She got thicc

she got thicc

That nice puffy cunny... my god

>still no waist
>still no ass

Why does she keep wearing these ugly pants?
She always looks ridiculous

Somewhere in a barrio apartment, a poor mexican valet just woke up in a cold sweat and began vomiting uncontrollably

>intentionally wearing a camel toe so you get talked about

that's how you know you're over

she has no fashion sense. look at the shit she wears to events. doesnt look good and doesnt make her body look good. just really really bad. she needs to hire a fashion adviser

She's bulking

Looks comfy.

>mfw that little guy actually exists and wakes up every day and lives a normal human life

its surreal. he feels like a cartoon character.

He'll grow up to be a supervillain one day.

>work in L.A.
>see lots of Hollywood stars
>... without makeup or cgi body double
>get ptsd

she's going to take up a career as a arena football linebacker

What is her obsession with having a predominate camel toe?

i want to snif her hairy fat pusy

I don't know but it's wonderful.

This is my fetish


What is this fetish called?

No one on this board would know "thicc" if they tripped over it, landed on it and it helped them back on their feet.

If you've got it, flaunt it.

Stuffing/weight gain/belly, search up "nikki wrecks her diet" if you want the source of the image.
Have fun you degenerate fuck.

damn that is one big pussy


Puffy? You don't know shit about dick, mother fucker.

Just do porn already, the whole world has seen your fucking knicker-sausages a thousand times.

You mean "fatt" you disgusting weeb virgin

Whatever helps you sleep at night, faggot.


Disgusting heap of lard

Someone's projecting.

You mean fat.

how can you confuse fat and thicc this much? stop posting your whale of a gf

I see girls wear tights everyday of my life and she is the only one who has obvious cameltoes, what the fuck is wrong with her?

Reverse psychology only works if you remind me how much of a virgin I am.

Is she contractually bound to show off her cameltoe whenever she is outside ?

Some vaginas are long. I'm guessing she has a long innie.

stop posting this obese cow, faggot

stop posting your whale of a gf, virgin


Doing it wrong.

Atta boy!

You know, if this girl is too fat for you, maybe consider having sex with men or children. OH WAIT.



>every single photo has her on her knees because sitting down would reveal her numerous rolls of fat
>push up bra, the actually titflesh you see is essentially the entire titty
>no face because ugly
this is a 10/10 in amerilard

She's like the pudgy american version of Bai Ling, but with no actual nudity.

Low-tier exhibitionist.

Please forgive me, Sup Forums! I forgot how all of you are buffed up alpha males that conquer pussy every day of every week of every month of every year! Should I find skinnier girls for you to rub your massive 2 inch dicks to?

fucking this

>that cameltoe
fuck me right now

>no face because ugly

user, if you want to see a face pic, all you gotta do is ask, you don't have to be insecure about it.

I can pump her full of cum while you watch.

10/10 finnish male. 100% finngolian genes

>it's a you go down on Piggu and you have to spit out sweatpant lint avery 2 minutes episode

Oh it's a bloke. Nevermind, user. Enjoy the rest of your image dump.

>being this thirsty
You're almost as bad as the guy posting the moonfaced landwhale ITT.

Just because your gf is ugly as fuck doesn't mean you have to offload blame on everyone else, chum

Implying you're her bf. We all know you're her.

I like you, but stap it, I need to conserve my seed for tomorrow. I'm cooking souper for my aunt.

>Oh it's a bloke.

>Homme poster
Don't think much of their latest single. How about you, lad?



Bloke? Is this what we've reduced ourselves to now?

someday she will make a man happy

Sorry, not into that cuckolding shit like the rest of you are.

Not that guy, but same for me.

anyway, I am excited for the LP

non-political-bullshit Homme will forever be
> my guy

i think you have confused Sup Forums with /r/poltically incorrect. Those redditors love camwhores and you can ride off brittany ventis fame

>Don't think much of their latest single.
That's too bad. I will say, the bass could be louder, Jon Theodore could've implemented cymbals more into the drum track, and the guitars could have been a bit more heavy sounding because they sound a bit hollow, but that's kind of what they want. I don't mind it at the end of the day. The Way You Used to, The Evil Has Landed, and the snippet of Feet Don't Fail Me are still good enough to me to keep me excited for the album to come out.

Good, she might be finally able to achieve a feminine figure.

I fucked a fatty the other week, shit is fun

I love to smash fat ugly whores too but atleast im honest with myself.

Are you actually suggesting that there's no political influence on this board? Did you just start posting here?

Alright faggots, I'm running out of non nudes and I don't know that I want to get banned because of you asswipes. So wrap up your little fap.

I know this girl

>diet coke

She needs it

hes probably since been deported and then beheaded

hes parking chariots now


>non-political-bullshit Homme will forever be
Yeah that's pretty cool of him to stay away from politics even though his friend Jessie Hughes is very vocal about that type of shit.

I met her irl. She smeels really bad.

I was able to reproduce her scent using household items.

Take a small leaking battery, put it in a glass of water for 30 seconds. Take it out and put a few drops of Worcestershire sauce in the glass. Stir. Put a half teaspoon of balsamic vinegar, stir again.

Put the galss in the microwave and heat it up for 1 minute at max temp.

Take the glass out (be careful) and put 1/4 teaspoon of ricin oil in it. Top it all of with a tablespoon of fresh Durian juice.

How about this for honest, faggot. If no one in this thread wanted to see more of what I'm posting, they would ignore me and yet I'm getting more attention than anyone else here.

You niggers are in such denial that it's sickening.

>panties in XXL and still too small
Lmao, Americans are the wurst

fucking lel

>wearing sweatpants outside of your home

jesus christ

>2 bottles of Diet Coke on the nightstand (!) for midnight feeding
>first one is already empty, second half gone
That's how you lose weight in the us of a

>says science

Virgins on Sup Forums are hurting my feewings. I'll never get to sleep tonight.

>and yet I'm getting more attention than anyone else here
maybe because every other post ITT is you spamming this fat whore
>"y-y-you're just in denial!!! y-you like f-fatties t-t-too!!!"

She's fat though dude, that's not thicc.

Keep samefagging. It'll make you look like you're really hitting the point home.

>e-every kind of a-attention I-is good Intention, right guise?? :(
Begone fupa

If you want to smash piggies go ahead, but stop trying to lie to yourself, theyre fat and ugly, youre doing them a favour.

You're not supposed to feed them after midnight!

das wat i'm talkin bout

Personally, I think she's cute and sexy.

But I would also smash Precious from the novel Push by Sapphire, so...

>did this come out of a FRIDGEBODY
>yes chef
>fucken hell

>being a "buffed up alpha male that conquer pussy every day of every week of every month of every year!" is anons ideal value of a man
That's pathetic bro. You're better than that.

I'm only replying to people replying to me, actually.

You're in denial about her being fat. You know you're full of shit and you hide behind your veil to maintain...whatever it is you think you're maintaining. It's cool man, you can jerk off, your friends at Sup Forums won't blame you.


This is actually true. Haven't you heard the expression, "Even bad press is still press"?

Nice typo by the way. Mobile poster? I hate you.

Describe one attribute of this girl that is ugly or fat.

apologize you retards, I look fine now

If you just stare at her head, it looks like it's been cgi'd onto some guys body

Just working with what you give me, bro.

Remember, on the internet, no one knows you're a dog.

I didn't give you shit user, but that's a truly horrible metric to base your personal values on. You're happy with who you're posting so stop replying to peeps trying to bring ya down

Its one thing to have a chubby fetish, its a whole nother thing to think its normal.
Where you raised without a daddy?

>having a fetish isn't normal
what did he mean by this?

Well if anything, liking overweight chicks like the user ITT clearly does is pretty common. I have a few friends who like their women heavier, and it's not really a big deal. Shit like scat fetishes aren't normal.

I don't even know the person I'm posting, hahaha. I just like stirring up shit on shitty boards. This is probably the worst board on Sup Forums, which is saying a lot, so I thought I'd come here and and see how many jimmies I could rustle.

There we go with that projecting again. It's okay, user, someone loves you out there.