Is there anything that you miss about the early 2000s, Sup Forums?
Is there anything that you miss about the early 2000s, Sup Forums?
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smashmouth and matchbox 20 songs make me warm inside.
TIL im a fag
My Grandmother.
the howard stern show back when it was good
now im sad.
beat me to it
Being happy
>smashmouth and matchbox 20 songs make me warm inside.
Life was simpler in high school
>didn't give a shit about politics
>play ff7 for the first time
>classes are actually easy
>learn programming, easy and in high demand
If only I was 5 years older I would be in much better shape financially because of shit economy in 2008 when I graduated
Being a teenager
video games didn't suck
people went outside
people had conversations
e-mail was hip
nobody know what a text message was, let alone all the other gay instagoy/kikebook/jewtube shit
year 2000 and first 8 months of 2001 before 9/11 were nearly perfect.
don't know if back then we realized it but people were more happy, even-keel and hopeful.
it was first glimpse of the new century and new millennium, future seemed so shiny and bright. ever since 9/11 everything's gotten worst.
Naivete. By believing in the best of people, and treating them kindly you could lead a good life. Like most harsh truths, you don't learn until you're facedown in a pool of blood.
Hope and innocence for me. Now I'm a bitter fuck.
how infinite and optimistic things seemed
for me at least it was during 2000-2005
but that's also because we moved to Canada from jewkraine
like those gets
agreed. vidya was not yet ruined
i felt more hope back then. everyday feels like the world is teetering on the edge of collapse and most normie younger people don't care and act like total self-absorbed special snowflake cunts that require immediate gratification. the internet was still a gift then. now it is treated like a tool to herd all the brain dead zombie fucktards with social media pokemon go etc..
this made me nauseated
this song is proof God doesn't exist
Still being in my 30's.
Used to think the New World Order is bad.
After Sup Forums, I understand why they want to kill off most of the population.
This thread's theme:
that background on that operating system
I miss you so much...
there were only two genders then
I lost my optimism since that and nowadays even difficult to put a fake smile on my face.
The Sopranos
That system was fucking cancer for early online gaming.
Now who's old enough to remember these guys?
Leisure Suit Larry
you think anyone would produce that now?
Fuck no
Could you imagine the VirtueBrigade tears
Does ANYONE even remember anything that happened between 2002-2007?
There used to be this shit format called Floppy Discs. They started out Floppy at 8.5 inches then went down in size to 5.25 inches, then got all hard and went down to 3.5 inches.
That happened
Halo 2?
>Does ANYONE even remember anything that happened between 2002-2007?
I was in love and thought i found the right one. It turned out failed project and that period a big black hole in my life.
Being happy.
yeah. my old girlfriend from high school. those cool fall days, when summer is just tapering off. taking my old sentra out for a spin. got over 30 miles to the gallon and gas was cheap.
its interesting you say that. I actually agree with this. it was a really calm and carefree time. but i actually have some of my best memories during that quiet time.
I went to Iraq for my first time in 2006. So I kinda remember that.
I remember in 2004 going into college computer lab and having a floppy disk(3.5) and noticing that no one in the room was using them. everyone had usb drives. i didn't even know what they were. didn't have one until like 2008.
I went through my entire young adult and adolescent life thinking that picture was CGI.
those numbers are proof kek exists though
Less people on the internet, mostly.
Mobilefags ruined everything.
USB drives had a real short life in hindsight.
I ended up using all my 3.5 floppies as coasters at parties.
im still salty about arcanum
so much wasted potential
just imagine yourself as a child, in a car, it's raining and it's late night, you're with mama and papa and you hear this song.
I miss going through airport security without having my genitals fondled by a high school dropout that wears a badge on a power trip.
Less feminism
Less niggers crying about being shot for being fucking thugs
>you're welcome
yeah, the low prices everything had before we introduced the Euro in our country
Everything in this world is rotting and I refuse to believe it's just "nostalgia"
Just really look within yourself and you will know this to be true.
this song is pretty good though.
i imagine myself driving on an empty highway like pic related to this tune
also this guy is pro opera singer with amazing voice reach
but empty highway...
Fuck yeah.
Iraq, Half-Life 2, Oblivion, World of Warcraft. It was a comfy time.
Miss being a kid and be more of myself that I destroyed in the course of my life taking drugs I shouldn't have. My old self is forever gone now.
my brother
Being a teenager working at the grocery store and not having to worry about adult shit like bills.
If Sup Forums loves the 1990's so much, why is it that everyone who grew up in them is now a progressive liberal refugee-loving cunt?
You should be looking up to the pre-1960's, back when we didn't have Jews orchestrating this entire fiasco and society was actually DECENT.
But regardless, nostalgiafaggotry has got to go. I swear to christ, Sup Forums is one of the most regressive boards on Sup Forums. You can't let go of your fucking childhood even though you're in your mid 20's.
Wish I could have got the girl.
When you bought a game and put it into a console it actually worked. No 5 GB day one updates, no season passes, and no gutted single-player. Although to be fair PC gaming was also quite a pain at the time, but there was also CS and Quake III so that was cool.
Not fapping to porn unlike the past 7 years. Hell 2010 felt so long ago we're 4 years near to 2020.
> My happiness.
> My father and grandparents.
> Waking up every morning with loads of energy.
Didn't even think about this. I can't believe I used to jack off in the shower to just thinking about my neighbor that was 4yrs older than me.
god the memories, fuck it im pirating it now
Those trucks that would drive around spraying tons of chemicals in the air to kill mosquitos.
Always gave me good cardio running from the bastards.
Things were pretty good until around 2005 or so. Sure there was 9/11, but that brought the country and really the world together in a weird way. The Dotcom recession was nothing compared to the zombie economy we have now. 2005 is when the Iraq War went to shit and split the country irrevocably. Degeneracy went into full gear. The culture degraded as well. American optimism died. It's been a shit show ever since imo. 1995-2005 was by far the best time of my life.
Being young more than anything desu
i still remember my first fap to my kindergarten teacher, on our gym class she didnt wear a bra, god that was so hot, i got rock hard even as a 6 year old
>be wizard and harmspam everything while skipping through the game
>be technologist, get asshole inflated and make weapons you can't use
nah, after 9/11 we jumped to 2007. I thought that was common knowledge
Oh yeah, the early 2000's were so great.
Nickelback, the Katie Vick storyline in wrestling, a lot of shitty cgi movies like Van Helsing, endless job searching with no results, Runescape, Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith, Spiderman, Pirates of the Carribbean. Terrible for most of the time to where most of it is a dark blur in my memory, but then things got chill around 2006 finally and were great until the 2008 financial crisis and obama.
No social media
No cancer
Islam stayed in muslim countries
No, they were awful. The 10s are a vast improvement.
I do miss the 90s.
>early 2000s
>didn't even know what a Muslim was
>not playing wizard/tech mix just for fun
i loved raising spirits of my dead enemies and mocking them, god that mechanic was fun
or just resurecting them to kill them again, preferably with desintegration this time
also shopkeepers refusing to serve you or not allowing you to board a train
fun times
Eh, you probably shouldn't. It hasn't aged very well.
Oh man, you just gave me waves of nostalgia.
I would love to see a remake of that game. Get right on that polska. I will pay you two potato.
Scene and emo girls.
Is that Annie from Splatoon?
Yahoo messenger and yahoo webcam.
"Soft land breeds soft men"
Just let us revel as a soldier amidst a storm of fury and fire in a Great War remembers his family and past one last time.
We are teetering on the brink of destruction, let's us remember better times while we still can.
When they took everything else, the past is all we have left.
>Not giving a shit
>high school
>making $20/hr after tax at 15 while all loser friends didn't make anything
>meeting emo grillz on myspace
>freedom on the Internets
>normies didn't blog or do any shit online
>no progressive sjw garbage
>no hipsters
Some of the best shit senpai
It was still pretty sweet though
I remember them making a big deal about that Hurricane Katrina shit and also that was when all of the anti-iraq war and sadam hussein shit was at it's peak.
Around 2007 there was a noticeable decline in American culture, which before that was already in decline post-911, and before that in decline since the 60s really. 2007 is when social media became big, the internet became fully mainstream (although it was already pretty mainstream for 5 years prior), cell phones became standard and the smart phone age was starting, anti-conservatism was at a total fever pitch which we are still amidst today, marketing became even more obnoxious and cucked, affirmative action was starting to really be felt, the amount of non-whites in media and entertainment started spiking dramatically, so on and so on. And look at the mess we have a decade later.
>tfw you realize the illuminati and the NWO are the good guys
Playing Age of Empires II.
Being a carefree child. No school. No getting bullied and tormented by niggers and beaners for being whiter than them. No strict schedules and stress-causing routines.
Also, about being a child: being mostly oblivious to arguments in my family and not being smart enough to realize that my family is full of subhuman excrement.
Time seemed to pass more slowly. Staying up late at night seemed like an impossible journey across oceans of time. Today, days and nights cross over into each other without me even realizing it. My sleep schedule is fucked so I sometimes wake up without knowing what fucking day it even is. Every day is a chore full of uncertainties and stress.
Watching my favorite shows on Cartoon Network and Nickelodeon.
Watching Scooby-Doo, Jackie Chan Adventures, Dora the Explorer (inb4 spic), and the Bear in the Big Blue House before 9/11. No paranoia or hatred of a distant, unreachable enemy.
Having a country where whites were more than 70% of the population and where a white Republican male could win the presidency.
Innocence: fun times without a single element of sexual urges or their related degeneracy.
Also bionicles
The Republicans retook the senate in 2014. If Trump plays his cards right we can get the first Republican president in 8 years and reverse Obama's bullshit.
If not, have fun with permanent Democrat rule. They'll change the demographics to the point where NO Republican can be elected.
Holy shit. I remember pulling an all-nighter until sunrise was considered intense. Now it's normal, even with a job.