dark ages is no way to go through this life son.

Why would I believe in a man made God? I mean I have nothing against spirituality but Abrahamic religion is literally made up by dune coons.

Maybe because you have a slightly better pool of potential non-whore women to marry and breed with so you and your family can continue to uphold the values of Western Civilization.

Strange exactly same situation as me. Was an atheist all my life don't know what is going on

Been reading the bible as of late and just finished with Isiah, my question is why did god give Isiah such specefic visions as to what the end times were only to have Jesus show up and change a bunch of it resulting in a "re-write" of sorts with revelation?

Like, a lot of what Isiah says ends up in Revelations but stuff such as, altars to burn offerings at and none will enter zion who are uncircumcised, those who eat pork will be as an abomination and destroyed prior to zions rule etc etc is completely changed with the Christian end times doctrine.

Yet the OT god speaks as if this is unchangeable.