What is wrong with political neutrality?
What is wrong with political neutrality?
Nothing, so long as you have neighbors that don't give a shit.
Absolutely nothing. However, most people lapse into a football team mentality when it comes to politics. This is a by-product of humans being tribal creatures. We're quick to demonize anyone we label as "them."
To be quite honest, I find some things on the democrat side appealing, and some things on the republican side appealing. I don't identify as one or the other, because to too many people, that would make me "THE ENEMY"
Nothing. Identity politics injected into our everyday lives is pure cancer imo
>haha look guys im not taking a position on the issues im smack dab in the middle guys haha you cant call me names now haha completely nootrul haha
>that one smug centrist who thinks he's better than everyone for being apathetic
It allows evil to take control
dumb frog poster
it can fuck you over if you stay neutral all the time.
its not always the best option.
A man with no convictions is no man.
Its a meme idea used by people who aren't neutral at all in order to silence people with different opinions.
It was a meme all along.
Who said you don't take position on issues if you are politically neutral? You just don't subscribe to team Left, Right, or alt-right etc. That shit is literally as stupid as a tumblrite identifying as a 'nano boy trans species myle'.
everything. Its a lie invented by cucks and faggots, for cucks and faggots. You cant be neutral, or as i have heard, apolitical. You always have a view, and that view always fits somewhere in the spectre.
It's impossible. Everyone has opinions that sway them one way or the other.
Any hipster that says: Each side is stupid, I'm so unique for thinking outside of the box!!1, is retarded, as there are many philosophies at any level on either side.
To say that you're neutral is to say that you:
>don't know enough about politics to form an informed opinion about it (fair enough)
>have no opinions at all, in which case, you're a hollow shell, kill yourself.
>Don't really care, which I guess is fair enough.
There's a difference between acting neutral and impartial on matters, despite your own personal convictions, and not having any to begin with.
On of them is highly admirable, the other is literally woman-tier.
There is nothing more disgusting than political neutrality. Not only are you not man enough to take a side, you will almost always be regarded with either a mild level of suspicion or a rather severe degree of hatred.
I simply cannot trust a neutral. Nine times out of ten they're little backstabbing cunts or just generally weak willed.
Neutrals = fags.
There's nothing wrong with it, however don't pretend you have some kind of high ground because you're an indecisive fuck. Like the biggest issue with most neutrals is that they think they're better than others just because they're neutral on an issue.
One can be apolitical. All it means to be so is to refrain from participation in politics. It doesn't matter that one has views when it comes to being political or apolitical.
Apolitical is not the same as Neutrality.
>Who says you can't add some ice/hot stones and still call the water lukewarm?
Because it's a contradiction.
Look, no one's saying you have to be a die-hard for any formal team, but an aversion to labels is literally hipster-tier.
>So what if I have a backbone, warm blood, and my female counterparts give live birth? I don't identify as a mammal, I'm neutral on where I stand.
Burgerbro speaks truth. Thanks burgerbro, my mistake.