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That number is too high for my liking

What are you a racist? Immigrants are good and when hillary gets into office, i hope America will have more immigrants than you cis scum whites

any women waifugee?

>not wanting to help people fleeing from war and poverty
Kind of gay desu.

I literally thought that said 358K per week, I almost died

>360 a week
authorities here say they return smth like 100 a day. and recently more like 200. the army is there, international organizations are sending people, and serbia says they're willing to send us soldiers as well

that is refugees total, most are likely from latin american and southeast asian countries. Not good, but not as bad as syrians.


oy gevalt goyim, you don't want to be racist do you?


How long before another rape?

We're very selective about what refugees we take in, most are human trafficking victims from South America.

>Implying any would rape american women

Why do you think theyre pulling Hillary in for the Judge appointment sweep?


>all the states that denied refugees are getting them
>all the states that wanted them are not getting them

Once they start allah snackbaring airports and sports events like in Europe can we Americans get angry then or are we still going to be considered racist by our own president?!

Calling ALL White Americans to take REFUGE in Poland or Hungary.

Over half the refugees we've taken in are muslim

>358 per week
>18616 per year
>US population: 324,411,192

More like a drip now and then. Media making a story out of nothing.

>take vulnerable people
>none of their friends or family allowed
>don't give them citizenship
>give then handouts anyway, making them dependent on you
>keep talking about how you're gonna kick them out and they'll be left with nothing
>they go into legal prostitution with a camera involved, or join a gang
you sure showed those human traffickers

Goddamn king nigger is determined to do as much damage as he can before leaving isn't he?

Just like leaving the border open, its a long term democratic plot to turn red states blue

A few weeks ago I saw a beat up, shitty looking car drive through my neighborhood with 4 refugees in it, their bare feet hanging out the windows. Anyone else get a "this shits finally on your doorstep" moment?

how is he getting away with all this?

Nice meme but they rape children too

These pieces of shit need to be exterminated.

Yeah there were always a couple families down the block, but more and more come i end up seeing sand niggers and burkas all the fucking time.

>“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me: I lift my lamp beside the golden door.”

He is living in the past.

A few months ago I looked out my window and saw 4-5 middle eastern males walking down the middle of the street - criss crossing in a diagonal pattern. As if they had never been in a residential neighborhood before and had no concept of what "sidewalks" were for. Haven't seen them since, for all I know they could have been dropped off at a bus station and left to roam the city.

Memphis took over 200 refugees. San Francisco took 5. So progressive.

>almost all of new england said no to rapefugees
>now we get BONUS SYRIANS because we are too white

there's prob more blacks being born in a day than there are illegals entering in a week


Blacks get abortions and kill each other like crazy so their numbers are basically stagnant.

blacks are stagnant

Are they allowed to vote? Will they give them instant citizen privileges?

Refugees get fast tract citizenship

Fuck this worthless country. I hope they start cutting off libtard heads.


>they're using a statue designed and manufactured by frogs against us

Really makes one ponder

>New Hampshire

Of course we get some! Our state says no to rapefugees and we still get them. Too white and safe after all! Can't have these neighborhoods untouched by terrorists!

>18.5k per year
>not nothing

pick one

even fucking Massachusetts said no and we get rapefugees
fucking Obama needs to be impeached

Fascinating how refugees always end up in the predominantly white parts of America, isn't it?

If the government stops providing services for these people things will get crazy

If America is not dead, it definitely is dead now. Western Civilization is dead. I guess we can continue to resist.

Look at Minnesota only place Jewish Democrats could hold public office in the Midwest. Now a 40yr serving serving kike will get replaced by a Somali Refugee. Both Republican and Democratic candidates are somalis from rival tribes. That and the only Muslim in the house of Representatives was voted in by Minnesota Somalis.

These sandnigger fucks will go to a gun store in NH, buy an AR-15 with no background checks, and allahu ackbar a bunch of whites in Boston. Then Hillary instates an "Assault weapons ban". I'm predicting it now.

>I guess we can continue to resist.

If Europe is a crystalball depicting how America will react, we will do absolutely nothing. Just like everyone else. Only chance now is vote for Trump, and hope it's not too late to put a fucking cork in this twisted project designed to kill swing states and red states.

Kek you've obviously never bought from a gun store. They will not sell to you without a background check.

Your prediction would be believable if you said a gun show or private sale though


Blacks are going to kill them, calling it. They are going to fight over territory, Nigs are going to chimp at the "Refugees" and kill them.

The whole Imam being shot was a result of the Bangladeshi Muslims being at odds with the Hispanic population

I guess, I never bought guns. I know it's not difficult here to get your hands on guns.


Blacks haven't done anything. Mexicans have invaded their neighborhoods for years. That's very wishful thinking.

Letting in Syrians and other Muslims to me seems like an self refilling prophecy.

The government knows some of these refugees are ticking time bombs and that will kill a bunch of Americans. The attacks will justify domestic spying programs and give the government more overreach.

The end game is another 9/11 scale attack which will thrust the US into invading yet another Middle Eastern country.

The government knows Muslims are piece of shit Terrorists and they are utilizing them as such to make justice cause to conquer yet another country.

Should I get a tattoo of Muhammad?

I feel like it's a good idea.

>Inb4 tattoos are degenerate

In the army, already have a bunch.

4 months ago :/

no worse, they won't buy it legally, and we will have the same outcome

Like Egypt for Greater Israel expansion

>Inb4 JIDF says "hurr I'd rather have Jews than Muslims"
Would you really like to give more land and power to an ethnocentric group that is already steering our countries for the worse? Without Jews we wouldn't have Muslims. Muslims are an easily manageable foe, all that's required is closing your borders to them. They are violent but stupid and thus not a threat to our existence without Jews shilling for immigration. Jews blend and hide, change their names, and subvert.

Israel is our worst fucking enemy right now and no one even realizes it.

126016 a year....

without jews we still have fucking worthless dindus like obongo and lynch

Hmm only 358 a week, Ben can keep up with that but will it slow down his other activities?

It means that after 1 year of this flood you could select a random group of 2 million people in the US and odds would be that 1 of them were a Syrian refugee who arrived during the last year. And then he might not even have received citizenship.

>be in US military
>Get sent overseas to go fight these people who "hate our freedoms"
>Come back home
>Your government invites the same people to live next to you under equal protection of law
>Your government tries to suppress any opposition towards domestic Islam
>Your government shills for Islam once you return
>You are outed as a hate mongered for opposing this same enemy

I cant even imagine being in the military right now. I'd probably kill myself.

What do you militaryfags do when you see this shit? How do you even?

>70'c (160'F) summers prognosticated by 2024
>muh 358 early birds

Bullshit we would have never elected a nigger if it weren't for Jews and their equality and anti-rascist propaganda

>implying at least 5 women haven't been raped from the time the OP started the thread until you asked

You just won't hear about it from any 'news' outlet because they're all leftist garbage, even Fox.

Well you did say:

"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

Well you do have experience in Kebab Removal, so when the shit hits the fan, you can remove kebab again.


Every time I go to WinCo here in Idaho it looks like a godamn UN relief effort with all the women ninjas and their rude little jihadlets yelling

358 a week is good enough to bump up their numbers in America. You'll have your Paris in no time. Good job, King Nigga!

Even gun show people are skeptical of Muslims.

Gotta remember most of those guys are the redpill types. Why do you think they are locked and loaded?

>not reading the fine print

*except sand niggers

Long Island, Jew York is flooded too. I had a fucking madrassa come to my museum last week. None spoke english all wore ninja garb. It was never like this. They won't assimilate.

They are going back.

>Well you did say:
No, some kike said that and they added it to the status of liberty in 1903 because of they lobbying of yet another kike Georgina Schuyler

>"The New Colossus" is a sonnet that American poet Emma Lazarus (1849–1887) wrote in 1883 to raise money for the construction of the pedestal of the Statue of Liberty. In 1903, the poem was engraved on a bronze plaque and mounted inside the pedestal's lower level

You know there are things in this world called "jokes"...

You say we aren't white anyway. Karma you stupid cunts, and we will live in a paradise for years with our hungarian bros

To add, I live in NYC 358 people per week is nothing, they could all be sent here and no one would even be able to tell. This article must have been made to scare Johnny Reb.

The New Colossus
>Give me your tired, your poor,
>Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
>The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
>Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
>I lift my lamp beside the golden door!
-(((Emma Lazarus)))

Gee, I wonder who got that stuck on the French gift.

Leaf, faggot, y'know the drill...

thats just a right wing conspiracy theory vote hillary!

>You wouldn't want to offend pic related would you ?

see this picture these porr refugees need to be moved into your neighborhoods and your homes first you will get bonus money for taking them in but you have to spend it on them , don't worry they will get welfare! and the right to Vote!

>give pic related your children.

They will be well taken care of at the Camps.
They will be pleasured daily from only the most famous international celebrities.

>Implying anybody in the 15th century believed the Earth was flat

>There's a war going on in my country
>what can I do to help my fellow countrymen
>I know, I'll move to another country, rape their women, never integrate, and collect welfare!!

Yeah no

>zionist surge
Things that are illegal to say for 6000

and don't worry guys out there about women voting or there being a lack of child brides once the strong males and the boys of the infidels are culled there will be many to go around.

Who the hell will be left in Syria after the war is over?

crazy shit man
need trump more now than ever

As-salamu alaykum Sup Forums Imam obama here.

That's how it starts we used to get like 3000 per year and people said they weren't a problem. Now look at us


>oh noes guys 1500 Syrians are coming into America a year
Shut the fuck up. That's nothing you dumb redditors. That's smaller than the number of people in the smallest VILLAGES in America.

Keep fudging the numbers you COWARDS

Eh they'll be fine here honestly, our niggers will keep them in check

t. palace dweller with armed guards.