It's like he's speaking directly to Sup Forums

It's like he's speaking directly to Sup Forums

Other urls found in this thread:

No, just to Sup Forums.

>he makes that thread just to screencap Sup Forums's reaction

That Bolton is correct.

>They attempt to make Red Skull look like an absolute monster comparable to Hitler with this page
>Whenever it's brought up it's generally agreed that he makes some pretty decent points, even to those that don't agree with him

Small wonder why they resorted to near parody with shit like M.O.D.A.A.K

>The writer of this had an autistic rage attack when many people started saying he made sense.

It's depressing to see how people just no longer use common sense.

Also, Marvel is the worst publisher for comic books on Earth.

Is he right, Sup Forums?

He is. Immigration without any sort of control or regulation is a goddamn mess.

I mean I don't personally agree with Red Skull here, but he makes a really good argument here. Better than a lot of people I've argued with have made at least.

I hate it when the writers create these sort of speeches in a deliberate strawman; thinking that just because the "villain" said it that the readers will magically think that point of view is wrong. It's really odd how stupid they are to think that people won't agree with them simply because they are the designated villain.

It's like they forget characters like Doom or Magneto exist where there are many points where readers agree with them more often than not.

Spencer is kind of a far left douche. The guy is really no different from the "intolerant" right he criticizes.

This is true desu. Criminals in part love borders because it means a new jurisdiction with no record.

It's a legitimate cause he's hijacking for his own ends, sure.

Who is this argument against? Literally no person in any position of power is arguing for immigration without control or regulation

>three months to election
>nobody has explained why Trump is Hitler

>but he makes a really good argument here
In what way
It's the most hypocritical thing ever

>"Your religion, your beliefs, your sense of community-- All tossed aside like trash."
How and in what manner?
Not even the straightest, most christian person could possibly justifiably complain about anything like that.
What, people aren't selling christmas mugs at starbucks and that's an affront?

>refugees are the main source, or even a source, of bombing, raping, and fanatical beliefs based crimes
>Not only that but it's unamerican to let people in because they need help
that's just dumb
any evidence supporting those claims is anecdotal and ignores the real history of the united states

>thinking that just because the "villain" said it that the readers will magically think that point of view is wrong
Or maybe they writer was just mimicking arguments he thought was wrong and added that into comics.

Are you kidding me?!?

>Angela Merkerl

As a Sup Forums shitposter that is.

You realize that the entire point is that his ideas make sense on the surface right?

Do they even teach history in schools anymore?

>Spencer is kind of a far left douche
He's pro hillary and called Bernie Sanders an nra hack

No, he sounds far left, but his policies are center - right except on race and health care. He's a tru-blue clintonista- tough on crime, soft on banks


Thank you for Correcting the Record.

He wants to kick out an entire religion of people that have been living here quite some time, some for decades

He's made references to cataloging every single person of that religion just to make sure they aren't getting into any problems

He's conservative


Maybe Spencer's the fabled technique called "good writing". Red Skull wants to recruit people to his side so instead of a speech about how he wants to rule the world he speaks to their experiences and fears and says that Hydra, the organization he now leads, is the answer. You are assuming the point of the speech was to make Red Skull look bad instead of charismatic and the type of person these people would follow.

Do they?

>tough on crime, soft on banks

White Collar Crime?

>He wants to kick out an entire religion of people that have been living here quite some time, some for decades

Pretty sure Trump never said he wanted that. Just a temporary freeze on muslim immigrants until a better background check system could be implemented. You'd think you people would support that, you're always bitching about how there aren't enough background checks.

Based Trump working the smarks

There already IS a vetting system in place. Most terrorists are homegrown here.

>You are assuming the point of the speech was to make Red Skull look bad instead of charismatic and the type of person these people would follow.

The writer himself got genuinely upset that people thought Red Skull made some good points. He literally went on a bitchfest about how he couldn't believe people were actually agreeing with Red Skull when it was supposed to be OBVIOUS that what he's saying is completely evil and that the only people who would agree with him are just as evil as Red Skull.

Had it not been for the writer meltdown, your point would have stood.

There's also already a background check system for gun purchases, and most gun crime is criminal on criminal using stolen or smuggled guns(BUILD WALL). Doesn't stop people from bitching about that either.

Spencer is actually a decent writer and you guys are literally just retarded.
I suppose this is why good writing in cape comics is tough to find, it just goes over all of your heads.

Everything Red Skull says is rhetoric without substance. It's something a villain would actually say to appeal to people. You think it sounds reasonable because you're stupid.

>you're always bitching about how there aren't enough background checks
user are you okay?
are you well?
because it seems like you're misplacing some of this argument for someone else

Post meltdown pls.

And most gun crime is done with handguns which most people talking about gun control are less concerned with.
Gun control is a huge issue not because of gun violence, but because of mass shootings which aren't criminal-on-criminal

>good writing

Jesus. If Marvel call this "good writing" then I don't even wanna know what they consider bad writing.

Shut up, Nick. You're terrible.

>are you well?

No I am not, when will we enact common sense islam control?

We don't have a gun problem, we have a mental health problem disguised as a gun problem.

The Democrats are trying to get illegal immigrants the right to vote.

You do know those studies saying that Christian Terror is a bigger issue start counting the bodies on September 12th 2001, right?

He didn't say it was just Christian terrorists, just that most terrorists terrorize the country they are from.

True, second generation muslims are the most likely to radicalize.

This is because in their religion, the only sure way into heaven is the die while killing infidels.

So, it's no surprise that when you find out more about them, that a lot of them smoke, drank and ate pork, often simultaneously.

>we have a mental health problem disguised as a gun problem.

Mass shootings may be happening more often, but I have to wonder if mass murder events in general are.

On one hand, you have CNN quoting a criminology professor saying no ( On the the other, you have pretty much every other news source saying otherwise (or just referring specifically to mass shootings).

It reminds me of people who say that depression in men is on the rise. That may or may not be true (and is nearly impossible to determine). It's more likely that these people are referring to diagnoses of depression, which are becoming more frequent for a number of reasons.

Do mass murders only *seem* like a growing problem because we're paying more attention to them?

We don't have a gun problem, we have a demographic problem.

Remove inner-city gang crime from the US and our gun crime statistics put us roughly on par with Northern Europe.

t. Spencer

>Not knowing almost the entirety of Sup Forums is right leaning
Fuck off. I hate you tumblr fags who only come here for /sug/ and to post on lgbt

Muh feels are all the source I need you liberal socialist faggot!!!

He's American, of course he's centrist. America doesn't even know what left wing policies are, outside of skipping past them right into the extreme that is communism or some kind of anarchy.

Well that's true, but I think that part of the solution is preventing mentally ill people from getting guns. So yeah gun control

Also keep in mind that 2nd-gen types are more likely to buy into the narrative that the West is oppressing their people and the only recourse is violence.

First generation muslims who've settled here generally do so because they've found that their lives are better in a Western nation.

And most illegal immigration actually comes here legally at the behest of large companies as cheap labour and then overstay when their contract is done- I- I mean BUILD THE WALL KICK THE MEXICAN MUSLIM NIGGERS OUT CAN'T BE STUMPED MEMES!!!!!

I believe it was already said, remove the criminal on criminal stats(trash taking itself out)and we have one of the lowest gun crime rates in the world. Even lower if you don't count suicides. Gun crime committed with legally owned guns is so low as to be statistically irrelevant. Yet law abiding gun owners are the ones that get fucked over every time we have to THINK ABOUT THE CHILDREN.

I say make America American again.

Apparently judging people is the same as judging the need of a weapon that people kill their own families with (by accident or on purpose). Ok.

Beat me to it

>So yeah gun control

Is fucking stupid, agreed. It only disarms those that would never use their guns to commit crimes.

>but I think that part of the solution is preventing mentally ill people from getting guns.

That is a slippery as fuck slope, and that way lies far too much potential for government abuse. How about instead of stripping people of their rights, just because they were prescribed prozac once but never took it, we actually help people. Far too many people that need help willingly go without it for fear of becoming second class citizens.

So just because mass shootings of children are statistically much less than regular gun crime, they're irrelevant and nothing should be done to prevent them?

>"native" Americans

They're no more native than european settlers are, they were just here longer.

I think a lot of the speech just uses old standbys in emotional rhetoric. Whether or not we think that's okay is probably the dividing line between the agree/disagrees here



>Bringing their crime with them

Implying that crime levels can be reduced by kicking out "the criminal element".

>It is good to be here, where some men still know how to fight

Attacking the masculinity of every party other than the one present.

>Preserving the heritage and culture of the people

Implying this has ever worked. Also, doesn't that mean Insanistan is fulfilling it's responsibilities by spreading it's "culture" through the fanaticism he's against?

>Who is protected, I ask you?

Just because you feel persecuted doesn't mean you are.

>Blame the bankers

And we're back to old school Nazis.

I don't know what gun control would do or not. But I do think the main problem is the NRA which prevents government research into the issue.

Statistical anomalies be statistically anomalous. Solutions have been proposed(more resource officers, let school staff carry, and many others)but the grabbers never want to try them because doing so runs counter to their ultimate goal:total civilian disarmament.

More children die in backyard pools and playgrounds. No one's banning either.

>center - right

I find that very hard to believe, I think Spencer's about as left as it gets. He's a shill for Hill..

Oh boy, the NRA boogeyman meme. Don't you have a dying organization to run, Miss Brady?

It's just like how an illegal immigrant is less likely to commit crime than a native so nothing should be done to protect citizens from being preyed upon by foreign nationals

>christian shoots up an abortion clinic and cops trying to protect innocent civilians while there are networks and communities that make heroes out of people like him and write to and praise them in prison
>it's a mental health problem! really the shooter is the victim and there's no larger problem

>muslim shoots up a crowd of innocent civilians
>OMG it's the fault/responsibility of all muslims everywhere, when are we gonna intact some "common sense control" to "deal" with "the muslim problem"!?!?!

The comparison of Trump with Hitler is most based on their rigid authoritarianism and populism that provides simple explanations and equally simple solutions to current national issues which will not achieve the desired effect and only exist to pander to the prevalent political radicalisms

So are there any "natives" anywhere by your standards?

>Blame the bankers
>And we're back to old school Nazis.

You've accidentally revealed yourself as antisemitic.

>Months of media talking about PP chopping up body parts and selling them
>Implying this wouldn't cause someone to concoct a savior delusion

>Comparing this to a religion of which its bible tells its worshipers to kill non-believers

Nick Spencer must be destroyed.

Well, yeah, it's a matter of percentages.

Human life supposedly originated in Africa, so Africans.


Nigga that's just wrong.
I'm from Virginia and most of my friends are gun owners. None of them support civilian disarmament but all of them are definitely opposed to shit like teachers carrying guns in the classroom

If the teacher can pass the training required to acquire a CC license why should they not be allowed to carry on school grounds? You trust these people to shape your child's mind but not to protect their lives?

It's not really the same at all.
No one is trying to throw you out of the country they're just trying to make sure that people who have guns are sane and are trained to use them properly

No, because
>heritage and culture of the people
>your religion, your beliefs, your sense of community
>our way of life
are spooks

makes sense since he's a spooky skeleton

Protect their life from what, some shitter with a runny nose?

Absolutely not, most teachers are fucking idiots and definitely don't get paid enough to be the last line of defense against an attacker

Anyone tried to change Red Skull for other character and post it on facebook?

Have you been following this conversation at all?

Explaining to people how to do math and shit is a radically different skill set from taking down an armed attacker. I wouldn't expect someone to be good at both.

>the ultimate goal is total civilian disarmament
Take off the tin-foil, billy-joe-bob.

Literally no politician is arguing or has argued for disarmament. No one wants to talke your guns. Gun control is not disarmament. Unlike registries and wait times, gathering people's guns actually would be unconstitutional.

Shit, even if you weren't being batshit crazy and muh libruls did want to eventually take your guns, that shouldn't impact your support for gun control laws that don't.

Basically people kill each other over abstract concepts that don't have any actual value

>Implying that crime levels can be reduced by kicking out "the criminal element".

There'd certainly be a LOT less rape in Europe if we hadn't let them in.

1-most teachers are thick as a brick because it's a shit job with tons of hours and garbage pay
2-those that aren't idiots are bleeding hearts who live in poverty to aid children

Neither of those people are the kind of person capable of reacting quickly and appropriately with deadly force.

On top of that putting a gun in a classroom where there is even a remote chance of misfire or if a kid grabbing it is a terrible idea for obvious reasons.

>not the first step on the road to disarmament

If they aren't going to take my shit, why do they need to know what I have? Registration is always the first step. Ask the armenians, or the german jews, or hell, the people of California.

The NRA doesn't prevent government research into the issues. The Dickey Amendment prevents the CDC, and the CDC alone, from using government money to advocate or promote gun control. Anyone else can research into the issue and numerous private groups and law enforcement agencies do research without that caveat. The CDC itself conducted research and a study on gun violence in 2015.

In short, the NRA doesn't block government research into gun violence, an amendment to an appropriations bill blocks funding to a single government agency if they use their research to advocate or lobby for a political position. The actual basis for the amendment was then high-ranking members of the CDC openly stating support for gun control and announcing intent to run studies designed to support gun control.

Did you miss the part where I said CC license? To get one you have to take training, mandated by the state or county you live in, proving that you are competent to carry a concealed weapon. Part of said training is to learn to properly conceal your weapon, because it's not really concealed if other people can see it, now is it. Next time read the entire post instead of focusing specifically on the part that offends you.

I do agree that middle eastern muslims have values that are incompatible with westernism, but to blame it on the quran is retarded. All the Abrahamic religions contain shit about torturing and killing nonbelievers and those who break god's laws. Jews and Christians (and western muslims) are simply westernized enough that they ignore those parts. Or are you going to stone the next person you see wearing a poly-cotton t-shirt?

I make it a policy not to agree with nazis

>He wants to kick out Muslims for being worthless green card queens whose cousins blow up city blocks

Fuck them

Dianne Feinstein.

Canada would be a better example, as the RCMP can arbitrarily determine guns to be illegal at any time based on no objective criteria.

You're pretty fucking retarded if you think the ability to get a CC license has any impact on amy of the points I made.

Also the idea that getting a CC is difficult is laughable. Standards are state and not federal and are typically a rubber-stamp affair.

>(... and western muslims) are simply westernized enough that they ignore those parts.

I think you're giving some western Muslims too much credit. Some believe in Sharia Law so vehemently they actually create unsanctioned no-go zones where they enforce it in England of all places.

I hate cunts like you who came here like one fucking year ago and shit up the boards endlessly with your 'muh politics' faggotry.

Dipshit, registries are not retroactive. They can't be a step to disarmament.

As for "ask the jews" I'm Ashkenazi you dense motherfucker. I know what to look out for and gun control isn't one of those things.