Do jews hold any power over China?

Do jews hold any power over China?

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Some, since the central bankers hold control over the printing of their money, but not nearly as much as in the west. It's so much more difficult for them to blend in since they don't look very asian, whereas they do look white.

Yes, through the IMF.

Live in China now, people don't trust Jews, even tho most people have never met one.

Jews have the reputation of being greedy and evil just from movies.

But I thought jews controlled the film industry

Not much. Jewish people are beginning to intermarry with Asians and move to China though.


Not predominantly, Chinks have a strong culture to abstain from any Jew propaganda.

they uh, are the jews here

>has a government based on the teaching of karl marx
>isn't infiltrated by the jews

pick one

Rothschilds have already interbred with their elite, they're fucked unless something changes.

Chinks are the jews of South East Asia

This. See who holds the most money in SEA (PH, MAL, SIN, IND) where they don't even come from.

You'd think that China would be beyond Jewish influence but they've been fully fucked over by Jewish ideology twice now. First full on Communism, and now Milton Friedman style Capitalism.
They only cry about the first at the moment, but China has a history of falling the fuck apart just when things look "good."

They set up shop in Shanghai and have a jewish refugees museum there.
from my experience they are not particularly fond of the juden though.

Chinese ARE the Jews of asia


Watch this interview with Sheldon "not bazinga" Adelson

Also, they MIGHT be worse bosses than jews. They despise contractualization (meaning short job lifespan and almost no benefits), shit wages, and terrible job conditions.

Could a ruski chime in on Jewish AO? It BORDERS China.

Yes, the Yuan currency is based on the dollar, and therefore the Jewish Rothschild Federal Reserve control the Chinese economy as well. If you look at the Yuan bank note you will see a star of David.

This. Someone post the 'don't learn Chinese' screenshot.

>China has a history of falling the fuck apart just when things look "good."
Uh no it doesn't. Literally every dynasty fell apart when things looked bad and had been bad for a while.

>(((Chinese Communist Party)))

what do you think?

Chinese are the Jews of Asia.

China are bros.

Piss off Chang.

There are youtube videos about the Chinese take on Jews. They're funny, well, actually they're predictably Chinese. It's more or less, "holy fuck, those Jews sure know how to make lots of money, I want to learn about their secrets" and so on. They have books on the shelves of their bookstores, How to Make Cash Like a Jew, I'm paraphrasing. Look it up. Interesting question though.